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Let’s Rewrite Our Love Story, Ms Summer Frost

Chapter 87
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Chapter 87 Summer Frost POV The sound of my ringing phone wokeup from my deep and tired sleep, and I lazily reached for it. I made sure to check who the caller was before answering. I didn't want to mistakenly answer Mr. Miller's call.

"Chloe?" I lazily and tiredly sat up on the bed, yawning. The bright sunlight penetrating the window was all I needed to know that I woke up late.

"Ma'am... How are you? Are you fine? I've been worried sick about you. Are you fine over there?" Chloe's worried voice sounded from the other end, and I nodded tiredly.

"Yes, Chloe. I'm fine. Thank you," She breathed out.

"You should stay over there for stnow. Mr. Miller summonedthis morning, and I'll soon be on my way. I guess he wants to askof your whereabouts. You should lie low for now, and put off your location so he won't be able to trace you. He is angry and disappointed," "Hmm. Thank you, darling. I will do that," A smile formed on my lips as I reclined tiredly on the mattress, rubbing my eyes gently.

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"What about the kids? How are they? They should stay at hfor a few days also. I think Mr. Miller would go to the kids school to get them if they go to school. So it's better they stay at hfor now," She suggested, and I slowly nodded.

"I will do that. Thank you, darling," "I got to go now, ma'am. I'll call you later when I get back from Mr. Miller's. Stay safe over there," The call ended afterwards, and I exhaled deeply.

It was already late in the morning, so I put my phone away and left for the bathroom to have a long and relaxing bath.

A smile formed on my lips as the incident from yesterday replayed in my head. I was filled with gratitude that Xander cto save me, but then, I could not show him how excited I was.

'I will protect you' I giggled briefly as those words replayed in my head.

I changed into one of Xander's clothes when I walked back into the room.

My phone beeped with a notification on the screen just when I was getting ready to leave the room, so I hesitantly reached for the phone and unlocked it.

"I didn't put it off last night..." I muttered when I realised that my data connection was left on all through the night. By now, tons of messages and notifications were displayed on the screen.

"The popular surgeon, Ms. Summer Frost, dumped her boyfriend at their engagement party and ran away with another man' A scoff tore through my throat after I read the trending news on the internet.

I was going to ignore the news, knowing there were going to be tons of negative comments without them knowing what really happened, but something caught my attention.

'Could it be true that she was really married to Mr. Xander Hughes? That news wasn't a lie?' Attached to the comment, was a link. I wasn't the type to click on any link I see on the internet, but I could not ignore this one as my curiosity kicked in, so I clicked on it.

'It is confirmed! Ms. Summer Frost and Mr. Xander were couples!' Was the news headline. Attached to the news, were pictures of Xander and myself from a couple of weeks ago that we bumped into eachother at a party Mr. Miller sentto.

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As I scrolled through my phone, my jaw dropped at the different things I saw on the internet. I had no idea there was ever an article about what happened between Xander's family and myself in the past, but everything was on the internet. How cI never knew about this? 'I'm finally getting everything in place now. Technically, Mr. Xander and Ms. Summer were married, but his evil Mom caused their separation, and now, Mr. Xander wants her back. Ms. Summer running away with him on her engagement day proves that she hasn't gotten over him' 'This is sickening. Everyone involved in this shit are crazy. My question is, has this lady in question ever cheated on the said husband? If not, then he is a jerk for not confirming everything and just went ahead to throw her out, and Ms. Summer must be crazy if she think of going back to that kind of a man again' 'I have no idea what people's definition of love really is, because this is crazy. If I was a woman, I won't ever give a man who never trustedand believed mere papers without confirmation, another chance. She should wise up. That man will definitely hurt her again' 'The husband was a jerk for not getting his facts right before jumping into conclusion. Most wealthy people are shallow-minded, and that sucks about them. I would never think of going back to such a disgusting man' 'Y'all talking about Mr. Xander, what about his Mom? Why would anyone do that to their own child? She doesn't deserve to be called a Mom. If I was her child, I'm disowning her right away. I can't call someone I'm not proud of, my Mom' 'The article was taken down after a reporter published it a few days ago. If you ask me, I think it has something to do with Hughes family. They must've threatened or paid him to take it down. Very disgusting people' I could only read a few of the comments, which hadwondering how they got this piece of information, but then, nothing is hidden especially for social media. They would always find their way around things unless they are not ready for it.

I was about to go offline when a message from Instagram popped in my phone.

'Your type is the one making men look down on women. It's because of someone like you men think they can do anything they want with women and ccrawling back later for forgiveness, and gets forgiven just like that. I used to look up to you, but not anymore. You disgust me!' It felt like a dagger was drilled into my heart as I read the message from someone I didn't even know. I was yet to get over it when another one from another user cin.

'Stop making men look down on women! You can do better' Tears welled up in my eyes and soon poured down my cheeks as mym fingers slowly clenched tightly around the phone. It felt like my heart was being torn into pieces. I always thought intecyber bullying didn't have much on one's emotions, but now that I was in the ssituation, I realised how hard it must've been on people who were subjected to cyber bullying. "I'm not disgusting... I'm not making men look down on women... I just love him. I'm not what you all say I am," I shook my head in denial as more tears poured down my cheeks.

'I just love him. I didn't do anything wrong. I'm not making men look down on women. I'm not making men think they can get away with m hurting women. I really didn't@d anything wrong 1 shook my 1 head with tears pouring down my cheeks as my trembling fingers typed those words in my phone, ready to reply the person, but just when I was about to click on 'send' icon, someone snatched my phone from me. I snapped my head up, and there was Lisa, standing in front ofand looking down at me. Chapter 87 ROOT "You don't have to explain yourself to them, Summer. You didn't do anything wrong..." She paused as she long pressed a button on my phone which I presumed she was wiping away the texts.

She looked atand smiled.

"You are not disgusting. It's not a crto do this. Don't listen to whatever shit they are saying. You didn't do anything wrong," She crouched down in front ofand gavean assuring smile as she cupped my cheek in her palm and wiped my tears with her thumb.

"Everything will be fine. I promise," She pulledinto her arms and embracedtightly, patting my back slowly while I whimpered...