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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1006
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The news was shocking, in a way.

When the Williamses finally heard about it, the rush of excitement they felt was almost too much for them to


It was almost beyond the realm of possibility to think that John’s mysterious boss was the big shot behind the Lewis


It was a well-known fact by now that whoever was backing the Lewis family had eyes and ears throughout Atheville.

The law bent itself backwards and sideways for this mysterious person. It was even rumored that if he so deSired, a

flick of his fingers and a nudge of his considerable resources would see an instant promotion of some lucky soul to


And now, the Williamses had caught the attention of this mysterious big shot.

The day that the Williams family would rise again was coming soon. Very soon.

It went without saying that the Williamses started treating John with even more warmth and enthusiasm than they

ever did before.

Lucille, the matriarch of the Williams family, asked carefully, “John, how are you going to confront Zeke?”

“To be honest,” John said somberly, “the mutual hatred between my boss and Zeke goes beyond normal human

comprehension. I’m afraid that even Zeke’s death won’t be enough to satisfy my boss’ hatred of him.”

John exhaled a lingering sigh. “My boss is going to make his life a living hell.”

Lucille seemed almost too eager for details. “Pray, tell me more about it.”

“According to our information, Zeke’s only priority is his wife, Lacey Hinton. He cares for her deeply.”

The sudden smile on John’s face was unpleasant. “Suppose his wife is unfortunately involved in a fatal accident. I

think we can both agree that Zeke would literally die of heartbreak, wouldn’t he?”

“That’s very true.” Lucille nodded her agreement immediately. “He’s besotted with that woman. He would do

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anything for her and if one of them must die, Zeke would sacrifice himself without a second thought.”

John nodded slowly. “In any case, I’ll still need the Williamses’ help if we’re going to handle Lacey.”

Lucille was quick to voice her opinion. “If killing Zeke can restore the Williams family’s freedom, we’ll gladly do

anything, even if it means going through hell or high water.”

John snorted. “It’s nothing so complicated. I just need your family to invite Lacey over for dinner, alone. Leave the

rest to me.”

Lucille smiled. “That won’t be a problem. I can handle it.”

At this moment, in the headquarters of Trust Media, Lacey was busy weathering a seemingly endless mountain of


Linton Group’s plans to move their company headquarters to Atheville were fast coming to fruition, and she had

been actively engaged with the endeavor for the past two days straight.

The new head of the Williams family had generously donated one of their buildings to Linton Group for them to use

as their new headquarters.

Lacey had to go to the new building for the handover process and settle all the relevant application documents.

Just as she arrived at the Williams family building, she saw Lucille leading the rest of the Williamses out of the


Her heart jumped into her throat.

She knew about the tangled and complicated mess between her husband and his own family. One thing was for

sure, the Williams family wanted nothing to do with both Zeke and her.

Considering the company owned by her family had now occupied a Williams family building, she was certain that

the Williamses hated her more than ever.

However, Lacey was not prepared for the Williamses’ warm reception when they approached her.

Even Lucille greeted her warmly without any prompting, “Lacey, dear, you’re here to oversee the handover process

of this building, aren’t you?”

Lacey nodded mutely. Seeing her agreement, Lucille continued, “Great! I’ve prepared all the relevant documents

and agreements relating to the process, so how about we go to a nearby hotel and discuss it over lunch?”

Still processing the sudden warmth shown by the Williamses, Lacey wondered if this was how it felt to have a

normal grandmother-in-law. She was not too naive to just accept that her husband’s family would suddenly treat

her like this without another motive.

In fact, the Williamses had been cold toward her whenever they met in the past two days.

It would be impolite for her to refuse their hospitality, even if their kind offer came at a price. That being said, she

still had to settle the terms of agreement for Linton Group’s use of the Williams family building.

Warily, she accepted their offer of lunch.

The Williams family had already made arrangements for a meal at a nearby five-star hotel. As a lavish feast was

laid out on the table, they discussed the terms of agreement for the handover, and Lacey braced herself for round

after round of bargaining.

Much to her surprise, both parties signed the agreement after barely ten minutes.

Concluded with the negotiations, the atmosphere of the room quickly cooled to sub-zero. Lacey expected nothing

less—there were no words between the Williamses and her outside of business, after all.

She decided to take her leave before the situation could get any more uncomfortable. Rising from her seat, she

thanked the Williams family, “Thank you for the warm welcome and the splendid meal. I am very grateful we could

agree on the terms as well. If there’s nothing else to attend to, I need to return to my company. Zeke and I will

treat you all to dinner next time.”

However, the Williams family insisted that she stay.

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Lacey felt inexplicably suspicious.

As she stayed, she wondered why the Williams family wanted her to wait here.

What are they waiting for?

Still processing the sudden wormth shown by the Williomses, Locey wondered if this wos how it felt to hove o

normol grondmother-in-low. She wos not too noive to just occept thot her husbond’s fomily would suddenly treot

her like this without onother motive.

In foct, the Williomses hod been cold toword her whenever they met in the post two doys.

It would be impolite for her to refuse their hospitolity, even if their kind offer come ot o price. Thot being soid, she

still hod to settle the terms of ogreement for Linton Group’s use of the Willioms fomily building.

Worily, she occepted their offer of lunch.

The Willioms fomily hod olreody mode orrongements for o meol ot o neorby five-stor hotel. As o lovish feost wos

loid out on the toble, they discussed the terms of ogreement for the hondover, ond Locey broced herself for round

ofter round of borgoining.

Much to her surprise, both porties signed the ogreement ofter borely ten minutes.

Concluded with the negotiotions, the otmosphere of the room quickly cooled to sub-zero. Locey expected nothing

less—there were no words between the Williomses ond her outside of business, ofter oll.

She decided to toke her leove before the situotion could get ony more uncomfortoble. Rising from her seot, she

thonked the Willioms fomily, “Thonk you for the worm welcome ond the splendid meol. I om very groteful we could

ogree on the terms os well. If there’s nothing else to ottend to, I need to return to my compony. Zeke ond I will

treot you oll to dinner next time.”

However, the Willioms fomily insisted thot she stoy.

Locey felt inexplicobly suspicious.

As she stoyed, she wondered why the Willioms fomily wonted her to woit here.

Whot ore they woiting for?