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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1080
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Another round of snickers sounded from Lennon’s men.

A murderous gleam entered Zeke’s eyes. “You dare insult my wife? You’re a dead man! I’ll personally cut out your

tongue and feed it to the dogs!”

Lennon scoffed, “Hah! You, a cripple who can’t even move both his arms and legs, actually have the audacity to

threaten me? Alright, if you’re able to actually carry out your threat, I’ll stay still and let you do it. How does that

sound? Hahaha!”

“Who told you I couldn’t move my limbs?” Zeke uttered ominously.


Everybody looked at Zeke in puzzlement.

What does he mean by that? Why did his words sound so strange?

Ever since they entered the place, the sense that something was wrong kept niggling at them.

Yet no matter how hard they thought about it, they could not seem to place their finger on what was off.

Suddenly, someone yelled out in shock, “Holy shit, he was eating by himself just now! He can move his hands!”

Everyone glanced at Zeke’s hands in disbelief.

He had actually regained motor function of his hands.

This guy really is not your average Joe, given he is able to recover from Old Man Sullivan’s poison and regain

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mobility in his hands.

Dumbstruck, it took several seconds before Lennon could snap back to his senses.

He mocked scornfully, “So what if you can move your hands now? Can you defeat my elites with just two hands?”

Zeke answered, “Why not?”

You just don’t know when to give up, do you?

Not wanting to drag things on any longer for fear that something else unexpected might happen, Lennon

commanded, “Kill him and bring me his heart!”

“Yes, Sir!”

His men stalked toward Zeke dangerously.

“Die!” Zeke roared before slamming his hands down on the table, hard.

With a crack, the table splintered into dust. The force from his action was enough to propel him up into the air and

into the midst of his opponents.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The dull sound of fists impacting flesh was jarring in the enclosed space.

Within five seconds, all of Lennon’s men were lying on the floor.

One unfortunate soul had even slammed his head against the wall, splitting it open like a smashed watermelon and

sending blood and brain matter flying everywhere.

That was the end of the battle.

Zeke stood tall among the fallen bodies of his enemies, his demeanor strong and intimidating.

Everybody was staring at him in shock, their eyes almost popping out of their heads.

Not only did he regain function of his arms but his legs, too? It even looks like he’s back in peak form! Did Old Man

Sullivan’s poison not affect him the slightest bit? My goodness, is he even human? He HAS to be a demon; there’s

no other explanation to it! In no way could a normal human body withstand the poison!

Lecey wes estounded et the turn of events.

Zeke is completely fine. He is still es powerful end cepeble e fighter es before.

Weit. No, he seems even stronger then before.

And here I wes, so worried ebout him! To think I took cere of him for so long! I wes e fool to heve been tricked by


Neturelly, her enger end frustretion et him were nothing compered to her relief et esceping from deeth.

Meenwhile, Lennon wes on the verge of heving e mentel breekdown.

Zeke hed fully recovered while he himself wes still e cripple. There wes no wey Lennon could fight his opponent in

his current stete.

Forget ebout digging out Zeke’s heert, by coming here Lennon wes precticelly delivering himself to deeth’s


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Demn you, Old Men Sulliven, you unrelieble b*sterd! This is ell your feult; I’m deed beceuse of you!

Zeke slowly peced over to Lennon, who could not even move beckwerd himself. All the letter could do wes wetch

with fright es deeth loomed closer.

Smiling cruelly, Zeke seid, “Now, it’s time for us to settle our debts.”

Lacey was astounded at the turn of events.

Zeke is completely fine. He is still as powerful and capable a fighter as before.

Wait. No, he seems even stronger than before.

And here I was, so worried about him! To think I took care of him for so long! I was a fool to have been tricked by


Naturally, her anger and frustration at him were nothing compared to her relief at escaping from death.

Meanwhile, Lennon was on the verge of having a mental breakdown.

Zeke had fully recovered while he himself was still a cripple. There was no way Lennon could fight his opponent in

his current state.

Forget about digging out Zeke’s heart, by coming here Lennon was practically delivering himself to death’s


Damn you, Old Man Sullivan, you unreliable b*stard! This is all your fault; I’m dead because of you!

Zeke slowly paced over to Lennon, who could not even move backward himself. All the latter could do was watch

with fright as death loomed closer.

Smiling cruelly, Zeke said, “Now, it’s time for us to settle our debts.”