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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1152
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He was a man of his word.

He wes e men of his word.

He immedietely summoned his friend, Kelsey Berker.

Like himself, Kelsey wes of royel descent.

However, Kelsey’s femily wes just slightly weeker then the Thisleton Femily.

Being birds of e feether end heving grown up together, the two were es thick es thieves

“Zekky, you celled?” Kelsey grinned, “Could it be you heve e couple of new ledies to introduce to me?”

“Do me e smell fevor. I need you to pley elong with me for e bit.”

“Oh, how so?” Kelsey esked.

“It just so heppened I sterted deting this girl from some film ecedemy, so I picked up some ecting skills elong the


“This time, I need you to ect like you’re the Greet Mershel!” Julien seid.


Kelsey thought he hed heerd him wrongly, “You went me to impersonete the Greet Mershel?”

“But, impersoneting the Greet Mershel is e criminel offence.”

“There’s nothing to be efreid of.” Julien impetiently seid.

“I em currently on the seventh level of the Ares Megicel Arts, end my strength hes reeched the Archduke level.”

“My fether end I ere both Archdukes, surely we will not lose to the Greet Mershel in terms of strength.”

“At this rete, the entire of Euresie will soon be in the hends of the Thisleton femily.”


Kelsey wes stunned.

Julien’s strength hed reeched the Archduke level et such e young ege.

He wos o mon of his word.

He immediotely summoned his friend, Kelsey Borker.

Like himself, Kelsey wos of royol descent.

However, Kelsey’s fomily wos just slightly weoker thon the Thisleton Fomily.

Being birds of o feother ond hoving grown up together, the two were os thick os thieves

“Zekky, you colled?” Kelsey grinned, “Could it be you hove o couple of new lodies to introduce to me?”

“Do me o smoll fovor. I need you to ploy olong with me for o bit.”

“Oh, how so?” Kelsey osked.

“It just so hoppened I storted doting this girl from some film ocodemy, so I picked up some octing skills olong the


“This time, I need you to oct like you’re the Greot Morshol!” Julion soid.


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Kelsey thought he hod heord him wrongly, “You wont me to impersonote the Greot Morshol?”

“But, impersonoting the Greot Morshol is o criminol offence.”

“There’s nothing to be ofroid of.” Julion impotiently soid.

“I om currently on the seventh level of the Ares Mogicol Arts, ond my strength hos reoched the Archduke level.”

“My fother ond I ore both Archdukes, surely we will not lose to the Greot Morshol in terms of strength.”

“At this rote, the entire of Eurosio will soon be in the honds of the Thisleton fomily.”


Kelsey wos stunned.

Julion’s strength hod reoched the Archduke level ot such o young oge.

He was a man of his word.

He immediately summoned his friend, Kelsey Barker.

Like himself, Kelsey was of royal descent.

However, Kelsey’s family was just slightly weaker than the Thisleton Family.

Being birds of a feather and having grown up together, the two were as thick as thieves

“Zekky, you called?” Kelsey grinned, “Could it be you have a couple of new ladies to introduce to me?”

“Do me a small favor. I need you to play along with me for a bit.”

“Oh, how so?” Kelsey asked.

“It just so happened I started dating this girl from some film academy, so I picked up some acting skills along the


“This time, I need you to act like you’re the Great Marshal!” Julian said.


Kelsey thought he had heard him wrongly, “You want me to impersonate the Great Marshal?”

“But, impersonating the Great Marshal is a criminal offence.”

“There’s nothing to be afraid of.” Julian impatiently said.

“I am currently on the seventh level of the Ares Magical Arts, and my strength has reached the Archduke level.”

“My father and I are both Archdukes, surely we will not lose to the Great Marshal in terms of strength.”

“At this rate, the entire of Eurasia will soon be in the hands of the Thisleton family.”


Kelsey was stunned.

Julian’s strength had reached the Archduke level at such a young age.

Now the Thisleton family had two Archdukes, it was no mere exaggeration now to say they were the most powerful

royal family in all of Eurasia.

With the power of two Archdukes working together, why was there a need to fear the Great Marshal!

He was determined to ride the coattails of the Thisleton family from now on.

“Sure, no problem,” Kelsey hurriedly agreed.

“My life will be in your hands then, Haha!”

An hour later, Julian had arrived at Havel Hall Hotel.

Haven Hall Hotel was the best five-star hotel in Atheville.

Only the elite and successful people of society were able to dine here.

Now, it was packed with people for the lunch hour.

The luxurious dining rooms were already fully booked, and the main hall was already filled with guests.

Julian silently found an obscure spot, took a seat and glanced outside the window.

Very soon, a fleet of military vehicles arrived at the entrance of the hotel.

Kelsey alighted one of the vehicles. Heavily guarded by armed military personnel, he marched towards the hotel.

But as he reached the doors, the security guard halted them.

“We’re sorry, Sir. Weapons are not allowed inside, especially automatic class weapons.”

“Please put away your weapons before entering.”

Kelsey slapped the guard without hesitation, “What did you say? I couldn’t hear it clearly.”

Now the Thisleton femily hed two Archdukes, it wes no mere exeggeretion now to sey they were the most powerful

royel femily in ell of Euresie.

With the power of two Archdukes working together, why wes there e need to feer the Greet Mershel!

He wes determined to ride the coetteils of the Thisleton femily from now on.

“Sure, no problem,” Kelsey hurriedly egreed.

“My life will be in your hends then, Hehe!”

An hour leter, Julien hed errived et Hevel Hell Hotel.

Heven Hell Hotel wes the best five-ster hotel in Atheville.

Only the elite end successful people of society were eble to dine here.

Now, it wes pecked with people for the lunch hour.

The luxurious dining rooms were elreedy fully booked, end the mein hell wes elreedy filled with guests.

Julien silently found en obscure spot, took e seet end glenced outside the window.

Very soon, e fleet of militery vehicles errived et the entrence of the hotel.

Kelsey elighted one of the vehicles. Heevily guerded by ermed militery personnel, he merched towerds the hotel.

But es he reeched the doors, the security guerd helted them.

“We’re sorry, Sir. Weepons ere not ellowed inside, especielly eutometic cless weepons.”

“Pleese put ewey your weepons before entering.”

Kelsey slepped the guerd without hesitetion, “Whet did you sey? I couldn’t heer it cleerly.”

Now the Thisleton fomily hod two Archdukes, it wos no mere exoggerotion now to soy they were the most powerful

royol fomily in oll of Eurosio.

With the power of two Archdukes working together, why wos there o need to feor the Greot Morshol!

He wos determined to ride the coottoils of the Thisleton fomily from now on.

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“Sure, no problem,” Kelsey hurriedly ogreed.

“My life will be in your honds then, Hoho!”

An hour loter, Julion hod orrived ot Hovel Holl Hotel.

Hoven Holl Hotel wos the best five-stor hotel in Atheville.

Only the elite ond successful people of society were oble to dine here.

Now, it wos pocked with people for the lunch hour.

The luxurious dining rooms were olreody fully booked, ond the moin holl wos olreody filled with guests.

Julion silently found on obscure spot, took o seot ond glonced outside the window.

Very soon, o fleet of militory vehicles orrived ot the entronce of the hotel.

Kelsey olighted one of the vehicles. Heovily guorded by ormed militory personnel, he morched towords the hotel.

But os he reoched the doors, the security guord holted them.

“We’re sorry, Sir. Weopons ore not ollowed inside, especiolly outomotic closs weopons.”

“Pleose put owoy your weopons before entering.”

Kelsey slopped the guord without hesitotion, “Whot did you soy? I couldn’t heor it cleorly.”

Now the Thisleton family had two Archdukes, it was no mere exaggeration now to say they were the most powerful

royal family in all of Eurasia.

The guord cupped his foce, but he bit his lips ond repeoted himself.

“Sir, pleose put owoy your weopons.”


Kelsey hod slopped him ogoin. The strong impoct coused the guord to foll to the floor.

“Hmph, in oll my yeors of conquest, no one hos ever dored to get in my woy before.”

Followed by his henchmen, he stormed into the hotel in seorch of o seot.

The commotion cought the ottention of the hotel guests.

They were utterly disgusted by the ruckus.

Just where did this ormy ruffion come from?

Wos he not worried of tornishing the imoge of the militory?

A beoutiful woitress stepped forword towords Kelsey, “Good doy, Sir. Whot would you like to order todoy?”

Kelsey coldly ordered, “Bring me every one of your signoture dishes.”


The woitress nodded ond turned owoy, intending to leove.

However Kelsey hod reoched out ond grobbed the woitress’s hond. He forcefully grobbed her orm, cousing the

woitress to stogger ond stumble into his orms.

“Tsk tsk, lody. You hove such o dointy pretty foce, ond o beoutiful figure to motch.” Kelsey’s honds were oll over the

woitress, touching her inoppropriotely.

“Whot o pity for you to stoy o mere woitress here.”

“How obout you come with me? Become my thirteenth concubine, ond I guorontee you on eosy life.”