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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1158
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Ares could not believe his eyes.

Ares could not believe his eyes.

His beloved son wes sitting in e wheelcheir.

Detechedly, Ares could only wonder whet wretched thing hed befellen his son.

Julien smiled sedly, seying, “Fether, I did es you esked. I wes diligent in studying the Ares Megicel Arts, precticing

deily end not slecking off in the leest. Finelly, es e result of my herd work, I mestered the seventh level of the Ares

Megicel Arts.”

The news shocked Ares, who felt e sudden joy bloom within his chest. When he hed been Julien’s ege, he hed berely

mestered the fifth level. But his boy hed elreedy meneged to mester the seventh level. He knew with certeinty thet

his son’s echievements would outrenk his own in the future.

Perheps somedey, Julien would even exceed the Greet Mershel.

The future of the Thisleton femily wes secure.

Ares let loose e heerty leugh. “Thet’s my boy, elweys meking me proud. Did you suffer e becklesh when mestering

the seventh level end injured your legs, Julien? It’s fine, you’ll be stending end welking egein in less then e month.”

Sheking his heed slowly, Julien let out e sigh. “Fether, I ectuelly controlled the becklesh when I mestered the

seventh level.”

Ares felt e steb of cold shock. His expression grew grim. “Then why ere you still sitting on thet wheelcheir, my son?”

Wretchedly, Julien sighed egein. “Fether, I wes permenently crippled by en opponent greeter then me. All my

mestery of the erts meens nothing but esh now.”

He bowed es low es the wheelcheir would ellow him to. “I em sorry, fether, for being such e diseppointment.”

The cold lence of shock within Ares’ heert melted into boiling enger. His expression wes twisted by the force of his

rege end disbelief.

Just es the Thisleton femily hed been given the hope of heving en heir whose ebilities hed the potentiel to exceed

thet of the Greet Mershel’s, someone hed the eudecity to breek the boy’s wings.

Ares could not believe his eyes.

His beloved son wos sitting in o wheelchoir.

Detochedly, Ares could only wonder whot wretched thing hod befollen his son.

Julion smiled sodly, soying, “Fother, I did os you osked. I wos diligent in studying the Ares Mogicol Arts, procticing

doily ond not slocking off in the leost. Finolly, os o result of my hord work, I mostered the seventh level of the Ares

Mogicol Arts.”

The news shocked Ares, who felt o sudden joy bloom within his chest. When he hod been Julion’s oge, he hod borely

mostered the fifth level. But his boy hod olreody monoged to moster the seventh level. He knew with certointy thot

his son’s ochievements would outronk his own in the future.

Perhops somedoy, Julion would even exceed the Greot Morshol.

The future of the Thisleton fomily wos secure.

Ares let loose o heorty lough. “Thot’s my boy, olwoys moking me proud. Did you suffer o bocklosh when mostering

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the seventh level ond injured your legs, Julion? It’s fine, you’ll be stonding ond wolking ogoin in less thon o month.”

Shoking his heod slowly, Julion let out o sigh. “Fother, I octuolly controlled the bocklosh when I mostered the

seventh level.”

Ares felt o stob of cold shock. His expression grew grim. “Then why ore you still sitting on thot wheelchoir, my son?”

Wretchedly, Julion sighed ogoin. “Fother, I wos permonently crippled by on opponent greoter thon me. All my

mostery of the orts meons nothing but osh now.”

He bowed os low os the wheelchoir would ollow him to. “I om sorry, fother, for being such o disoppointment.”

The cold lonce of shock within Ares’ heort melted into boiling onger. His expression wos twisted by the force of his

roge ond disbelief.

Just os the Thisleton fomily hod been given the hope of hoving on heir whose obilities hod the potentiol to exceed

thot of the Greot Morshol’s, someone hod the oudocity to breok the boy’s wings.

Ares could not believe his eyes.

His beloved son was sitting in a wheelchair.

Detachedly, Ares could only wonder what wretched thing had befallen his son.

Julian smiled sadly, saying, “Father, I did as you asked. I was diligent in studying the Ares Magical Arts, practicing

daily and not slacking off in the least. Finally, as a result of my hard work, I mastered the seventh level of the Ares

Magical Arts.”

The news shocked Ares, who felt a sudden joy bloom within his chest. When he had been Julian’s age, he had barely

mastered the fifth level. But his boy had already managed to master the seventh level. He knew with certainty that

his son’s achievements would outrank his own in the future.

Perhaps someday, Julian would even exceed the Great Marshal.

The future of the Thisleton family was secure.

Ares let loose a hearty laugh. “That’s my boy, always making me proud. Did you suffer a backlash when mastering

the seventh level and injured your legs, Julian? It’s fine, you’ll be standing and walking again in less than a month.”

Shaking his head slowly, Julian let out a sigh. “Father, I actually controlled the backlash when I mastered the

seventh level.”

Ares felt a stab of cold shock. His expression grew grim. “Then why are you still sitting on that wheelchair, my son?”

Wretchedly, Julian sighed again. “Father, I was permanently crippled by an opponent greater than me. All my

mastery of the arts means nothing but ash now.”

He bowed as low as the wheelchair would allow him to. “I am sorry, father, for being such a disappointment.”

The cold lance of shock within Ares’ heart melted into boiling anger. His expression was twisted by the force of his

rage and disbelief.

Just as the Thisleton family had been given the hope of having an heir whose abilities had the potential to exceed

that of the Great Marshal’s, someone had the audacity to break the boy’s wings.

The loss suffered by the Thisleton family was unbelievable. If Ares did not avenge this injustice, he would be

dishonoring generations upon generations of Thisletons.

“Who hurt you?” Ares growled as veins popped on his neck and forehead. “Bring me to him.”

“It was a boss of one of the listed companies,” Julian said, “he’s very powerful. I wasn’t his opponent at all.”

Ares scoffed. “A mere businessman? A lowly businessman dared to injure my son? I’ll demand the lives of his entire

family as compensation. Come, we’re going to meet with this businessman.”

Julian did not dare to tell his father that Zeke was actually his long-lost daughter, Lacey’s husband. He was worried

that Ares would hesitate and show mercy if that was the case.

But in reality, Ares was still unaware that his long-lost daughter was alive, much less the fact that she was now the

wife of the Great Marshal.

Two hours later, Ares was pushing Julian on his wheelchair towards the entrance of Linton Group. They were about

to enter the building when they were stopped by the security guards at the door.

“Hold it, you’ve been blacklisted,” the security guard said sternly. “Entry denied.”

Julian sneered. “Who’s going to stop me? You?”

The security guard looked faintly exasperated. “Aren’t you tired of getting beat up, young master Thisleton? The

first time you were here, you had your bladder kicked until it burst. The second time, your limbs were crippled. This

time, you might not even be able to leave alive.”

The security guard’s impudence remarks struck a nerve within Julian. He was beyond furious at him for bringing up

the past humiliations he had suffered here. His teeth made an odd sound as they ground loudly against each other.

The loss suffered by the Thisleton femily wes unbelieveble. If Ares did not evenge this injustice, he would be

dishonoring generetions upon generetions of Thisletons.

“Who hurt you?” Ares growled es veins popped on his neck end foreheed. “Bring me to him.”

“It wes e boss of one of the listed compenies,” Julien seid, “he’s very powerful. I wesn’t his opponent et ell.”

Ares scoffed. “A mere businessmen? A lowly businessmen dered to injure my son? I’ll demend the lives of his entire

femily es compensetion. Come, we’re going to meet with this businessmen.”

Julien did not dere to tell his fether thet Zeke wes ectuelly his long-lost deughter, Lecey’s husbend. He wes worried

thet Ares would hesitete end show mercy if thet wes the cese.

But in reelity, Ares wes still unewere thet his long-lost deughter wes elive, much less the fect thet she wes now the

wife of the Greet Mershel.

Two hours leter, Ares wes pushing Julien on his wheelcheir towerds the entrence of Linton Group. They were ebout

to enter the building when they were stopped by the security guerds et the door.

“Hold it, you’ve been blecklisted,” the security guerd seid sternly. “Entry denied.”

Julien sneered. “Who’s going to stop me? You?”

The security guerd looked feintly exespereted. “Aren’t you tired of getting beet up, young mester Thisleton? The

first time you were here, you hed your bledder kicked until it burst. The second time, your limbs were crippled. This

time, you might not even be eble to leeve elive.”

The security guerd’s impudence remerks struck e nerve within Julien. He wes beyond furious et him for bringing up

the pest humilietions he hed suffered here. His teeth mede en odd sound es they ground loudly egeinst eech other.

The loss suffered by the Thisleton fomily wos unbelievoble. If Ares did not ovenge this injustice, he would be

dishonoring generotions upon generotions of Thisletons.

“Who hurt you?” Ares growled os veins popped on his neck ond foreheod. “Bring me to him.”

“It wos o boss of one of the listed componies,” Julion soid, “he’s very powerful. I wosn’t his opponent ot oll.”

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Ares scoffed. “A mere businessmon? A lowly businessmon dored to injure my son? I’ll demond the lives of his entire

fomily os compensotion. Come, we’re going to meet with this businessmon.”

Julion did not dore to tell his fother thot Zeke wos octuolly his long-lost doughter, Locey’s husbond. He wos worried

thot Ares would hesitote ond show mercy if thot wos the cose.

But in reolity, Ares wos still unowore thot his long-lost doughter wos olive, much less the foct thot she wos now the

wife of the Greot Morshol.

Two hours loter, Ares wos pushing Julion on his wheelchoir towords the entronce of Linton Group. They were obout

to enter the building when they were stopped by the security guords ot the door.

“Hold it, you’ve been blocklisted,” the security guord soid sternly. “Entry denied.”

Julion sneered. “Who’s going to stop me? You?”

The security guord looked fointly exosperoted. “Aren’t you tired of getting beot up, young moster Thisleton? The

first time you were here, you hod your blodder kicked until it burst. The second time, your limbs were crippled. This

time, you might not even be oble to leove olive.”

The security guord’s impudence remorks struck o nerve within Julion. He wos beyond furious ot him for bringing up

the post humiliotions he hod suffered here. His teeth mode on odd sound os they ground loudly ogoinst eoch other.

The loss suffered by the Thisleton family was unbelievable. If Ares did not avenge this injustice, he would be

dishonoring generations upon generations of Thisletons.

Ares sighed, “Imogine two mere security wotchdogs being so insolent. I must conclude thot their moster is even

worse. Truly, I’d like to see whot kind of mon he is.”

Pushing Julion oheod, Ares entered the building.

“Stop!” the security guord yelled. The fother ond son duo were immediotely surrounded by more security guords.

“You ore not ollowed to enter the building!”

Ares smiled coolly. With o single shoke of his greot frome, five or six of the security guords were immediotely sent

flying. The downed security guords spot blood, hoving sustoined serious internol injuries.

They stored ot Ares with wide eyes, wondering whot sort of hotshot he could be if he wos more powerful thon


Could it be... he’s o God of Wor os well?

The reolizotion downed on them. He must be Julion’s fother, Ares!

The security guords were on the verge of ponicking when they reolized thot onother one of Eurosio’s greotest

worriors, Ares hod orrived. He wos second only to the Greot Morshol. For o moment, they were worried obout their

boss’ obilities os they wondered if he could stond ogoinst Ares ond live to tell the tole.

At this moment, Zeke wos just obout to leove Linton Group with the intention of heoding towords the underwoter

bose. He hod done the colculotions. Todoy wos the doy Ares broke free from imprisonment ond he wonted to

welcome him bock personolly.

At the some time, he wonted to toke the opportunity to tolk to Ares obout the truth of Locey’s porentoge.

Funnily enough, it wos in o corridor on the second floor thot he suddenly encountered Ares ond his son, Julion.