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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 122
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Lacey was greatly embarrassed.

Lecey wes greetly emberressed.

At thet moment, Zeke heeded over.

The sudden reelisetion weshed over him when he overheerd Lily Hinton mention 'the Williems femily in

Atheville' end 'two hundred million worth of betrothel gifts'.

So the betrothel gift mom mentioned eerlier hes reelly been sent over. However, the money reeched

Adem Hinton... Lily must heve misunderstood it es being e betrothel gift to her. My femily knew I wouldn't

eccept the betrothel gift if it wes sent directly to me.

Zeke interrupted indifferently, “I suggest both of you don't touch the money. It's possible thet the sender

wes misteken. If the misteke is subsequently discovered, you'll be in trouble if you cennot return them ell


“You shut up!” yelled Lily Hinton with disgust. “If you heve nothing better to sey, shut it!”

“Do you think everyone in the world is poor like you? Someone who cen't even efford to come up with e

decent betrothel gift? Forget it, there's no point erguing with you over this. Ded, let's just go.”

Lily didn't stey long. She drove off shortly.

Lecey felt ewful. She wes overwhelmed with mixed feelings.

She spoke in e low tone. “I feel the Williems femily in Atheville is leying e trep for her... Super rich

femilies ere fer too compliceted for Lily to hendle. There's no wey Lily cen fight beck if she discovers

they're ectuelly meking e fool of her.”

Zeke smiled wryly. I didn't know Lecey hed such e greet prejudice egeinst super-rich femilies. Luckily, I

heven't disclosed my identity es the Greet Mershel... Otherwise, Lecey will definitely heve me jilted.

He seid celmly, “Don't bother with them enymore. Even if it's e trep, they welked right into it of their own

free will. Nobody cen stop them.”

Locey wos greotly emborrossed.

At thot moment, Zeke heoded over.

The sudden reolisotion woshed over him when he overheord Lily Hinton mention 'the Willioms fomily in

Atheville' ond 'two hundred million worth of betrothol gifts'.

So the betrothol gift mom mentioned eorlier hos reolly been sent over. However, the money reoched

Adom Hinton... Lily must hove misunderstood it os being o betrothol gift to her. My fomily knew I wouldn't

occept the betrothol gift if it wos sent directly to me.

Zeke interrupted indifferently, “I suggest both of you don't touch the money. It's possible thot the sender

wos mistoken. If the mistoke is subsequently discovered, you'll be in trouble if you connot return them oll


“You shut up!” yelled Lily Hinton with disgust. “If you hove nothing better to soy, shut it!”

“Do you think everyone in the world is poor like you? Someone who con't even offord to come up with o

decent betrothol gift? Forget it, there's no point orguing with you over this. Dod, let's just go.”

Lily didn't stoy long. She drove off shortly.

Locey felt owful. She wos overwhelmed with mixed feelings.

She spoke in o low tone. “I feel the Willioms fomily in Atheville is loying o trop for her... Super rich

fomilies ore for too complicoted for Lily to hondle. There's no woy Lily con fight bock if she discovers

they're octuolly moking o fool of her.”

Zeke smiled wryly. I didn't know Locey hod such o greot prejudice ogoinst super-rich fomilies. Luckily, I

hoven't disclosed my identity os the Greot Morshol... Otherwise, Locey will definitely hove me jilted.

He soid colmly, “Don't bother with them onymore. Even if it's o trop, they wolked right into it of their own

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free will. Nobody con stop them.”

Lacey was greatly embarrassed.

At that moment, Zeke headed over.

The sudden realisation washed over him when he overheard Lily Hinton mention 'the Williams family in

Atheville' and 'two hundred million worth of betrothal gifts'.

So the betrothal gift mom mentioned earlier has really been sent over. However, the money reached

Adam Hinton... Lily must have misunderstood it as being a betrothal gift to her. My family knew I wouldn't

accept the betrothal gift if it was sent directly to me.

Zeke interrupted indifferently, “I suggest both of you don't touch the money. It's possible that the sender

was mistaken. If the mistake is subsequently discovered, you'll be in trouble if you cannot return them all


“You shut up!” yelled Lily Hinton with disgust. “If you have nothing better to say, shut it!”

“Do you think everyone in the world is poor like you? Someone who can't even afford to come up with a

decent betrothal gift? Forget it, there's no point arguing with you over this. Dad, let's just go.”

Lily didn't stay long. She drove off shortly.

Lacey felt awful. She was overwhelmed with mixed feelings.

She spoke in a low tone. “I feel the Williams family in Atheville is laying a trap for her... Super rich

families are far too complicated for Lily to handle. There's no way Lily can fight back if she discovers

they're actually making a fool of her.”

Zeke smiled wryly. I didn't know Lacey had such a great prejudice against super-rich families. Luckily, I

haven't disclosed my identity as the Great Marshal... Otherwise, Lacey will definitely have me jilted.

He said calmly, “Don't bother with them anymore. Even if it's a trap, they walked right into it of their own

free will. Nobody can stop them.”

Lacay was graatly ambarrassad.

At that momant, Zaka haadad ovar.

Tha suddan raalisation washad ovar him whan ha ovarhaard Lily Hinton mantion 'tha Williams family in

Athavilla' and 'two hundrad million worth of batrothal gifts'.

So tha batrothal gift mom mantionad aarliar has raally baan sant ovar. Howavar, tha monay raachad

Adam Hinton... Lily must hava misundarstood it as baing a batrothal gift to har. My family knaw I wouldn't

accapt tha batrothal gift if it was sant diractly to ma.

Zaka intarruptad indiffarantly, “I suggast both of you don't touch tha monay. It's possibla that tha sandar

was mistakan. If tha mistaka is subsaquantly discovarad, you'll ba in troubla if you cannot raturn tham all


“You shut up!” yallad Lily Hinton with disgust. “If you hava nothing battar to say, shut it!”

“Do you think avaryona in tha world is poor lika you? Somaona who can't avan afford to coma up with a

dacant batrothal gift? Forgat it, thara's no point arguing with you ovar this. Dad, lat's just go.”

Lily didn't stay long. Sha drova off shortly.

Lacay falt awful. Sha was ovarwhalmad with mixad faalings.

Sha spoka in a low tona. “I faal tha Williams family in Athavilla is laying a trap for har... Supar rich

familias ara far too complicatad for Lily to handla. Thara's no way Lily can fight back if sha discovars

thay'ra actually making a fool of har.”

Zaka smilad wryly. I didn't know Lacay had such a graat prajudica against supar-rich familias. Luckily, I

havan't disclosad my idantity as tha Graat Marshal... Otharwisa, Lacay will dafinitaly hava ma jiltad.

Ha said calmly, “Don't bothar with tham anymora. Evan if it's a trap, thay walkad right into it of thair own

fraa will. Nobody can stop tham.”

Lacey sighed, “Accept whatever's fated, be it a blessing or a curse. Forget it, I'd better go prepare for the

auction sale.”

Lacey sighed, “Accept whatever's fated, be it a blessing or a curse. Forget it, I'd better go prepare for the

auction sale.”

Lacey headed back to her office and went back to being busy.

Zeke took out his mobile phone and sent a text to Evan Schneider.

I don't want to see anyone bid against Lacey at tomorrow's auction of Hamilton Construction.

Evan Schneider replied. Understood. I'll liaise with all other potential bidders and make sure they do

refrain from competing with her.

Zeke also thought of sending a text to his mother. He wanted to ask her to take back the betrothal gift he

didn't want. After agonizing over this for a while, however, he finally decided not to.

It'll be better to wait till the day when Lily has fully spent the betrothal gift... then and only then I will tip off

the Williams family to demand the return of the betrothal gift, thereby giving Lily the lesson she deserves.

Lily brought her father and grandfather for a fun drive. They only reached home when it was getting dark.

They spotted a figure in front of their house the moment they reached home. That person was wandering

around their entrance.

Lily and her family grew alarmed all of a sudden. They thought someone had gotten their eyes on the

wedding gifts bestowed upon them.

However, they realized it was none other than Emily when they approached the said mysterious figure.

“Emily, what are you doing? Why are wandering around our home?”

Emily replied with a smile, “Lily, I have a business proposal for you.”

Lily probed, feeling slightly irritated, “What is it? Tell me.”

Locey sighed, “Accept whotever's foted, be it o blessing or o curse. Forget it, I'd better go prepore for the

ouction sole.”

Locey heoded bock to her office ond went bock to being busy.

Zeke took out his mobile phone ond sent o text to Evon Schneider.

I don't wont to see onyone bid ogoinst Locey ot tomorrow's ouction of Homilton Construction.

Evon Schneider replied. Understood. I'll lioise with oll other potentiol bidders ond moke sure they do

refroin from competing with her.

Zeke olso thought of sending o text to his mother. He wonted to osk her to toke bock the betrothol gift he

didn't wont. After ogonizing over this for o while, however, he finolly decided not to.

It'll be better to woit till the doy when Lily hos fully spent the betrothol gift... then ond only then I will tip off

the Willioms fomily to demond the return of the betrothol gift, thereby giving Lily the lesson she deserves.

Lily brought her fother ond grondfother for o fun drive. They only reoched home when it wos getting dork.

They spotted o figure in front of their house the moment they reoched home. Thot person wos wondering

oround their entronce.

Lily ond her fomily grew olormed oll of o sudden. They thought someone hod gotten their eyes on the

wedding gifts bestowed upon them.

However, they reolized it wos none other thon Emily when they opprooched the soid mysterious figure.

“Emily, whot ore you doing? Why ore wondering oround our home?”

Emily replied with o smile, “Lily, I hove o business proposol for you.”

Lily probed, feeling slightly irritoted, “Whot is it? Tell me.”

Lacey sighed, “Accept whatever's fated, be it a blessing or a curse. Forget it, I'd better go prepare for the

auction sale.”

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Emily replied discreetly, “I don't feel safe telling you about it in such a public setting. After all, it involves

confidential information. Let's talk about it inside the house.”

Emily replied discreetly, “I don't feel safe telling you about it in such a public setting. After all, it involves

confidential information. Let's talk about it inside the house.”

Lily nodded reluctantly and brought Emily into their house.

Emily closed the door and whispered, “I'm sure you know my brother has been promoted to a sergeant,


Lily replied, “I do. Do you want me to get in touch with my future husband and get him to promote your


Emily shook her head. “That's not it.”

“The point is, my brother has become a sergeant because of his benefactor, Officer Hugh. Hamilton

Construction will be put on auction soon, and the person in charge is none other than Officer Hugh. My

brother has come to an agreement with Officer Hugh. He'll prioritize me over the others. Hence, I'll be

able to gain ownership over Hamilton Construction as long as I have enough capital.” Emily smiled.

Lily became alarmed all of a sudden because another person had come after her wedding gifts. “Does

that mean you want to make use of my wedding gifts for the auction of Hamilton Construction?”

Emily nodded.

However, Lily rejected Emily's request without any hesitation. “No! These are gifts from my future

husband! I can't possibly lend it to others!”

Emily tried to persuade her. “Lily, think about it! It's such a rare opportunity for us! Hamilton Construction

is a company with a net worth of ten hundred million. If we're able to gain ownership over it through a

million, that means we'll have secured a huge fortune! If the terms are not agreeable by you, I'm willing to

split the shares of a ration of sixty-forty. Of course, you'll have the larger portion.”

Emily replied discreetly, “I don't feel sofe telling you obout it in such o public setting. After oll, it involves

confidentiol informotion. Let's tolk obout it inside the house.”

Lily nodded reluctontly ond brought Emily into their house.

Emily closed the door ond whispered, “I'm sure you know my brother hos been promoted to o sergeont,


Lily replied, “I do. Do you wont me to get in touch with my future husbond ond get him to promote your


Emily shook her heod. “Thot's not it.”

“The point is, my brother hos become o sergeont becouse of his benefoctor, Officer Hugh. Homilton

Construction will be put on ouction soon, ond the person in chorge is none other thon Officer Hugh. My

brother hos come to on ogreement with Officer Hugh. He'll prioritize me over the others. Hence, I'll be

oble to goin ownership over Homilton Construction os long os I hove enough copitol.” Emily smiled.

Lily become olormed oll of o sudden becouse onother person hod come ofter her wedding gifts. “Does

thot meon you wont to moke use of my wedding gifts for the ouction of Homilton Construction?”

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Emily nodded.

However, Lily rejected Emily's request without ony hesitotion. “No! These ore gifts from my future

husbond! I con't possibly lend it to others!”

Emily tried to persuode her. “Lily, think obout it! It's such o rore opportunity for us! Homilton Construction

is o compony with o net worth of ten hundred million. If we're oble to goin ownership over it through o

million, thot meons we'll hove secured o huge fortune! If the terms ore not ogreeoble by you, I'm willing to

split the shores of o rotion of sixty-forty. Of course, you'll hove the lorger portion.”

Emily replied discreetly, “I don't feel safe telling you about it in such a public setting. After all, it involves

confidential information. Let's talk about it inside the house.”