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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1427
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Sole Wolf leaped onto the top of another nearby truck, snapping off a crisply precise salute.

“Sole Wolf of the Alpha Suicide Squad reporting for duty,” he shouted clearly. “The Elites of Sole stand ready to

protect the Dragon King Sword!”

Shortly after that, two successive disturbances could be heard from the north and the south. Two other armies,

both of them a hundred thousand men strong, swiftly barricaded the other two streets.

“Killer Wolf of the Alpha Suicide Squad reporting for duty! The Killer Elites are ready to protect the Dragon King


“The Alpha Suicide Squad...”

In the blink of an eye, the formerly empty place had completely transformed into a living sea of people, securely

surrounding Zeke, Adrian, and the others.

Combined, the might of the four armies were as formidable as any seen in a battle between countries.

Only a fool would be unafraid, given the circumstances. Such as it was, all the surrounded people felt a healthy

sense of fear at the sight of so many soldiers.

Truly, the Great Marshal would always be the Great Marshal. Even depowered and stripped unfairly of his titles, he

still wielded considerable influence, staying at least three steps ahead in the game. He was not to be


Just the gathered might of the four armies here alone would be enough to wage an international war.

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And yet, this was just a mere portion of his actual forces.

If all ten Alphas of the Alpha Suicide Squad were present with their forces, the combined might of all the Wolves

would likely be enough to uproot the entire Atheville and send it tumbling.

Adrian swallowed nervously. “Zeke... what—what do you think you’re doing?Gathering four hundred thousand

soldiers in Atheville—are you trying to revolt?”

Forcing out a tough front, Adrian pressed on. “Mobilizing four hundred thousand soldiers without direct orders,

wasting money and manpower... I shall be charging you with an offense!”

“What a load of crap!”

The other three Alphas also gathered around Adrian, snarling as they surrounded him.

Adrian’s heart felt like it would almost pound free of his chest.

He was well aware that the Alphas of the Alpha Suicide Squad were seasoned stone-cold killers, fanatically loyal to

a fault. And the recipient of those loyalties was unquestionably Zeke.

These wolves would tear his throat out and eat him alive if Zeke wanted them to.

Sole Wolf stalked a slow circle around Adrian. “We didn’t come here because Zeke asked us to. We came because

we wanted to.”

Pretending that the situation had not just gone wildly out of control, Adrian steeled himself with a fortifying breath.

“If all of you aren’t here because of Zeke, then why have you gathered your forces in Atheville?”

Sole Wolf barked a laugh. “We are known as the Alpha Suicide Squad, yes, but we also have another duty as the

Protectors of the Dragon King Sword.”

Narrowing his eyes, Sole Wolf continued, “Whoever touches the Dragon King Sword without permission will be killed

unless they have the authorization of the Supreme Leader.”

Sole Wolf stopped directly in front of Adrian and glared at him. “Do you have the Supreme Leader’s authorization,

Director Payne?”

Adrian swallowed nervously again. “No. But I can assure you in full confidence that we’re working within the law.”

He tried to sound confident. “The Eurasian Law itself is the will of the Supreme Leader. Enforcing the law means

that I’m carrying out the will of the Supreme Leader. It makes no difference whether I have his personal

authorization or not.”

“Enforcing the law is a funny word for what I see,” Sole Wolf said drily. “May I ask which law are you enforcing,

Director? Or which article of our Constitution applies to the current situation?”

“The Dragon King Sword has to be wielded by the Great Marshal,” Adrian replied, striving to sound as official as he

could. “Now that Julian has replaced Zeke as the new Great Marshal, the Dragon King Sword should be passed on to


Casually pulling out his sword as well, Killer Wolf made a deliberate show of polishing the sharp blade with a rag. He

smiled darkly. “Adrian, why don’t you tell me which exact law of Eurasia says that the Dragon King Sword has to be

wielded by the Great Marshal?”

In a flash, the tip of his sword landed under Adrian’s chin. Killer Wolf bared his teeth. “If you can’t tell me, well,

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leaving your head behind can be a form of answer as well.”

Breathing slowly, Adrian was painfully aware of the tensed energy coiled within the sword. He could still remember

how the metal had sung brightly when Killer Wolf had swung the sword earlier. Fear sat in a frozen ball within the pit

of his stomach.

He did not dare to move.

The Dragon King Sword was a symbol of the Great Marshal. It was more than reasonable that the sword should be

entrusted to the current Great Marshal.

It was not a written law of Eurasia, but rather an unspoken agreement of the Eurasian people as a whole. The

tradition was law, even if it was not recorded in black and white.

If his opponent was dead set on exploiting that particular loophole, he might as well be invulnerable for all intents

and purposes. Adrian wanted to grind his teeth so very badly.

“Well?” Killer Wolf demanded.

The tip of the sword dug deeper into his neck. It was not enough to draw blood yet, but enough to make Adrian


Adrian hurriedly spoke, “It’s a collective agreement by the people of Eurasia. Even though this law has never been

formally recognized in writing, it’s as binding as any other law.”

“To hell with your collective agreement.” Killer Wolf prodded the sword at Adrian’s throat. “I sure as hell didn’t


He turned to face the other Alphas, asking, “Sole Wolf, Lone Wolf, Wolf’s Greed—what say you?”