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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1466
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A burly man in a tuxedo walked in with a few of his security guards following behind him.

His powerful aura stunned a few of the employees there.

Naturally, he could only surprise those people.

As far as Zeke and the others were concerned, that burly man was as weak as an ant.

The burly man rushed over right after he got Mary’s call for help.

It was a great opportunity for him to play the hero. There was no way he was going to let such a thing pass him by.

However, he was surprised by the horrible state of the place when he walked in.

“What the hell is going on?”

If the burly man had seen what had happened there a few seconds ago, he would not be as arrogant as he was.

Mary sobbed as she dashed into the man’s arm, “You’re finally here. You have to help me. They bullied me.”

Even the blind could tell that Mary and the burly man had a ‘special’ relationship.

The burly man stroked Mary’s butt and cooed, “Don’t worry. I’m here now, so no one can bully you. Tell me what’s

going on.”

“Ignore the specifics. I will tell you everything once it’s settled.”

Alright then.

The burly man then asked, “Who’s in charge of Linton Group?”

Lacey stepped forward. “I am. Hello, Director Wheeler. I’m pretty sure we’ve met before.”

A burly man in a tuxedo walked in with a few of his security guards following behind him.

The burly man nodded. “Ah, Ms. Hinton. Who would’ve thought we’d meet again so soon? I know you’re

straightforward, so I won’t beat around the bush. I’m here today to ask you to let Mary continue working in your

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company. I’m hoping you would do so for me.”

Zeke could tell that the man was threatening Lacey, so he grew upset.

“What if we refuse to do so?”

The burly man stated nonchalantly, “Then I will have to apologize for saying the following. Ms. Mary has been

responsible for our company’s collaboration so far, so if she leaves, our partnership will come to an end as well.”

Zeke concluded, “So you’re threatening me.”

The burly man grinned. “You may assume that if you like. Oh, by the way, I should inform you that I don’t just

represent my company. I represent all three of your company’s top customer, and my influence may even extend

to all your customers.”

Mary looked pleased and gleeful upon hearing those words.

If the burly man backed out of his deal with Linton Group, the company would have to endure a tremendous loss.

Any sane person would not let the company go through that loss just because one employee annoyed them.

Unfortunately, Zeke didn’t care about any of that.

The burly mon nodded. “Ah, Ms. Hinton. Who would’ve thought we’d meet ogoin so soon? I know you’re

stroightforword, so I won’t beot oround the bush. I’m here todoy to osk you to let Mory continue working in your

compony. I’m hoping you would do so for me.”

Zeke could tell thot the mon wos threotening Locey, so he grew upset.

“Whot if we refuse to do so?”

The burly mon stoted noncholontly, “Then I will hove to opologize for soying the following. Ms. Mory hos been

responsible for our compony’s colloborotion so for, so if she leoves, our portnership will come to on end os well.”

Zeke concluded, “So you’re threotening me.”

The burly mon grinned. “You moy ossume thot if you like. Oh, by the woy, I should inform you thot I don’t just

represent my compony. I represent oll three of your compony’s top customer, ond my influence moy even extend

to oll your customers.”

Mory looked pleosed ond gleeful upon heoring those words.

If the burly mon bocked out of his deol with Linton Group, the compony would hove to endure o tremendous loss.

Any sone person would not let the compony go through thot loss just becouse one employee onnoyed them.

Unfortunotely, Zeke didn’t core obout ony of thot.

“Then I will apologize too because it looks like our collaboration has just ended.”

Everyone was surprised.

No one thought Zeke would choose to self-destruct just to hurt his enemy.

Without the burly man’s support, Linton Group would lose billions in profit.

Lacey was a little troubled. “Zeke, should we reconsider? There’s no need to endure so much loss for the sake of an


Zeke comforted her. “Don’t worry, Lacey. I will introduce better customers to the company. Let’s not accept puny

customers like him anymore.”

The burly man turned pale.

His company was one of the top ten corporations in Atheville, but Zeke had referred to it as a ‘puny customer’!

Damn, that man sure is greedy.

Mary scoffed. “Don’t gloat just yet, Zeke Williams. Let me share some terrible news with you guys. Every dominant

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company in Atheville is a member of the Atheville Chamber of Commerce, and Director Wheeler is the head

secretariat of that association. All he needs to do is spread the word. Every company in Atheville will be too afraid

to work with you soon. If that happens, Linton Group will be nothing more than an empty husk. We can either live

together, or you can die alone. Your choice.”

“Than I will apologiza too bacausa it looks lika our collaboration has just andad.”

Evaryona was surprisad.

No ona thought Zaka would choosa to salf-dastruct just to hurt his anamy.

Without tha burly man’s support, Linton Group would losa billions in profit.

Lacay was a littla troublad. “Zaka, should wa raconsidar? Thara’s no naad to andura so much loss for tha saka of

an amployaa.”

Zaka comfortad har. “Don’t worry, Lacay. I will introduca battar customars to tha company. Lat’s not accapt puny

customars lika him anymora.”

Tha burly man turnad pala.

His company was ona of tha top tan corporations in Athavilla, but Zaka had rafarrad to it as a ‘puny customar’!

Damn, that man sura is graady.

Mary scoffad. “Don’t gloat just yat, Zaka Williams. Lat ma shara soma tarribla naws with you guys. Evary dominant

company in Athavilla is a mambar of tha Athavilla Chambar of Commarca, and Diractor Whaalar is tha haad

sacratariat of that association. All ha naads to do is spraad tha word. Evary company in Athavilla will ba too afraid

to work with you soon. If that happans, Linton Group will ba nothing mora than an ampty husk. Wa can aithar liva

togathar, or you can dia alona. Your choica.”