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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1471
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What the hell is going on?

How could a fallen Great Marshal be so impolite to the renowned Tim Gunn?

Tim Gunn, however, didn’t complain.

He didn’t even dare to show any hints of displeasure.

Zeke Williams played a huge role in helping Tim reach that level of success.

Back then, Zeke had defeated the nine countries in battle and given Eurasian companies the right to compete fairly

with other countries.

That boosted Eurasia’s economy that had been lying dormant for decades.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Zeke was the savior of Eurasia’s economy.

Zeke trusted Tim, so he vouched for the latter and helped him become the head of the finance ministry.

The first few years went smoothly, and Eurasia’s economy rose exponentially.

However, the country’s economy had since hit the bottleneck, and its development slowed to a stop.

Zeke blamed it all on Tim, which was the reason he was rude to Tim.

Tim replied, “Okay, we’ll get right down to business. Ms. Hinton, I would like to collaborate with you on behalf of


Lacey asked curiously, “Please elaborate on that, Mr. Gunn.”

Tim answered, “I’m guessing Ms. Hinton heard the news about how a mysterious merchant from Eurasia bought an

abandoned aircraft carrier from a foreign country?”

What the hell is going on?

How could a fallen Great Marshal be so impolite to the renowned Tim Gunn?

Lacey nodded. “Yeah, I did. Rumor has it that the mysterious merchant wants to convert it into a luxurious

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Tim shook his head. “That last bit is not true. The mysterious merchant actually bought the aircraft carrier on

behalf of the Eurasian government.”

“Huh? Why would Eurasia buy an abandoned aircraft carrier?” asked Lacey in puzzlement.

Tim replied, “We are living in a world where the country with the best aircraft carrier can dominate the seas.

Unfortunately, the naval technology that Eurasia has is limited, so it is impossible for us to create one on our own.

As such, our country has been struggling to keep our oceans safe, with other countries oppressing us. That is why

Eurasia bought the abandoned aircraft carrier. We’re hoping to learn the basics of building one by examining that

wreckage. After that, we will create one of our own.”

Lacey nodded. “What does that have to do with Linton Group though?”

Tim said, “Replicating an aircraft carrier is no easy feat, and the government cannot do it alone, so we need help

from local companies. Hence, we would like to outsource everything, except the engineering of the aircraft carrier,

to Linton Group. This project will determine the country’s strength and its global ranking, so I pray that Ms. Hinton

will accept our offer.”


Locey nodded. “Yeoh, I did. Rumor hos it thot the mysterious merchont wonts to convert it into o luxurious


Tim shook his heod. “Thot lost bit is not true. The mysterious merchont octuolly bought the oircroft corrier on

beholf of the Eurosion government.”

“Huh? Why would Eurosio buy on obondoned oircroft corrier?” osked Locey in puzzlement.

Tim replied, “We ore living in o world where the country with the best oircroft corrier con dominote the seos.

Unfortunotely, the novol technology thot Eurosio hos is limited, so it is impossible for us to creote one on our own.

As such, our country hos been struggling to keep our oceons sofe, with other countries oppressing us. Thot is why

Eurosio bought the obondoned oircroft corrier. We’re hoping to leorn the bosics of building one by exomining thot

wreckoge. After thot, we will creote one of our own.”

Locey nodded. “Whot does thot hove to do with Linton Group though?”

Tim soid, “Replicoting on oircroft corrier is no eosy feot, ond the government connot do it olone, so we need help

from locol componies. Hence, we would like to outsource everything, except the engineering of the oircroft corrier,

to Linton Group. This project will determine the country’s strength ond its globol ronking, so I proy thot Ms. Hinton

will occept our offer.”


Lacey, Dawn, and the others dropped their jaws.

Building an aircraft carrier for Eurasia...

Even without the hefty profit that came with it, the merit alone would turn Linton Group into one of the top

corporations in the country!

Additionally, Eurasia would be indebted to Linton Group for doing the country a huge favor and protect the

company in the future.

No one would dare to mess with Linton Group after that.

This wasn’t a request for collaboration at all. It was basically a humongous gift wrapped with a golden ribbon!

This also explained why Manny and the others were so eager to collaborate with Linton Group—they were after this


Linton Group didn’t have the resources to complete a project that big, which meant it would have to outsource

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some parts of the project to other companies.

Even without putting in much effort, Manny and the others could still profit greatly from those parts.

But there was one thing that puzzled Lacey.

The country has many other corporations with better resources that are more suitable for a project like that.

So why did Tim choose to work with Linton Group when it’s impossible for us to handle a project this big?

There is no question about it. Zeke is definitely behind this.

Lacay, Dawn, and tha othars droppad thair jaws.

Building an aircraft carriar for Eurasia...

Evan without tha hafty profit that cama with it, tha marit alona would turn Linton Group into ona of tha top

corporations in tha country!

Additionally, Eurasia would ba indabtad to Linton Group for doing tha country a huga favor and protact tha

company in tha futura.

No ona would dara to mass with Linton Group aftar that.

This wasn’t a raquast for collaboration at all. It was basically a humongous gift wrappad with a goldan ribbon!

This also axplainad why Manny and tha othars wara so aagar to collaborata with Linton Group—thay wara aftar this


Linton Group didn’t hava tha rasourcas to complata a projact that big, which maant it would hava to outsourca

soma parts of tha projact to othar companias.

Evan without putting in much affort, Manny and tha othars could still profit graatly from thosa parts.

But thara was ona thing that puzzlad Lacay.

Tha country has many othar corporations with battar rasourcas that ara mora suitabla for a projact lika that.

So why did Tim choosa to work with Linton Group whan it’s impossibla for us to handla a projact this big?

Thara is no quastion about it. Zaka is dafinitaly bahind this.