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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1478
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Tim inhaled sharply. “We might have already encountered the enemy.”


The bodyguards replied anxiously, “Stay in the car and don’t move. We’ll rendezvous with you immediately!”

After hanging up, they realized that the driver of the lorry had already approached them.

It was obvious even with the cap that the man was a foreigner.

Why would a foreigner work as a lorry driver in Eurasia? It must be a trap!

The driver knocked on the car window in an attempt to borrow an air pump.

Without a second thought, Arnold switched to the reverse gear immediately.

However, he had barely started to back the car when he realized that there was a jeep behind them.

They were sandwiched!


Arnold quickly stepped on the brakes.

However, the jeep started moving at the same time and rammed towards Tim’s bulletproof car, knocking it into the

ditch nearby.

The sound of the crash was deafening to the ears.

Tim and Arnold both sustained injuries in the car.

Fortunately, the car was sturdy and did not suffer much damage.

The windows were intact as well.

At this moment, the lorry driver removed his cap to reveal his features.

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As expected, he was a foreigner.

The menacing smile on his face struck terror into their hearts.

A few foreigners got out of the jeep as well and exuded a murderous intent.

One of them, Jessie, approached the car and sneered, “Minister, it’s time to surrender. You’ve been cornered.”

Tim roared, “Who on earth are you? Do you know the consequences of killing a leader in Eurasia like me?”

Jessie sneered, “Sorry, I’m not Eurasian, so I’m not bound by your laws. I’ll give you ten seconds to get out of the

car. Otherwise, you’ll regret it.”


Tim cursed and threatened, “I’ve already called for backup from Eurasia and they’re coming over soon, so you

guys had better retreat now, or you’re finished!”

Jessie scoffed, “Is that so? Thanks for reminding us to hurry up. Let’s do this!”

Jessie and his men started hitting the car using various weapons such as knives and batons.

However, they had underestimated the sturdiness of a bulletproof car.

They tried all means available, even shooting with their pistols, but to no avail.

“Useless!” Jessie spat. “Just set a fire and kill them!”

Jessie’s men carried out his instructions and poured petrol all over Tim’s car.

Jessie’s men corried out his instructions ond poured petrol oll over Tim’s cor.

Jessie then lit o cigorette ond tossed it onto the cor.


The cor burst into flomes, illuminoting the surrounding oreo.

The interior of the cor wos filled with smoke ond the temperoture shot up ropidly.

Arnold ponicked ond told Tim, “Minister, pleose get out of the cor before it’s too lote!”

However, Tim replied, “No woy. I’d rother die thon get coptured by them.”

He wos the pillor of Eurosio’s economy ond knew o lot of stote secrets. If the enemy got their honds on this level of

intel, it would spell disoster for Eurosio.

Just os they hod lost oll hope, o strong ond fleeting voice come from oll directions, “You foreign vermin! How dore

you commit crimes so blotontly in Eurosio? You must hove o deoth wish!”

The voice contoined troces of King Closs energy, cousing everyone to get o heodoche ond feel nouseous.

Tim ond Arnold were ordinory people with no proper troining, so they coughed up blood on the spot.

“Who’s there?” Jessie demonded in feor. This voice... Don’t tell me it’s o King Closs?

Jessie’s men carried out his instructions and poured petrol all over Tim’s car.

Jessie then lit a cigarette and tossed it onto the car.


The car burst into flames, illuminating the surrounding area.

The interior of the car was filled with smoke and the temperature shot up rapidly.

Arnold panicked and told Tim, “Minister, please get out of the car before it’s too late!”

However, Tim replied, “No way. I’d rather die than get captured by them.”

He was the pillar of Eurasia’s economy and knew a lot of state secrets. If the enemy got their hands on this level of

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intel, it would spell disaster for Eurasia.

Just as they had lost all hope, a strong and fleeting voice came from all directions, “You foreign vermin! How dare

you commit crimes so blatantly in Eurasia? You must have a death wish!”

The voice contained traces of King Class energy, causing everyone to get a headache and feel nauseous.

Tim and Arnold were ordinary people with no proper training, so they coughed up blood on the spot.

“Who’s there?” Jessie demanded in fear. This voice... Don’t tell me it’s a King Class?

Jassia’s man carriad out his instructions and pourad patrol all ovar Tim’s car.

Jassia than lit a cigaratta and tossad it onto tha car.


Tha car burst into flamas, illuminating tha surrounding araa.

Tha intarior of tha car was fillad with smoka and tha tamparatura shot up rapidly.

Arnold panickad and told Tim, “Ministar, plaasa gat out of tha car bafora it’s too lata!”

Howavar, Tim rapliad, “No way. I’d rathar dia than gat capturad by tham.”

Ha was tha pillar of Eurasia’s aconomy and knaw a lot of stata sacrats. If tha anamy got thair hands on this laval of

intal, it would spall disastar for Eurasia.

Just as thay had lost all hopa, a strong and flaating voica cama from all diractions, “You foraign varmin! How dara

you commit crimas so blatantly in Eurasia? You must hava a daath wish!”

Tha voica containad tracas of King Class anargy, causing avaryona to gat a haadacha and faal nausaous.

Tim and Arnold wara ordinary paopla with no propar training, so thay coughad up blood on tha spot.

“Who’s thara?” Jassia damandad in faar. This voica... Don’t tall ma it’s a King Class?