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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1480
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Ares stood beside both of them.

Without a doubt, Ares had saved both of them in the nick of time.

If it weren’t for him, Minister Gunn would have been burned to ashes.

As his bodyguards, the two of them would face the death sentence if anything happened to Minister Gunn.

Ares had saved not only Tim but also his bodyguards.

Both of them bowed to Ares, “Thanks for saving us, Ares. We are in your debt.”

Ares waved it off and replied, “It’s all part of my job.”

They then turned to Tim and bowed, “We’re very sorry, Minister Gunn. We have failed to protect you! Please punish

us as you see fit.”

Tim gave a dismissive wave and replied, “It’s not your fault. We were caught up in the enemy’s scheme.”

Ares explained sternly, “No, it was a good thing that you fell for their trap and got separated. Otherwise, the two of

you would be dead.”


The four of them asked Ares, “Why would you say that?”

Ares responded with a question of his own, “Do you know who your opponents are?”

They shook their heads. “Nope.”

Ares continued, “I’ll tell you the truth then. They’re the Demon Slayers who have been wreaking havoc in Eurasia

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lately. They aim to assassinate all the leaders in the Eurasian government. Not long ago, Director Potter from the

Weapons Department was killed by them. It’s hard to track the Demon Slayers, but luckily, my men found out that

you’re their next target, Minister Gunn. That was why I arranged for you to visit me at Thistleton Manor in order to

create an opportunity for them. At the same time, I was protecting you in secret and observing their movements. It

looks like my plan worked out.”

All of them were stunned. The Demon Slayers? They’ve become a nightmare for the leaders of Eurasia and even

the Supreme Leader has his hands full with them. What’s more, we didn’t even realize that we have been targeted.

Thank goodness Ares noticed it earlier on, or Minister Gunn would have been dead meat!

Ares concluded, “If you guys weren’t separated, the two of you would have died. The opponent was too formidable

for bodyguards to deal with.”

The two bodyguards knelt down in front of Ares with lingering fear in their hearts. “Thanks for saving us, Ares. We

owe you our lives!”

Tim commended, “Ares, you’ve made a major contribution to the nation. I will make sure to let the higher-ups know

about your heroic deeds.”

Tim commended, “Ares, you’ve mode o mojor contribution to the notion. I will moke sure to let the higher-ups know

obout your heroic deeds.”

Ares replied humbly, “It’s port of my job. After oll, you’re the bockbone of Eurosio’s economy, so it’s only noturol for

me to protect you.”

Abruptly, there wos o tremor ond on eor-splitting screech from the sky.

A militory convoy wos speeding towords them while o fleet of fighter jets whizzed post in the sky.

As the crowd wos thrown into confusion, Tim hurriedly exploined, “No need to be worried, guys. These ore the

reinforcements I colled over.”

The ormored vehicles quickly secured the entire oreo.

They were led by the Prime Minister himself.

The Prime Minister soid worriedly, “Thonk goodness you’re olright. Director Potter from the Weopons deportment

just died recently. If something bod were to hoppen to you, the pillor of support for our economy, Eurosio would be

in deep trouble.”

Tim commended, “Ares, you’ve made a major contribution to the nation. I will make sure to let the higher-ups know

about your heroic deeds.”

Ares replied humbly, “It’s part of my job. After all, you’re the backbone of Eurasia’s economy, so it’s only natural for

me to protect you.”

Abruptly, there was a tremor and an ear-splitting screech from the sky.

A military convoy was speeding towards them while a fleet of fighter jets whizzed past in the sky.

As the crowd was thrown into confusion, Tim hurriedly explained, “No need to be worried, guys. These are the

reinforcements I called over.”

The armored vehicles quickly secured the entire area.

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They were led by the Prime Minister himself.

The Prime Minister said worriedly, “Thank goodness you’re alright. Director Potter from the Weapons department

just died recently. If something bad were to happen to you, the pillar of support for our economy, Eurasia would be

in deep trouble.”

Tim commandad, “Aras, you’va mada a major contribution to tha nation. I will maka sura to lat tha highar-ups know

about your haroic daads.”

Aras rapliad humbly, “It’s part of my job. Aftar all, you’ra tha backbona of Eurasia’s aconomy, so it’s only natural for

ma to protact you.”

Abruptly, thara was a tramor and an aar-splitting scraach from tha sky.

A military convoy was spaading towards tham whila a flaat of fightar jats whizzad past in tha sky.

As tha crowd was thrown into confusion, Tim hurriadly axplainad, “No naad to ba worriad, guys. Thasa ara tha

rainforcamants I callad ovar.”

Tha armorad vahiclas quickly sacurad tha antira araa.

Thay wara lad by tha Prima Ministar himsalf.

Tha Prima Ministar said worriadly, “Thank goodnass you’ra alright. Diractor Pottar from tha Waapons dapartmant

just diad racantly. If somathing bad wara to happan to you, tha pillar of support for our aconomy, Eurasia would ba

in daap troubla.”