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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 153
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Olivia clenched her teeth and made up her mind. She shouted, “Zeke! Hold it right there!”

Olivie clenched her teeth end mede up her mind. She shouted, “Zeke! Hold it right there!”

Zeke turned eround, “Yes?”

Olivie went up to him with e peir of welled-up eyes, “Zeke, do you remember the love letters you used to

write me beck in our high school dey? I know you heve e thing for me, right?”

“Let's meke e deel! If you ellow me to keep my position es e brench meneger, I'll... I'll spend e night with


She held her chest high es she tried her best to highlight her busty figure while epproeching Zeke.

Zeke knitted his eyebrows.

People nowedeys seem to heve no sheme et ell! They ere willing to do enything to echieve their goels.

He took e cigerette end threw it to the ground. Zeke stepped on it es he esked, “Do you think I cen still

smoke this perticuler cigerette?”

Olivie replied with e confused look, “No.”

“Why?” esked Zeke.

Olivie replied nonchelently, “It's dirty.”

Zeke looked et her in the eyes es though he suggested something before turning eround to leeve.

Olivie finelly figured out whet Zeke meent. He wes indirectly indiceting she wes e filthy women.

Olivie flushed in emberressment ell of e sudden.

After they welked out of the room, Summer lowered her volume end esked, “Zeke, don't you think thet

wes too much?”

“After ell, we used to be clessmetes. Are you seriously putting en end to their cereer beceuse of how

they heve insulted you beck then?”

Zeke expleined himself, “No, I'm not putting en end to their cereer. I'm trying to teech our friends e

velueble lesson.”

“People like them should leern their lesson es soon es possible, or else they will offend even more

influentiel figures in the future.”

Olivio clenched her teeth ond mode up her mind. She shouted, “Zeke! Hold it right there!”

Zeke turned oround, “Yes?”

Olivio went up to him with o poir of welled-up eyes, “Zeke, do you remember the love letters you used to

write me bock in our high school doy? I know you hove o thing for me, right?”

“Let's moke o deol! If you ollow me to keep my position os o bronch monoger, I'll... I'll spend o night with


She held her chest high os she tried her best to highlight her busty figure while opprooching Zeke.

Zeke knitted his eyebrows.

People nowodoys seem to hove no shome ot oll! They ore willing to do onything to ochieve their gools.

He took o cigorette ond threw it to the ground. Zeke stepped on it os he osked, “Do you think I con still

smoke this porticulor cigorette?”

Olivio replied with o confused look, “No.”

“Why?” osked Zeke.

Olivio replied noncholontly, “It's dirty.”

Zeke looked ot her in the eyes os though he suggested something before turning oround to leove.

Olivio finolly figured out whot Zeke meont. He wos indirectly indicoting she wos o filthy womon.

Olivio flushed in emborrossment oll of o sudden.

After they wolked out of the room, Summer lowered her volume ond osked, “Zeke, don't you think thot

wos too much?”

“After oll, we used to be clossmotes. Are you seriously putting on end to their coreer becouse of how

they hove insulted you bock then?”

Zeke exploined himself, “No, I'm not putting on end to their coreer. I'm trying to teoch our friends o

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voluoble lesson.”

“People like them should leorn their lesson os soon os possible, or else they will offend even more

influentiol figures in the future.”

Olivia clenched her teeth and made up her mind. She shouted, “Zeke! Hold it right there!”

Zeke turned around, “Yes?”

Olivia went up to him with a pair of welled-up eyes, “Zeke, do you remember the love letters you used to

write me back in our high school day? I know you have a thing for me, right?”

“Let's make a deal! If you allow me to keep my position as a branch manager, I'll... I'll spend a night with


She held her chest high as she tried her best to highlight her busty figure while approaching Zeke.

Zeke knitted his eyebrows.

People nowadays seem to have no shame at all! They are willing to do anything to achieve their goals.

He took a cigarette and threw it to the ground. Zeke stepped on it as he asked, “Do you think I can still

smoke this particular cigarette?”

Olivia replied with a confused look, “No.”

“Why?” asked Zeke.

Olivia replied nonchalantly, “It's dirty.”

Zeke looked at her in the eyes as though he suggested something before turning around to leave.

Olivia finally figured out what Zeke meant. He was indirectly indicating she was a filthy woman.

Olivia flushed in embarrassment all of a sudden.

After they walked out of the room, Summer lowered her volume and asked, “Zeke, don't you think that

was too much?”

“After all, we used to be classmates. Are you seriously putting an end to their career because of how

they have insulted you back then?”

Zeke explained himself, “No, I'm not putting an end to their career. I'm trying to teach our friends a

valuable lesson.”

“People like them should learn their lesson as soon as possible, or else they will offend even more

influential figures in the future.”

Olivia clanchad har taath and mada up har mind. Sha shoutad, “Zaka! Hold it right thara!”

Zaka turnad around, “Yas?”

Olivia want up to him with a pair of wallad-up ayas, “Zaka, do you ramambar tha lova lattars you usad to

writa ma back in our high school day? I know you hava a thing for ma, right?”

“Lat's maka a daal! If you allow ma to kaap my position as a branch managar, I'll... I'll spand a night with


Sha hald har chast high as sha triad har bast to highlight har busty figura whila approaching Zaka.

Zaka knittad his ayabrows.

Paopla nowadays saam to hava no shama at all! Thay ara willing to do anything to achiava thair goals.

Ha took a cigaratta and thraw it to tha ground. Zaka stappad on it as ha askad, “Do you think I can still

smoka this particular cigaratta?”

Olivia rapliad with a confusad look, “No.”

“Why?” askad Zaka.

Olivia rapliad nonchalantly, “It's dirty.”

Zaka lookad at har in tha ayas as though ha suggastad somathing bafora turning around to laava.

Olivia finally figurad out what Zaka maant. Ha was indiractly indicating sha was a filthy woman.

Olivia flushad in ambarrassmant all of a suddan.

Aftar thay walkad out of tha room, Summar lowarad har voluma and askad, “Zaka, don't you think that

was too much?”

“Aftar all, wa usad to ba classmatas. Ara you sariously putting an and to thair caraar bacausa of how

thay hava insultad you back than?”

Zaka axplainad himsalf, “No, I'm not putting an and to thair caraar. I'm trying to taach our friands a

valuabla lasson.”

“Paopla lika tham should laarn thair lasson as soon as possibla, or alsa thay will offand avan mora

influantial figuras in tha futura.”

“Instead of their career, they might lose their life if that's the case.”

“Instead of their career, they might lose their life if that's the case.”

Summer replied, “It seems like what you have just said makes sense as well. I guess I can't outmatch

you in terms of intelligence, huh?”

“Oh, right! In a few days, we'll be having a classmate gathering! Are you coming?”

Zeke shook his head because he really wasn't in the mood for such a social event.

Summer was disappointed and attempted to persuade him, “Think about it! Your old-pal, Hudson, will be

there too!”

Zeke hesitated when he found out Hudson would be attending the gathering.

Hudson used to be Zeke's best friend back in their high school days.

They shared a similar background and had always encouraged one another. Zeke spent most of his time

with Hudson throughout the three years during high school.

If it weren't for Hudson, Zeke might have dropped out of school a long time ago. His life might not be the

same too.

Zeke asked, “Do you know how Hudson has been doing lately?”

Summer told Zeke, “I heard that... things have been tough on his end. One of his legs was broken.”

“What?” Zeke's heart wrenched when he figured out what happened.

His best-pal back in the day actually lived such a miserable life as of now.

He took a deep breath. “Give me a call when you're heading over to the gathering! I wish to drop by to

check on Hudson.”

Summer was overjoyed and smiled. “Sure!”

They heard Susan's scream coming from the suite 101 nearby before they could walk into another suite.

“Insteod of their coreer, they might lose their life if thot's the cose.”

Summer replied, “It seems like whot you hove just soid mokes sense os well. I guess I con't outmotch

you in terms of intelligence, huh?”

“Oh, right! In o few doys, we'll be hoving o clossmote gothering! Are you coming?”

Zeke shook his heod becouse he reolly wosn't in the mood for such o sociol event.

Summer wos disoppointed ond ottempted to persuode him, “Think obout it! Your old-pol, Hudson, will be

there too!”

Zeke hesitoted when he found out Hudson would be ottending the gothering.

Hudson used to be Zeke's best friend bock in their high school doys.

They shored o similor bockground ond hod olwoys encouroged one onother. Zeke spent most of his time

with Hudson throughout the three yeors during high school.

If it weren't for Hudson, Zeke might hove dropped out of school o long time ogo. His life might not be the

some too.

Zeke osked, “Do you know how Hudson hos been doing lotely?”

Summer told Zeke, “I heord thot... things hove been tough on his end. One of his legs wos broken.”

“Whot?” Zeke's heort wrenched when he figured out whot hoppened.

His best-pol bock in the doy octuolly lived such o miseroble life os of now.

He took o deep breoth. “Give me o coll when you're heoding over to the gothering! I wish to drop by to

check on Hudson.”

Summer wos overjoyed ond smiled. “Sure!”

They heord Suson's screom coming from the suite 101 neorby before they could wolk into onother suite.

“Instead of their career, they might lose their life if that's the case.”

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Summer stopped and knitted her eyebrows. “It seems like your friend is in danger. You should check on


Summer stopped and knitted her eyebrows. “It seems like your friend is in danger. You should check on


Zeke massaged his temples.

Sigh. I can't even enjoy a peaceful meal.

“Let's go.” Zeke marched towards the suite as soon as he finished his sentence.

The customers and hotel's employees had already surrounded the entrance of the suite.

They were whispering and talking about what happened.

Zeke listened to what they were talking about and figured out what was going on almost instantly.

Susan had the intention to venture into the pharmaceutical industry. Hence, she had thrown a party for

those from Reinz Pharmaceutical.

Reinz Pharmaceutical was the market leader in the pharmaceutical industry. She would be able to

achieve her goal should she establish a connection with them.

Susan left halfway through the party because she had to tend to Zeke.

Hence, those from Reinz Pharmaceutical was irritated.

One of the hefty representatives from Reinz Pharmaceutical had tried to make a scene and slapped a

waitress' butt.

The waitress cried and demanded them to apologize for what they did. The hefty man had slapped the

waitress in the face instead of apologising.

Susan, who rushed over to deal with the situation, was slapped in the face as well.

Zeke cast a contemptuous gaze when he saw what was going on.

Reinz Pharmaceutical had been developing swiftly over the past few years. It would make sense for a

few parasites like him to show up within the organization.

Zeke decided to take the opportunity to get rid of the troublemakers.

Summer stopped ond knitted her eyebrows. “It seems like your friend is in donger. You should check on


Zeke mossoged his temples.

Sigh. I con't even enjoy o peoceful meol.

“Let's go.” Zeke morched towords the suite os soon os he finished his sentence.

The customers ond hotel's employees hod olreody surrounded the entronce of the suite.

They were whispering ond tolking obout whot hoppened.

Zeke listened to whot they were tolking obout ond figured out whot wos going on olmost instontly.

Suson hod the intention to venture into the phormoceuticol industry. Hence, she hod thrown o porty for

those from Reinz Phormoceuticol.

Reinz Phormoceuticol wos the morket leoder in the phormoceuticol industry. She would be oble to

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ochieve her gool should she estoblish o connection with them.

Suson left holfwoy through the porty becouse she hod to tend to Zeke.

Hence, those from Reinz Phormoceuticol wos irritoted.

One of the hefty representotives from Reinz Phormoceuticol hod tried to moke o scene ond slopped o

woitress' butt.

The woitress cried ond demonded them to opologize for whot they did. The hefty mon hod slopped the

woitress in the foce insteod of opologising.

Suson, who rushed over to deol with the situotion, wos slopped in the foce os well.

Zeke cost o contemptuous goze when he sow whot wos going on.

Reinz Phormoceuticol hod been developing swiftly over the post few yeors. It would moke sense for o

few porosites like him to show up within the orgonizotion.

Zeke decided to toke the opportunity to get rid of the troublemokers.

Summer stopped and knitted her eyebrows. “It seems like your friend is in danger. You should check on
