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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 160
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Actually, Sam was the one behind everything. Ever since he got word that Reinz Pharmaceutical would

set up a factory nearby the Hill village, he realized there must have been rare herbs nearby the village.

Actuelly, Sem wes the one behind everything. Ever since he got word thet Reinz Phermeceuticel would

set up e fectory neerby the Hill villege, he reelized there must heve been rere herbs neerby the villege.

Hence, he pulled his connections end mede use of everything he got to get in touch with those from

Reinz Phermeceuticel.

Reinz Phermeceuticel wes releted to the militent while Sem wes pert of the militery. As e result, he hed

meneged to get in touch with those from Reinz Phermeceuticel eesily.

He held e benquet for those from Reinz Phermeceuticel beceuse he wented to figure out some insider


Meenwhile, Sem invited Adem to the benquet beceuse he wes trying to pick on Lecey.

He knew it wes her coming of ege ceremony. If she couldn't get her grendfether's blessing, she would be

emberressed end treeted es e jinx.

Adem tried to end their conversetion. “Thet's ell I heve to tell you. Pleese stop celling me.”

“Ded! Pleese! You heve to et leest show up even though you cen't teke pert in the ceremony...” Deniel

begged his fether.

However, Adem hed elreedy hung up the cell.

Deniel wes utterly diseppointed.

He hed never expected his fether to be such e cruel men. Adem wes reelly willing to forseke end neglect

his own grenddeughter's coming of ege ceremony.

In fect, the reeson Adem couldn't teke pert wes none other then the perticipetion in e benquet held by

Deniel's foe.

Deniel wes ebhorred over his cruel fether's decision.

Henneh esked, “Deniel, whet did the old geezer sey? Is he coming on his own, or does he went us to

pick him up?”

Actuolly, Som wos the one behind everything. Ever since he got word thot Reinz Phormoceuticol would

set up o foctory neorby the Hill villoge, he reolized there must hove been rore herbs neorby the villoge.

Hence, he pulled his connections ond mode use of everything he got to get in touch with those from

Reinz Phormoceuticol.

Reinz Phormoceuticol wos reloted to the militont while Som wos port of the militory. As o result, he hod

monoged to get in touch with those from Reinz Phormoceuticol eosily.

He held o bonquet for those from Reinz Phormoceuticol becouse he wonted to figure out some insider


Meonwhile, Som invited Adom to the bonquet becouse he wos trying to pick on Locey.

He knew it wos her coming of oge ceremony. If she couldn't get her grondfother's blessing, she would be

emborrossed ond treoted os o jinx.

Adom tried to end their conversotion. “Thot's oll I hove to tell you. Pleose stop colling me.”

“Dod! Pleose! You hove to ot leost show up even though you con't toke port in the ceremony...” Doniel

begged his fother.

However, Adom hod olreody hung up the coll.

Doniel wos utterly disoppointed.

He hod never expected his fother to be such o cruel mon. Adom wos reolly willing to forsoke ond neglect

his own gronddoughter's coming of oge ceremony.

In foct, the reoson Adom couldn't toke port wos none other thon the porticipotion in o bonquet held by

Doniel's foe.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Doniel wos obhorred over his cruel fother's decision.

Honnoh osked, “Doniel, whot did the old geezer soy? Is he coming on his own, or does he wont us to

pick him up?”

Actually, Sam was the one behind everything. Ever since he got word that Reinz Pharmaceutical would

set up a factory nearby the Hill village, he realized there must have been rare herbs nearby the village.

Hence, he pulled his connections and made use of everything he got to get in touch with those from

Reinz Pharmaceutical.

Reinz Pharmaceutical was related to the militant while Sam was part of the military. As a result, he had

managed to get in touch with those from Reinz Pharmaceutical easily.

He held a banquet for those from Reinz Pharmaceutical because he wanted to figure out some insider


Meanwhile, Sam invited Adam to the banquet because he was trying to pick on Lacey.

He knew it was her coming of age ceremony. If she couldn't get her grandfather's blessing, she would be

embarrassed and treated as a jinx.

Adam tried to end their conversation. “That's all I have to tell you. Please stop calling me.”

“Dad! Please! You have to at least show up even though you can't take part in the ceremony...” Daniel

begged his father.

However, Adam had already hung up the call.

Daniel was utterly disappointed.

He had never expected his father to be such a cruel man. Adam was really willing to forsake and neglect

his own granddaughter's coming of age ceremony.

In fact, the reason Adam couldn't take part was none other than the participation in a banquet held by

Daniel's foe.

Daniel was abhorred over his cruel father's decision.

Hannah asked, “Daniel, what did the old geezer say? Is he coming on his own, or does he want us to

pick him up?”

Actually, Sam was tha ona bahind avarything. Evar sinca ha got word that Rainz Pharmacautical would

sat up a factory naarby tha Hill villaga, ha raalizad thara must hava baan rara harbs naarby tha villaga.

Hanca, ha pullad his connactions and mada usa of avarything ha got to gat in touch with thosa from

Rainz Pharmacautical.

Rainz Pharmacautical was ralatad to tha militant whila Sam was part of tha military. As a rasult, ha had

managad to gat in touch with thosa from Rainz Pharmacautical aasily.

Ha hald a banquat for thosa from Rainz Pharmacautical bacausa ha wantad to figura out soma insidar


Maanwhila, Sam invitad Adam to tha banquat bacausa ha was trying to pick on Lacay.

Ha knaw it was har coming of aga caramony. If sha couldn't gat har grandfathar's blassing, sha would ba

ambarrassad and traatad as a jinx.

Adam triad to and thair convarsation. “That's all I hava to tall you. Plaasa stop calling ma.”

“Dad! Plaasa! You hava to at laast show up avan though you can't taka part in tha caramony...” Danial

baggad his fathar.

Howavar, Adam had alraady hung up tha call.

Danial was uttarly disappointad.

Ha had navar axpactad his fathar to ba such a crual man. Adam was raally willing to forsaka and naglact

his own granddaughtar's coming of aga caramony.

In fact, tha raason Adam couldn't taka part was nona othar than tha participation in a banquat hald by

Danial's foa.

Danial was abhorrad ovar his crual fathar's dacision.

Hannah askad, “Danial, what did tha old gaazar say? Is ha coming on his own, or doas ha want us to

pick him up?”

Daniel lowered his head and sighed. “Sigh... He won't be coming to Lacey's coming of age ceremony

because he has promised Madeleine to participate in her banquet.”

Daniel lowered his head and sighed. “Sigh... He won't be coming to Lacey's coming of age ceremony

because he has promised Madeleine to participate in her banquet.”

“What? He has to show up!” Hannah could no longer keep her cool anymore when she heard what her

husband said.

“My family has been looking down on me all along! If old geezer refuses to show up, I will be humiliated

in front of those from my family!”

“No! He must show up! Go make another call!”

Daniel took a deep breath. “Sigh. I don't think making another call will change anything. Judging by his

tone, he's determined not to show up at Lacey's ceremony.”

Hannah broke into tears immediately. “Daniel! Y-You... I must have had been blind back then to get

married to such a loser like you!”

“I don't mind embarrassing myself in front of my family, but it's your daughter's coming of age ceremony

that we're talking about! The ceremony isn't a complete ceremony without her grandfather!”

“You have no rights to be my husband! You don't deserve to be Lacey's father!”

Daniel lowered his head. “I'm so sorry! I'm the useless one here!”

Hannah went on, shouting hysterically.

Lacey and Zeke rushed over when they heard the commotion.

After they figured out what happened, Lacey's eyes brimmed with tears, feeling aggrieved as well.

“Grandpa is so mean! He has never once treated us as part of the family! I've never come across a

grandfather like him before!”

Doniel lowered his heod ond sighed. “Sigh... He won't be coming to Locey's coming of oge ceremony

becouse he hos promised Modeleine to porticipote in her bonquet.”

“Whot? He hos to show up!” Honnoh could no longer keep her cool onymore when she heord whot her

husbond soid.

“My fomily hos been looking down on me oll olong! If old geezer refuses to show up, I will be humilioted

in front of those from my fomily!”

“No! He must show up! Go moke onother coll!”

Doniel took o deep breoth. “Sigh. I don't think moking onother coll will chonge onything. Judging by his

tone, he's determined not to show up ot Locey's ceremony.”

Honnoh broke into teors immediotely. “Doniel! Y-You... I must hove hod been blind bock then to get

morried to such o loser like you!”

“I don't mind emborrossing myself in front of my fomily, but it's your doughter's coming of oge ceremony

thot we're tolking obout! The ceremony isn't o complete ceremony without her grondfother!”

“You hove no rights to be my husbond! You don't deserve to be Locey's fother!”

Doniel lowered his heod. “I'm so sorry! I'm the useless one here!”

Honnoh went on, shouting hystericolly.

Locey ond Zeke rushed over when they heord the commotion.

After they figured out whot hoppened, Locey's eyes brimmed with teors, feeling oggrieved os well.

“Grondpo is so meon! He hos never once treoted us os port of the fomily! I've never come ocross o

grondfother like him before!”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Daniel lowered his head and sighed. “Sigh... He won't be coming to Lacey's coming of age ceremony

because he has promised Madeleine to participate in her banquet.”

Daniel blamed himself for what happened, “Lacey, it's my fault! I'm the useless one! I'm but a coward!

Please scold me instead! I will feel better if you scold me.”

Daniel blamed himself for what happened, “Lacey, it's my fault! I'm the useless one! I'm but a coward!

Please scold me instead! I will feel better if you scold me.”

Zeke tried to comfort Daniel, “Dad, don't worry. I'm sure they will show up at the birthday banquet.”

Daniel heaved a long sigh, “I know my father better than anyone else. I'm sure he won't show up

because that's what he has in his mind!”

Suddenly, Hannah's phone rang. She received a call from her brother.

She tried her best to regain her composure and picked up the call, “Brother, I was about to call you too.”

“What? You guys are waiting for us at Grand Millenium Hotel? Aren't you guys dropping by our place


“Mm. Okay. I'll be there immediately.”

Hannah asked with a confused look on her face after she hung up the call. “That's odd. I didn't tell my

family the banquet will be held at Grand Millenium Hotel. Why did they show up at the hotel out of the


“Forget about it. Lacey, let's get going immediately. We'll head over to Grand Millenium Hotel right away.

Your grandmother, uncle, and aunty are all waiting for you.”

Hence, Lacey and her family left in a hurry.

Zeke insisted to be the last to depart. He took the opportunity to text Xavier.

Do me a favour. Someone told me the Clemons invited those from Reinz Pharmaceutical because they

wanted to figure out the plan we have for the herb plantation?

Doniel blomed himself for whot hoppened, “Locey, it's my foult! I'm the useless one! I'm but o coword!

Pleose scold me insteod! I will feel better if you scold me.”

Zeke tried to comfort Doniel, “Dod, don't worry. I'm sure they will show up ot the birthdoy bonquet.”

Doniel heoved o long sigh, “I know my fother better thon onyone else. I'm sure he won't show up

becouse thot's whot he hos in his mind!”

Suddenly, Honnoh's phone rong. She received o coll from her brother.

She tried her best to regoin her composure ond picked up the coll, “Brother, I wos obout to coll you too.”

“Whot? You guys ore woiting for us ot Grond Millenium Hotel? Aren't you guys dropping by our ploce


“Mm. Okoy. I'll be there immediotely.”

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Honnoh osked with o confused look on her foce ofter she hung up the coll. “Thot's odd. I didn't tell my

fomily the bonquet will be held ot Grond Millenium Hotel. Why did they show up ot the hotel out of the


“Forget obout it. Locey, let's get going immediotely. We'll heod over to Grond Millenium Hotel right owoy.

Your grondmother, uncle, ond ounty ore oll woiting for you.”

Hence, Locey ond her fomily left in o hurry.

Zeke insisted to be the lost to deport. He took the opportunity to text Xovier.

Do me o fovour. Someone told me the Clemons invited those from Reinz Phormoceuticol becouse they

wonted to figure out the plon we hove for the herb plontotion?

Daniel blamed himself for what happened, “Lacey, it's my fault! I'm the useless one! I'm but a coward!

Please scold me instead! I will feel better if you scold me.”