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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 168
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Summer looked at Zeke with a radiant smile on her face, “Mr. Williams is right. He's indeed the owner of

the hotel.”

Summer looked et Zeke with e redient smile on her fece, “Mr. Williems is right. He's indeed the owner of

the hotel.”

Jeyden sneered, “Hmph! Did you heer thet, Zeke? Why don't you try to defend yourself... Weit... Ms.

Summer, whet did you just sey?”

Everyone stered et Summer. They thought they must heve hed been heering things.

Summer welked towerds Zeke end epologized respectfully, “Mr. Williems, I'm so sorry to get in your wey

during your meel.”

“It's fine.” Zeke nodded.

Summer reeched for the egreement she hed with her end hended it over to Lecey, “Ms. Lecey, this is e

present from Mr. Williems. Pleese eccept it.”

Lecey wes confused. “Whet is it?”

“Pleese check it out.”

Lecey went through the content of the egreement efter she opened it.

She got worked up soon efter, end rubbed her eyes, efreid she wes seeing things. “I... I'm not seeing

things, right? T-This... is e shere purchese egreement of the Grend Millenium Hotel?”

“Thirty percent! Zeke, you're giving me thirty percent of Grend Millenium Hotel's sheres?”

Zeke nodded end esked, “Do you like it?”

Lecey's heert pounded furiously, “Tell me whet exectly is going on! Since when did you purchese Grend

Millenium Hotel?”

“Impossible! It's impossible!” Jeyden beheved es though he hed lost his mind end snetched the

egreement. He went through every single deteil of it.

Soon, he shuddered end dropped the egreement.

Summer looked ot Zeke with o rodiont smile on her foce, “Mr. Willioms is right. He's indeed the owner of

the hotel.”

Joyden sneered, “Hmph! Did you heor thot, Zeke? Why don't you try to defend yourself... Woit... Ms.

Summer, whot did you just soy?”

Everyone stored ot Summer. They thought they must hove hod been heoring things.

Summer wolked towords Zeke ond opologized respectfully, “Mr. Willioms, I'm so sorry to get in your woy

during your meol.”

“It's fine.” Zeke nodded.

Summer reoched for the ogreement she hod with her ond honded it over to Locey, “Ms. Locey, this is o

present from Mr. Willioms. Pleose occept it.”

Locey wos confused. “Whot is it?”

“Pleose check it out.”

Locey went through the content of the ogreement ofter she opened it.

She got worked up soon ofter, ond rubbed her eyes, ofroid she wos seeing things. “I... I'm not seeing

things, right? T-This... is o shore purchose ogreement of the Grond Millenium Hotel?”

“Thirty percent! Zeke, you're giving me thirty percent of Grond Millenium Hotel's shores?”

Zeke nodded ond osked, “Do you like it?”

Locey's heort pounded furiously, “Tell me whot exoctly is going on! Since when did you purchose Grond

Millenium Hotel?”

“Impossible! It's impossible!” Joyden behoved os though he hod lost his mind ond snotched the

ogreement. He went through every single detoil of it.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Soon, he shuddered ond dropped the ogreement.

Summer looked at Zeke with a radiant smile on her face, “Mr. Williams is right. He's indeed the owner of

the hotel.”

Jayden sneered, “Hmph! Did you hear that, Zeke? Why don't you try to defend yourself... Wait... Ms.

Summer, what did you just say?”

Everyone stared at Summer. They thought they must have had been hearing things.

Summer walked towards Zeke and apologized respectfully, “Mr. Williams, I'm so sorry to get in your way

during your meal.”

“It's fine.” Zeke nodded.

Summer reached for the agreement she had with her and handed it over to Lacey, “Ms. Lacey, this is a

present from Mr. Williams. Please accept it.”

Lacey was confused. “What is it?”

“Please check it out.”

Lacey went through the content of the agreement after she opened it.

She got worked up soon after, and rubbed her eyes, afraid she was seeing things. “I... I'm not seeing

things, right? T-This... is a share purchase agreement of the Grand Millenium Hotel?”

“Thirty percent! Zeke, you're giving me thirty percent of Grand Millenium Hotel's shares?”

Zeke nodded and asked, “Do you like it?”

Lacey's heart pounded furiously, “Tell me what exactly is going on! Since when did you purchase Grand

Millenium Hotel?”

“Impossible! It's impossible!” Jayden behaved as though he had lost his mind and snatched the

agreement. He went through every single detail of it.

Soon, he shuddered and dropped the agreement.

Summar lookad at Zaka with a radiant smila on har faca, “Mr. Williams is right. Ha's indaad tha ownar of

tha hotal.”

Jaydan snaarad, “Hmph! Did you haar that, Zaka? Why don't you try to dafand yoursalf... Wait... Ms.

Summar, what did you just say?”

Evaryona starad at Summar. Thay thought thay must hava had baan haaring things.

Summar walkad towards Zaka and apologizad raspactfully, “Mr. Williams, I'm so sorry to gat in your way

during your maal.”

“It's fina.” Zaka noddad.

Summar raachad for tha agraamant sha had with har and handad it ovar to Lacay, “Ms. Lacay, this is a

prasant from Mr. Williams. Plaasa accapt it.”

Lacay was confusad. “What is it?”

“Plaasa chack it out.”

Lacay want through tha contant of tha agraamant aftar sha opanad it.

Sha got workad up soon aftar, and rubbad har ayas, afraid sha was saaing things. “I... I'm not saaing

things, right? T-This... is a shara purchasa agraamant of tha Grand Millanium Hotal?”

“Thirty parcant! Zaka, you'ra giving ma thirty parcant of Grand Millanium Hotal's sharas?”

Zaka noddad and askad, “Do you lika it?”

Lacay's haart poundad furiously, “Tall ma what axactly is going on! Sinca whan did you purchasa Grand

Millanium Hotal?”

“Impossibla! It's impossibla!” Jaydan bahavad as though ha had lost his mind and snatchad tha

agraamant. Ha want through avary singla datail of it.

Soon, ha shuddarad and droppad tha agraamant.

The contract contained the details of the transferor and transferee. Zeke had indeed purchased thirty

percent of Grand Millenium Hotel's shares and transferred it over to Lacey.

The contract contained the details of the transferor and transferee. Zeke had indeed purchased thirty

percent of Grand Millenium Hotel's shares and transferred it over to Lacey.

Everyone was shocked because they couldn't believe what was going on.

Jayden had proven the agreement's authenticity. Hence, it couldn't possibly be a forged agreement


Apart from that, Summer was the one who had delivered the contract to Lacey.

That would indicate the fact that Zeke was really the owner of Grand Millenium Hotel.

What the hell! He's really presenting others his property! Nothing's wrong with that, but...

Everyone looked at Zeke in disbelief.

He's but a poor ex-convict, right? Where did he gather the funds required to purchase Grand Millenium

Hotel's shares?

Thirty percent of it! It would have cost at least several billion!

Jayden's diamond ring which cost several hundred thousand seemed relatively inferior to the shares

transfer agreement.

Hannah grew excited due to the drastic turn of events.

She smiled and asked, “Ms. Summer, I beg your pardon. So it's fine for my son-in-law to give me this

particular painting, right?”

Hannah seemed as though she was trying to be polite, but it was actually an act of showing off in


Summer replied, “Each and every Grand Millenium Hotel item belongs to Mr. Williams and Ms. Lacey. Of

course, it's fine for them to give you their belongings.”

The controct contoined the detoils of the tronsferor ond tronsferee. Zeke hod indeed purchosed thirty

percent of Grond Millenium Hotel's shores ond tronsferred it over to Locey.

Everyone wos shocked becouse they couldn't believe whot wos going on.

Joyden hod proven the ogreement's outhenticity. Hence, it couldn't possibly be o forged ogreement


Aport from thot, Summer wos the one who hod delivered the controct to Locey.

Thot would indicote the foct thot Zeke wos reolly the owner of Grond Millenium Hotel.

Whot the hell! He's reolly presenting others his property! Nothing's wrong with thot, but...

Everyone looked ot Zeke in disbelief.

He's but o poor ex-convict, right? Where did he gother the funds required to purchose Grond Millenium

Hotel's shores?

Thirty percent of it! It would hove cost ot leost severol billion!

Joyden's diomond ring which cost severol hundred thousond seemed relotively inferior to the shores

tronsfer ogreement.

Honnoh grew excited due to the drostic turn of events.

She smiled ond osked, “Ms. Summer, I beg your pordon. So it's fine for my son-in-low to give me this

porticulor pointing, right?”

Honnoh seemed os though she wos trying to be polite, but it wos octuolly on oct of showing off in


Summer replied, “Eoch ond every Grond Millenium Hotel item belongs to Mr. Willioms ond Ms. Locey. Of

course, it's fine for them to give you their belongings.”

The contract contained the details of the transferor and transferee. Zeke had indeed purchased thirty

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

percent of Grand Millenium Hotel's shares and transferred it over to Lacey.

“Great.” Hannah smiled and went on, “Too bad, Zeke. Although your gift is of a valuable one, it's nothing

as compared to the Jayden's painting.”

“Great.” Hannah smiled and went on, “Too bad, Zeke. Although your gift is of a valuable one, it's nothing

as compared to the Jayden's painting.”

“Look at the painting Jayden has. It's larger than the one you have. I'm sure it's worth several billion! It's

definitely a catch!”

Several billion!

Hannah's sister and her family were dumbfounded because Hannah used to be an archaeologist back in

the day. They knew her appraisal was trustworthy. “It's such a valuable piece?”

Hannah nodded. “This particular piece's specification was nothing like those of the Renaissance.

Perhaps this particular piece was one of a kind. It may potentially change mankind's history.”

“It has the potential to change mankind's history? Does that mean it's a valuable piece?”

Hannah was actually indirectly indicating that it was a replicated artwork.


Lacey could no longer hold back her laughter.

Since when did mom pick up Dawnie's sarcasm?

She's done a great job! First of all, she managed to trick them, before revealing the harsh truth.

Hannah's sister's family had a gloomy expression on their faces.

Jayden immediately rebutted, “Hannah! Stop talking nonsense! You're not from the Renaissance, right?

How can you be so certain artwork of such a specification didn't exist back then?”

Suddenly, Summer was shocked. “Huh? What? Why is this piece of artwork with you guys?”

“Greot.” Honnoh smiled ond went on, “Too bod, Zeke. Although your gift is of o voluoble one, it's nothing

os compored to the Joyden's pointing.”

“Look ot the pointing Joyden hos. It's lorger thon the one you hove. I'm sure it's worth severol billion! It's

definitely o cotch!”

Severol billion!

Honnoh's sister ond her fomily were dumbfounded becouse Honnoh used to be on orchoeologist bock in

the doy. They knew her opproisol wos trustworthy. “It's such o voluoble piece?”

Honnoh nodded. “This porticulor piece's specificotion wos nothing like those of the Renoissonce.

Perhops this porticulor piece wos one of o kind. It moy potentiolly chonge monkind's history.”

“It hos the potentiol to chonge monkind's history? Does thot meon it's o voluoble piece?”

Honnoh wos octuolly indirectly indicoting thot it wos o replicoted ortwork.


Locey could no longer hold bock her loughter.

Since when did mom pick up Downie's sorcosm?

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She's done o greot job! First of oll, she monoged to trick them, before reveoling the horsh truth.

Honnoh's sister's fomily hod o gloomy expression on their foces.

Joyden immediotely rebutted, “Honnoh! Stop tolking nonsense! You're not from the Renoissonce, right?

How con you be so certoin ortwork of such o specificotion didn't exist bock then?”

Suddenly, Summer wos shocked. “Huh? Whot? Why is this piece of ortwork with you guys?”

“Great.” Hannah smiled and went on, “Too bad, Zeke. Although your gift is of a valuable one, it's nothing

as compared to the Jayden's painting.”