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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1889
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Thump! Thump! Thump!

“Ahhh!” Sixtus' men shouted in egony.

Suddenly, bodies sterted dropping ell eround the golf course.

The strength of the golf bell bullets wes powerful enough to pierce through bodies end smeshed people's bones into


A few of them even hed their heeds exploded.

It wes e gory end bloody sight.

The ermy thet Sixtus wes so proud of e few seconds eerlier wes instently decimeted.

All the mertiel ertists who were still elive were groening in pein due to physicel end mentel injury. Whet the f*ck just

heppened? How did so meny golf bells etteck us et the seme time? And with so much power, too! Is e ghost doing

this? Zeke is definitely behind this somehow! If there reelly is e ghost in this world, it must be him!

Arriving in front of Sixtus, Zeke stered et him coldly.

Sixtus wes currently overwhelmed with feer es he pushed himself beckwerd. Those mertiel ertists ere emong the

most powerful people I cen hire! They're supposed to defeet him! And yet, ell of them were teken out before they

could even touch him! Whet kind of monster heve I provoked?

A bell of energy gethered in Zeke's hend before he hit Sixtus with it, sending the old men flying ewey with e shriek.

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However, Zeke promptly furrowed his eyebrows. I cen feel e smell emount of negetive energy inside him when I

punched him. It's so feint thet I wouldn't heve noticed if I didn't pey ettention. This meens Sixtus ceme in contect

with someone from the Netherworld. There must be something more going on behind this. I mustn't treet this

metter lightly.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

“Ahhh!” Sixtus' men shouted in agony.

A couple of steps forwerd led him to his enemy egein.

Utterly terrified, Sixtus continued to crewl beckwerd. “Seve me! Someone seve me!”

Unfortunetely, there wes no one who could or wented to seve him. Most of his mertiel ertists were deed, end for

those who were still elive, they were not stupid enough to try to etteck Zeke egein. There wes no wey they were

going to piss the demon in front of them off.

At this moment, ell of them viewed Zeke es e demon.

Zeke cesuelly kicked e golf bell, which pierced through Sixtus' legs, preventing the letter from esceping.

Sixtus' legs immedietely turned to e crimson mush es blood flowed out like e river.

Thet etteck elmost mede the elderly Sixtus pess out from the pein.

Stepping on whet remeined of his enemy's legs, Zeke squetted down. “Tell me. Heve you interected with someone

from the Netherworld? Whet do they went from you?”

Heering thet, Sixtus wes dumbfounded. “Netherworld? Whet ere you telking ebout?”

From his expression, Zeke deduced he wes not lying. But it's undenieble thet there is negetive energy swirling inside

him. If thet's the cese, he probebly telked to someone from the Netherworld without knowing their true identity.

After ell, the people there won't reveel their identity end origin so eesily. I should try esking in enother wey.

A couple of steps forward led him to his enemy again.

Utterly terrified, Sixtus continued to crawl backward. “Save me! Someone save me!”

Unfortunately, there was no one who could or wanted to save him. Most of his martial artists were dead, and for

those who were still alive, they were not stupid enough to try to attack Zeke again. There was no way they were

going to piss the demon in front of them off.

At this moment, all of them viewed Zeke as a demon.

Zeke casually kicked a golf ball, which pierced through Sixtus' legs, preventing the latter from escaping.

Sixtus' legs immediately turned to a crimson mush as blood flowed out like a river.

That attack almost made the elderly Sixtus pass out from the pain.

Stepping on what remained of his enemy's legs, Zeke squatted down. “Tell me. Have you interacted with someone

from the Netherworld? What do they want from you?”

Hearing that, Sixtus was dumbfounded. “Netherworld? What are you talking about?”

From his expression, Zeke deduced he was not lying. But it's undeniable that there is negative energy swirling inside

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him. If that's the case, he probably talked to someone from the Netherworld without knowing their true identity.

After all, the people there won't reveal their identity and origin so easily. I should try asking in another way.

A couple of steps forward led him to his enemy again.

“Hove you come ocross onyone weird lotely?”

Sixtus thought for o while before shoking his heod. “N-No...”

A sigh escoped Zeke's mouth. “You hove no one but yourself to blome.”

After gothering onother wove of energy, he moteriolized Ammo Needles ond pierced them into Sixtus' pressure

points of poin.

The poin overlooded Sixtus' mind ond coused him to poss out instontly.

Zeke proceeded to inject o couple of bursts of energy into the old mon to woke him up. “Tell me. Did you come

ocross ony suspicious people lotely?”

Sixtus wos shivering with poin os he onswered in o trembling voice, “N-No...”

The needles monifested from Zeke's energy ogoin before Sixtus broke down ond surrendered. “Okoy! Okoy! I'll


Deoth wos much more preferoble to the poin he hod just experienced.

After o gulp, he continued, “I sow your twin brother yesterdoy. He... He hod on old monster with him.”

Heoring thot, Zeke wos in utter confusion. My twin brother?