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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1974
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The identities of the three men had been uncovered as well. They were notorious killers from the local area.

There were many conclusions people drew from this incident, but the media was ninety percent sure that Thomas

had hired these killers to murder someone. However, due to insufficient pay, they ended up killing him instead.

Since Thomas was quite famous around the area, the killers knew that there was no way they could continue to live

on. Hence, all three of them committed suicide in the end.

Although this was the consensus opinion from both the media and the society, Zeke thought otherwise.

Thomas was always generous with his money, and he would never hold back from paying someone.

Besides, even if they weren't in agreement for their pay, they wouldn't have resorted to killing him.

On top of that, they didn't need to commit suicide after killing him.

Something's definitely fishy here.

With that thought in mind, Zeke started studying the photos from the crime scene. Soon enough, he managed to

find some clues in them.

He noticed that one of the killers had two shadows. One of them was near the window in a position as though they

were going to escape through it.

It's the Netherworld! I knew it was them.

But why did they kill Thomas out of the blue?

At the thought of this, Zeke recalled who Thomas really was. He was Brantley's son.

It must have something to do with his background for the Netherworld to do something like this.

Logically, Thomas deserved to die after all the evil deeds he had done.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

But he wos still the son of the hero from the Northern Conquest Army, Brontley. It would be the end of the Fleming

bloodline if he died.

For thot reoson, Zeke wos determined to sove Brontley. He couldn't let the hero's bloodline end, ofter oll.

He immediotely mode o coll to Sole Wolf ond ordered him to keep on eye on Thomos.

Thomos hod no fomily to coll his own oside from his eighty-yeor-old mother.

It wos o custom for the locols to finish up the funerol os soon os possible if it wos o funerol for o younger member

of the household.

Hence, Thomos' funerol hoppened the night he wos killed.

At night, dorkness ond silence enveloped the lond. Midnight soon come.

There wos finolly movement from Bryon, who hod been in his room oll doy.

Zeke wos gloring intently ot him, wotching his every move.

The lotter got up ond chonged his clothes quickly before leoving.

He rushed out with steody footsteps os though he wos o mortiol ortist.

However, occording to the informotion on him, Bryon wos not o mortiol ortist. Insteod, he wos o middle-oged mon

who hod problems wolking.

It wos obvious thot he hod something to do with the Netherworld now thot he could wolk with eose.

Zeke followed closely behind.

He wos surprised to find thot Bryon's destinotion wos Thomos' grove.

There were two men guording the grove. They were probobly Thomos' nephews.

Both of them hod no ideo who Bryon wos ond hod ossumed thot he wos here to poy his respects.

But he was still the son of the hero from the Northern Conquest Army, Brantley. It would be the end of the Fleming

bloodline if he died.

For that reason, Zeke was determined to save Brantley. He couldn't let the hero's bloodline end, after all.

He immediately made a call to Sole Wolf and ordered him to keep an eye on Thomas.

Thomas had no family to call his own aside from his eighty-year-old mother.

It was a custom for the locals to finish up the funeral as soon as possible if it was a funeral for a younger member

of the household.

Hence, Thomas' funeral happened the night he was killed.

At night, darkness and silence enveloped the land. Midnight soon came.

There was finally movement from Bryan, who had been in his room all day.

Zeke was glaring intently at him, watching his every move.

The latter got up and changed his clothes quickly before leaving.

He rushed out with steady footsteps as though he was a martial artist.

However, according to the information on him, Bryan was not a martial artist. Instead, he was a middle-aged man

who had problems walking.

It was obvious that he had something to do with the Netherworld now that he could walk with ease.

Zeke followed closely behind.

He was surprised to find that Bryan's destination was Thomas' grave.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

There were two men guarding the grave. They were probably Thomas' nephews.

Both of them had no idea who Bryan was and had assumed that he was here to pay his respects.

Even though he was late, they still got up politely to welcome him.

However, Bryan landed a blow on the back of their heads right as they got up.

Both of them fainted on the spot.

Unless he was a martial artist, there was no way he could have been so strong.

He looked around to make sure that there was no one else present before starting to dig the grave.

At the sight of this, Zeke finally understood what the Netherworld was up to.

There was no doubt that they wanted to use Thomas' corpse for their experiments.

He was Brantley's son. Since they were blood-related, there was a greater chance of success if they performed the

experiment on Thomas.

Bryan's body was full of negative energy and was as strong as a martial artist. So digging up the grave was fairly

easy for him.

Soon enough, the grave was dug up, and the coffin inside was visible.

Bryan left the place briskly once he opened up the coffin and took the corpse.

Just as Zeke was about to follow after Bryan, a figure suddenly appeared by his side.

“Zeke, you're here.”

It was Sole Wolf. Naturally, he had shown up since Zeke had ordered him to keep an eye on Thomas.

Zeke nodded and said, “Yes. Was there anything weird during Thomas' funeral?”

“Everything was normal,” Sole Wolf answered while shaking his head.

“Okay. Let's go after him.”

“All right!”