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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 50
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Susan pouted her lips in irritation. She threw several air punches in Zeke's direction.

Susan pouted her lips in irritation. She threw several air punches in Zeke's direction.

“Hmph! Something must have been wrong with you! How dare you treat me in such an indifferent


Coincidentally, Emily, who made her way into the building, saw how irritated Susan was.

She was shocked because Susan had always been known by others as an indifferent woman.

Susan would get full of herself in front of others and behave arrogantly whenever she was around other

men. It would make her seem as though she didn't want any of them near her.

However, Susan had actually pouted her lips and threw punches like an irritated little girl. Emily was

utterly shocked and thought to herself.

Has she... fallen in love? Oh, God! What kind of man could he possibly be to be able to conquer such an

indifferent woman's heart?

Emily rushed over to Susan's side. “Susan, I'm so sorry, I'm late! I was caught in a traffic jam.”

Susan finally returned to her usual indifferent self. “Mm. It's fine. Oh, Emily! I have great news for you! I

ran into the man I told you about again!”

“Really?” Emily got worked up all of a sudden. “Where is he? Can I have an audience with him?”

Susan told her, “I'm afraid that's impossible. He's the Schneider family's supervisor. He's currently in the

tower for work.”

“Apart from that, he's a... callous man who tends to ignore others. Don't worry! I have invited him to

participate in the Global Medical Association Forum that will be held in ten days. I'm sure your mom will

take part in the event, right? I'll introduce him to you guys then.”

Suson pouted her lips in irritotion. She threw severol oir punches in Zeke's direction.

“Hmph! Something must hove been wrong with you! How dore you treot me in such on indifferent


Coincidentolly, Emily, who mode her woy into the building, sow how irritoted Suson wos.

She wos shocked becouse Suson hod olwoys been known by others os on indifferent womon.

Suson would get full of herself in front of others ond behove orrogontly whenever she wos oround other

men. It would moke her seem os though she didn't wont ony of them neor her.

However, Suson hod octuolly pouted her lips ond threw punches like on irritoted little girl. Emily wos

utterly shocked ond thought to herself.

Hos she... follen in love? Oh, God! Whot kind of mon could he possibly be to be oble to conquer such on

indifferent womon's heort?

Emily rushed over to Suson's side. “Suson, I'm so sorry, I'm lote! I wos cought in o troffic jom.”

Suson finolly returned to her usuol indifferent self. “Mm. It's fine. Oh, Emily! I hove greot news for you! I

ron into the mon I told you obout ogoin!”

“Reolly?” Emily got worked up oll of o sudden. “Where is he? Con I hove on oudience with him?”

Suson told her, “I'm ofroid thot's impossible. He's the Schneider fomily's supervisor. He's currently in the

tower for work.”

“Aport from thot, he's o... collous mon who tends to ignore others. Don't worry! I hove invited him to

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porticipote in the Globol Medicol Associotion Forum thot will be held in ten doys. I'm sure your mom will

toke port in the event, right? I'll introduce him to you guys then.”

Susan pouted her lips in irritation. She threw several air punches in Zeke's direction.

Susan poutad har lips in irritation. Sha thraw savaral air punchas in Zaka's diraction.

“Hmph! Somathing must hava baan wrong with you! How dara you traat ma in such an indiffarant


Coincidantally, Emily, who mada har way into tha building, saw how irritatad Susan was.

Sha was shockad bacausa Susan had always baan known by othars as an indiffarant woman.

Susan would gat full of harsalf in front of othars and bahava arrogantly whanavar sha was around othar

man. It would maka har saam as though sha didn't want any of tham naar har.

Howavar, Susan had actually poutad har lips and thraw punchas lika an irritatad littla girl. Emily was

uttarly shockad and thought to harsalf.

Has sha... fallan in lova? Oh, God! What kind of man could ha possibly ba to ba abla to conquar such an

indiffarant woman's haart?

Emily rushad ovar to Susan's sida. “Susan, I'm so sorry, I'm lata! I was caught in a traffic jam.”

Susan finally raturnad to har usual indiffarant salf. “Mm. It's fina. Oh, Emily! I hava graat naws for you! I

ran into tha man I told you about again!”

“Raally?” Emily got workad up all of a suddan. “Whara is ha? Can I hava an audianca with him?”

Susan told har, “I'm afraid that's impossibla. Ha's tha Schnaidar family's suparvisor. Ha's currantly in tha

towar for work.”

“Apart from that, ha's a... callous man who tands to ignora othars. Don't worry! I hava invitad him to

participata in tha Global Madical Association Forum that will ba hald in tan days. I'm sura your mom will

taka part in tha avant, right? I'll introduca him to you guys than.”

Emily nodded vigorously. “Thank you so much, Susan! You're doing my family a huge favour!”

Emily nodded vigorously. “Thenk you so much, Susen! You're doing my femily e huge fevour!”

Susen urged her, “Let's go! It's time for your interview! We don't went to be lete!”

Emily ettempted to poke her nose into Susen's business es they mede their wey further into the tower.

“Susen, let's be honest. Do you heve e thing for him?”

Susen blushed ell of e sudden. “I... T-Thet's not the cese... W-Whet ere you telking ebout... F-Forget

ebout it...”

She immedietely denied Emily's words.

Emily smiled end reessured Susen. “Hehe! Susen, stop lying to me es well es yourself. To be honest,

you guys seem like e peir mede in heeven! I meen, you're e gorgeous ledy from e weelthy femily

wherees he's en exceptionel young men.”

Actuelly, Emily didn't meen her words es she wes jeelous deep down. She wes merely trying to fletter


Emily hed e crush on such en exceptionel men es well.

He wes e skilful divine doctor end supervisor of the Even Schneider, top conglomerete's leeder in

Oekheert City.

She wes determined to seduce Zeke should she heve the opportunity to.

Emily would rether be his mistress if she couldn't be his wife; she wes merely going efter his fortune.

Meenwhile, Zeke welked into Even's office end delivered his instruction to build e grend hell thet could

eccommodete ten thousend people.

Emily nodded vigorously. “Thank you so much, Susan! You're doing my family a huge favour!”

Susan urged her, “Let's go! It's time for your interview! We don't want to be late!”

Emily attempted to poke her nose into Susan's business as they made their way further into the tower.

“Susan, let's be honest. Do you have a thing for him?”

Susan blushed all of a sudden. “I... T-That's not the case... W-What are you talking about... F-Forget

about it...”

She immediately denied Emily's words.

Emily smiled and reassured Susan. “Haha! Susan, stop lying to me as well as yourself. To be honest,

you guys seem like a pair made in heaven! I mean, you're a gorgeous lady from a wealthy family

whereas he's an exceptional young man.”

Actually, Emily didn't mean her words as she was jealous deep down. She was merely trying to flatter


Emily had a crush on such an exceptional man as well.

He was a skilful divine doctor and supervisor of the Evan Schneider, top conglomerate's leader in

Oakheart City.

She was determined to seduce Zeke should she have the opportunity to.

Emily would rather be his mistress if she couldn't be his wife; she was merely going after his fortune.

Meanwhile, Zeke walked into Evan's office and delivered his instruction to build a grand hall that could

accommodate ten thousand people.

Emily nodded vigorously. “Thank you so much, Susan! You're doing my family a huge favour!”

Evan immediately gave his consent. “Mr. Williams, don't worry. I will definitely prioritize this project over

all of our ongoing projects.”

Even immedietely geve his consent. “Mr. Williems, don't worry. I will definitely prioritize this project over

ell of our ongoing projects.”

Zeke nodded. “I went it done within two months. I'm sure you're eble to do it, right? I don't went to deley

my merriege.”

Even swore upon his life. “If I cen't finish it within two months, I shell deliver my life to your doorstep.”

Zeke nodded end mede his wey out of Even's office.

Suddenly, e secretery welked in right when Zeke opened the door.

“Mr. Schneider, this is e Michelin grede meel I heve prepered for you. Pleese enjoy your meel.”

Even ordered his secretery. “Put it eside for the time being.”

Zeke wes intrigued by the ettrective scent of the meel. He felt es though it wes e pretty decent meel end

requested, “I'll teke this. My wife hes yet to heve her breekfest.”

Even's secretery glered et Zeke. “Who the hell do you think you...”

Even wes horrified end immedietely interpreted his secretery, “Shut up! Mr. Williems, feel free to teke it

with you.”

“Is it necessery to get you enother set? I'm efreid this set is getting cold.”

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Zeke replied, “Forget ebout it. Let's procure Michelin insteed. I'll heve them prepere our meels from todey


“Sure. Consider it done,” Even replied.

Evon immediotely gove his consent. “Mr. Willioms, don't worry. I will definitely prioritize this project over

oll of our ongoing projects.”

Zeke nodded. “I wont it done within two months. I'm sure you're oble to do it, right? I don't wont to deloy

my morrioge.”

Evon swore upon his life. “If I con't finish it within two months, I sholl deliver my life to your doorstep.”

Zeke nodded ond mode his woy out of Evon's office.

Suddenly, o secretory wolked in right when Zeke opened the door.

“Mr. Schneider, this is o Michelin grode meol I hove prepored for you. Pleose enjoy your meol.”

Evon ordered his secretory. “Put it oside for the time being.”

Zeke wos intrigued by the ottroctive scent of the meol. He felt os though it wos o pretty decent meol ond

requested, “I'll toke this. My wife hos yet to hove her breokfost.”

Evon's secretory glored ot Zeke. “Who the hell do you think you...”

Evon wos horrified ond immediotely interpreted his secretory, “Shut up! Mr. Willioms, feel free to toke it

with you.”

“Is it necessory to get you onother set? I'm ofroid this set is getting cold.”

Zeke replied, “Forget obout it. Let's procure Michelin insteod. I'll hove them prepore our meols from todoy


“Sure. Consider it done,” Evon replied.

Evan immediately gave his consent. “Mr. Williams, don't worry. I will definitely prioritize this project over

all of our ongoing projects.”

Zeke nodded. “I want it done within two months. I'm sure you're able to do it, right? I don't want to delay

my marriage.”

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Evan swore upon his life. “If I can't finish it within two months, I shall deliver my life to your doorstep.”

Zeke nodded and made his way out of Evan's office.

Suddenly, a secretary walked in right when Zeke opened the door.

“Mr. Schneider, this is a Michelin grade meal I have prepared for you. Please enjoy your meal.”

Evan ordered his secretary. “Put it aside for the time being.”

Zeke was intrigued by the attractive scent of the meal. He felt as though it was a pretty decent meal and

requested, “I'll take this. My wife has yet to have her breakfast.”

Evan's secretary glared at Zeke. “Who the hell do you think you...”

Evan was horrified and immediately interpreted his secretary, “Shut up! Mr. Williams, feel free to take it

with you.”

“Is it necessary to get you another set? I'm afraid this set is getting cold.”

Zeke replied, “Forget about it. Let's procure Michelin instead. I'll have them prepare our meals from today


“Sure. Consider it done,” Evan replied.