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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 686
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“Surrender!” Barnaby made the first move.

At the same time, Eclipse rushed toward him.


At their first blows, the atmosphere in the room seemed to change. The air became tense, and even the

temperature had dropped.

In the beginning, both were equally powerful.

The poor hall suffered the most. The furniture was shattered by the attacks, and even the walls had holes like a

beehive. It was as if the walls were about to collapse at any time.

However, as time went by, Eclipse’s disadvantage revealed itself. He was old, and he had less stamina. Soon, he

was starting to tire, and he kept exposing weak points to his opponent.

Although he had done his best to make up for those exposures, his opponent was too swift. He was nearly taken

down by the other man several times.

In the end, Barnaby found the opportunity to punch Eclipse’s chest.


Eclipse coughed out a mouthful of blood as he flew backward and crashed into a wall. He then fell onto a table,

which shattered immediately.

The older man lay limp on the floor.

He tried to stand up, but even a slight movement brought blood up to his throat again.

A punch from Barnaby had crippled Eclipse, the top assassin from Rivermouth.

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The crowd was stunned. Then, many started sighing.

They were stunned because as a martial arts master, Barnaby’s blows were deadly.

They were sighing because the top assassin of Rivermouth, who had ruled over Rivermouth for decades, got an

ending like this.

From now on, there would be no Eclipse in Eurasia.

The crowd sighed again.

Even Zeke sighed in disappointment as he looked at Eclipse.

His disappointed look made Eclipse burn in rage.

I’m in this state because of you! Not only are you ungrateful, but you’re even shaking your head and sighing!

Where is your conscience?

Zeke stepped forward and said, “You didn’t show them your full power, did you?”

Eclipse replied, “I’m old, and my body doesn’t keep up with my mind anymore. I can’t show my full power.”

Zeke shook his head. “Wrong. You’re wrong. For martial artists, especially one of your level, age is barely a factor to

your power.”

He continued, “For you, it’s because you’ve been injured at your energy center. Blood has clotted there, and that’s

why it’s affecting your display of power. Your energy center is around your waist, and it’s the place where your

energy comes from. In other words, your energy center’s blocked, so your power can’t be fully released.”

Eclipse looked at him in confusion. “Really? Why didn’t I know that my energy center’s been injured? Where is the

energy center?”

Zeke pointed at Eclipse’s belly button.

“It’s here.”

Eclipse pondered. “Hm. Ten years ago, in my previous fight with Barnaby, he did injure me there. But it wasn’t

anything serious back then... Since you said that I can’t display my full power because of the injured energy center,

is there a way to cure that?”

Zeke answered, “If I’m telling you this, that means there’s a way to cure it. You need months to fully recover from

it. But I can temporarily clear the blockage for now. It’ll last for half an hour.”

Zeke answered, “If I’m telling you this, that means there’s a way to cure it. You need months to fully recover from

it. But I can temporarily clear the blockage for now. It’ll last for half an hour.”

Eclipse nodded. “Even if it only lasts for five minutes, that’s already more than enough for me to cripple Barnaby.”

Zeke nodded.


He took out a silver needle and carefully pushed it into Eclipse’s energy center.

“Try now.”

Eclipse closed his eyes and cleared his mind of other thoughts.

When he opened his eyes again, they were bright and watery.

It’s working!

In the past, whenever he had tried to clear his mind and focus entirely on one thing, his entire body would hurt,

especially his abdomen area. It was an exploding pain that he could barely withstand.

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However, now, he could fully focus without any pain.

This meant that he would be able to show his full power; he was now at the peak combat state!

“Young man, I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me,” Eclipse choked out.

Now, it was as if he had been reborn. It was impossible for him not to feel excited.

Zeke onswered, “If I’m telling you this, thot meons there’s o woy to cure it. You need months to fully recover from

it. But I con tempororily cleor the blockoge for now. It’ll lost for holf on hour.”

Eclipse nodded. “Even if it only losts for five minutes, thot’s olreody more thon enough for me to cripple Bornoby.”

Zeke nodded.


He took out o silver needle ond corefully pushed it into Eclipse’s energy center.

“Try now.”

Eclipse closed his eyes ond cleored his mind of other thoughts.

When he opened his eyes ogoin, they were bright ond wotery.

It’s working!

In the post, whenever he hod tried to cleor his mind ond focus entirely on one thing, his entire body would hurt,

especiolly his obdomen oreo. It wos on exploding poin thot he could borely withstond.

However, now, he could fully focus without ony poin.

This meont thot he would be oble to show his full power; he wos now ot the peok combot stote!

“Young mon, I’ll never forget whot you’ve done for me,” Eclipse choked out.

Now, it wos os if he hod been reborn. It wos impossible for him not to feel excited.