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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 696
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The two continued to ask the other party to sit, and neither relented.

Finally, both sat down at the same time.

Lacey’s heart was pounding loudly, and her cheeks were heating up. She did not know where to put her hands.

In the end, Zeke held onto Lacey’s hand to cheer her on instead.

He then smiled at Hades and asked, “Mr. Hades, is Eclipse not here yet?”

Hades looked into the distance and hummed, “He should be here soon.”

At the same time, there was an army of ten thousand people at the borders of Eastend.

The sight of the large army was majestic. The thousands of heads within a small space exuded a gloomy aura that

the gray clouds above could not compare to.

Even if the army were to stay unmoving and do nothing, one glance at them would horrify any.

This was the attack troop that the boss had organized.

The person-in-charge of the attack, John, was looking at the group of people who were here to watch the battle

with a telescope. He was furious.

He had never thought that the night before the attack, Emily had revealed the news of the attack.

Now, his enemy had sufficient time to prepare, their civilians were watching the battle, and the Martial Arts

Association had gotten involved.

This would affect the plan of the attack.

“That idiot snitch, Emily Clemons, has to die! But so what if you guys have time to prepare? You can’t win against

my ten-thousand-man army. You’re nothing but a joke!”

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John leaped onto the roof of a car and looked downward at the army.

He pointed in the direction of Rivermouth and shouted, “Tell me. What do you see?”

Everyone turned toward the direction he pointed.

They could see nothing but wilderness.

“Sir, we see the wilderness.”

John shook his head.

“You’re wrong. That is the place for you to soar to the prime of your life with glory and wealth. Charge! Kill

everyone in our path today! I don’t want anyone to be standing in our way to wealth and glory!”

“Charge!” Thousands of soldiers roared, their voices thunderous.

The thousands of men swarmed toward Rivermouth.

Even the ground was quaking under their footsteps.

At the borders of Rivermouth, the crowd was in a heated discussion about Master Williams’ identity and capability.

Abruptly, the ground started shaking.

The crowd’s first reaction was to think that it was an earthquake.

However, the tectonic plate Rivermouth was on was stable, and they had never had an earthquake in centuries.

How could there be an earthquake?

The crowd only realized what was going on when they saw a dark mass swarming toward them.

The crowd only realized what was going on when they saw a dark mass swarming toward them.

This isn’t an earthquake; this is the enemy coming!

The crowd started panicking.

There are so many of them! The sheer number of them covers more land than the clouds can cover the sky!

Despite that there was still a distance between the enemy and them, the crowd was starting to feel their knees go

weak. If the enemies were in their faces, they might just die from a heart attack.

Where’s Master Williams? Why isn’t he here yet?

Can he really stop this terrifying attack?

Now, the crowd was ready to escape at any time.

A jeep slowly stopped in front of Hades and the rest.

The door swung open, and Eclipse came down from the car.

The crowd turned their gazes at him.

As expected of Eclipse, all he needed to do was to stand there, and the people would feel safe.

Eclipse smiled at Zeke.

“Young man, I’ll be going ahead first.”

Zeke nodded.

“Please do.”

Eclipse shook his arm, and his steel weapon slid down from his sleeves into his firm grasp.

He turned and charged toward the enemy.

The moment Eclipse took out his weapon, the deaths of his enemies were guaranteed.

The crowd only reolized whot wos going on when they sow o dork moss sworming toword them.

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This isn’t on eorthquoke; this is the enemy coming!

The crowd storted ponicking.

There ore so mony of them! The sheer number of them covers more lond thon the clouds con cover the sky!

Despite thot there wos still o distonce between the enemy ond them, the crowd wos storting to feel their knees go

weok. If the enemies were in their foces, they might just die from o heort ottock.

Where’s Moster Willioms? Why isn’t he here yet?

Con he reolly stop this terrifying ottock?

Now, the crowd wos reody to escope ot ony time.

A jeep slowly stopped in front of Hodes ond the rest.

The door swung open, ond Eclipse come down from the cor.

The crowd turned their gozes ot him.

As expected of Eclipse, oll he needed to do wos to stond there, ond the people would feel sofe.

Eclipse smiled ot Zeke.

“Young mon, I’ll be going oheod first.”

Zeke nodded.

“Pleose do.”

Eclipse shook his orm, ond his steel weopon slid down from his sleeves into his firm grosp.

He turned ond chorged toword the enemy.

The moment Eclipse took out his weopon, the deoths of his enemies were guoronteed.