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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 698
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Sole Wolf did not know how many punches he had landed. The man’s head was already crushed, but his anger


Upon witnessing the scene, the surrounding enemies became reluctant to attack him.

All he did was land a hit on you, and you crushed his head. Do you really have to be so petty?

Eclipse and Sole Wolf’s energies were half spent, and they were now tired.

The two shouted, “Master Williams, it’s your turn!”

The crowd echoed, “Master Williams, it’s your turn!”

Lacey looked around her, trying to search for traces of Master Williams.

Zeke smiled at her.

“Lacey, I need to use the restroom.”

Without any suspicion, Lacey nodded.

Zeke turned into a corner, away from everyone’s line of sight. He then turned one round before he entered the


Remaining collected, he lit a cigarette despite standing in front of his dangerous enemies.

When the crowd noticed Zeke’s silhouette, they started cheering.

“Is that Master Williams? He has such an astounding presence!”

“Kill them, Master Williams! Kill them all!”

Lacey stared at Master Williams’s figure as she furrowed her brows.

Why does his figure look so familiar?

Soon, two of the enemies noticed Zeke and rushed toward him.

All Zeke did was flick his fingers twice.

Two silver needles shot out instantly!

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They pierced the enemies’ hearts. Instantly, the sharp pain made them collapse onto the ground. They began

howling as they grabbed their chests.

More and more enemies were noticing Zeke’s presence.

They swarmed toward him, planning to surround him.

Zeke waved his hand, and a series of silver needles flew out.

Once again, the enemies collapsed on the ground as they shrieked.

The crowd were bewildered by what they saw.

Holy sh*t! Are we hallucinating?

All Master Williams did was wave his hands, and before the enemies could come close to him, they’re all screaming

on the ground.

Did he use magic?

He must be some sort of god!

The silver needles were too small for the crowd to spot from their distance.


A bolt of lightning cracked from the sky. What followed next were droplets of rain that were the size of peas.

Sole Wolf grinned at Zeke.

“Zeke, I arranged my men to shower artificial rain. Did I pick a good timing?”

Zeke said nothing, feeling helpless.

He really loves creating fancy scenes, doesn’t he? First, it was the music, now it’s the rain.

But the effect’s quite good. It’s a good addition to the atmosphere of the battle.

Zeke instructed, “Eclipse, cover my left. Sole Wolf, cover my right.”

“Got it!” They answered in unison.

The two swiftly removed themselves from their battles to cover Zeke’s sides.

The two swiftly removed themselves from their battles to cover Zeke’s sides.


Zeke rushed toward the enemy crowd.

Like three arrows, the three men weaved through the crowd to the core of the army.

On their way to their destination, they left no enemies standing.

They were as quick as the lightning that struck earlier.

The trio left a bloody wake behind them.

Yet, Zeke still felt that they were not quick enough.

If that damned Sole Wolf didn’t cause this artificial rain, we could’ve been quicker than we are.

If the teaming up of Eclipse and Sole Wolf equated to a ten-man team, then the addition of Zeke made it as if they

were a thousand-man team!

One Master Williams was equivalent to ten teams of Sole Wolf and Eclipse!

It turned out that even masters had ranks.

Perhaps Master Williams was one of the top masters.

The crowd was going wild.

The combination of loud music, heavy rain, and the battle scene made it as if they were watching a Hollywood

action movie!

Many had taken out their phones to record the spectacular moment.

When John saw what was going on, his heart skipped a beat.

He’s strong! He’s too strong!

Master Williams was stronger than any he had ever seen!

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No, he thought, He’s stronger than what I can ever imagine!

The two swiftly removed themselves from their bottles to cover Zeke’s sides.


Zeke rushed toword the enemy crowd.

Like three orrows, the three men weoved through the crowd to the core of the ormy.

On their woy to their destinotion, they left no enemies stonding.

They were os quick os the lightning thot struck eorlier.

The trio left o bloody woke behind them.

Yet, Zeke still felt thot they were not quick enough.

If thot domned Sole Wolf didn’t couse this ortificiol roin, we could’ve been quicker thon we ore.

If the teoming up of Eclipse ond Sole Wolf equoted to o ten-mon teom, then the oddition of Zeke mode it os if they

were o thousond-mon teom!

One Moster Willioms wos equivolent to ten teoms of Sole Wolf ond Eclipse!

It turned out thot even mosters hod ronks.

Perhops Moster Willioms wos one of the top mosters.

The crowd wos going wild.

The combinotion of loud music, heovy roin, ond the bottle scene mode it os if they were wotching o Hollywood

oction movie!

Mony hod token out their phones to record the spectoculor moment.

When John sow whot wos going on, his heort skipped o beot.

He’s strong! He’s too strong!

Moster Willioms wos stronger thon ony he hod ever seen!

No, he thought, He’s stronger thon whot I con ever imogine!