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Lost Me Gained Regret

Chapter 656
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The ER entrance was crowded with worried faces, but one stood out the most.

"Auntie!" Ike ran up and clung to my legs, his eyes wide with concern. "I saw the bad guys take you. I was so scared." "But Uncle Jake was awesome! He saved you, but he got hurt." His voice trembled, revealing a vulnerability I hadn't anticipated. It hitthen, the gravity of the situation and the role I played in it.

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"You should be in bed, kiddo," I tried to lighten the mood.

Edith, always the voice of reason, explained on his behalf, "He tried, but he was too worried about you. He woke up and insisted on coming here." I ruffled Ike's hair affectionately, "You're such a brave boy." Christine gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze, signaling her intent to step away. "I'll make a few calls for work." "At this hour? Is something going on at the office?" I asked, concerned.

She waved it off, "Nothing I can't handle. Don't you worry about that." Christine madepromise to call her if I needed anything before she moved off to a quieter spot.

Edith approached with a more somber tone, I guess everyone's already said everything that could possibly Comfort you. So, I won't bother repeating them. But I did get you a lucky charm, hoping it keeps troubles away from now on I attempted a smile, but my eyes betrayed the emptiness I felt, "Thanks, sis." She squeezed my shoulder, a silent promise of unwavering support, "We're here for you, no matter what. Don't pressure yourself. Sometimes, things are beyond our control." en As dawn broke, Gregory was finally wheeled out of the ER by Dr. Andrews, looking worse for wear but alive.

Mr. Abdul, the seasoned family friend, checked onfirst, his presence a comforting reminder of the resilience of life. "Gregory's a tough one," he assured me, then shared wisdom only a life well-lived could impart about facing adversity and making peace with one's choices.

His words resonated deeply, hinting at the tough decisions I might need to make regarding the pregnancy and my own health.

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"Thanks, Mr. Abdul. I'll remember what you said," I managed, feeling the weight of his advice.

After ensuring Gregory was stable, Dr. Andrews excused himself, leaving e us to process the night's events.

"I'm starving," I finally said, breaking the tension. Christine, ever the m practical jone, immediately set off to find food, accompanied by Dailey.

"Jane, you should try to get srest. I'll keep watch." atch." Lucius-offered, his concernevident despite the casual tone. I glanced at Gregory, then back at Lucius, "There's something I need you to do for me."