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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 141
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Chapter 141 More to It Than Meets the Eye

Megan’s words made Percival sneer. “Mind your own business. You have no right to interfere in other

people’s affairs.”

He turned and walked away, leaving Megan standing on her spot. Her hatred toward Erin increased

right that instant. She continued to stare at Erin’s disappearing figure and made no move to leave.

May glanced at her and advised, “Don’t be angry, Megan. That’s just how my cousin is. Don’t stoop to

her level. Although she’s my cousin. I have to admit, she’s really promiscuous. Any man can have her! I

even suspect that her ex–husband divorced her because of her relationship with Chandler-

This statement immediately caught Megan’s full attention. She hurriedly asked, “Who?”

May shrugged. “Chandler Frost, the president of Frost Corporation, the Azores tycoon, and the eldest

heir of the Frost family. Haven’t you heard of him, Megan?”

Megan rolled her eyes. “Of course, I’ve heard of him! Who hasn’t heard of Chandler Frost? Are you

insulting me?”

“I’m sorry, Megan. I didn’t mean it that way-” May explained nervously.

“Don’t be scared, May. I have no ill intentions. Let’s go, tell me all about the relationship between Erin

and Chandler.” Megan reached out to hold May’s arm like they were true sisters.

May looked at the peerless beauty she usually only saw on screens. She was now treating her like a

friend. This made her feel a wave of excitement in her heart. When Liliana found her, May could hardly

believe it. Megan suddenly approaching made her eager to spill all of

Erin’s secrets.

“Chandler used to be Erin’s boss. But privately, she’s Chandler’s plaything. I heard with my own ears

that one time she was crying and screaming in his room. She even ended up in the hospital-”

Two hours later, the filming of the movie began in full swing. The shooting went relatively smoothly.

Roman and Matthew went out to film a hunting scene, while Erin continued to practice a fight scene

under the guidance of a fight coordinator for tomorrow’s shoot. Since Erin hadn’t trained in combat

before, she couldn’t immediately learn complex fight moves. So, the fight coordinator taught her

visually deceptive actions that were easy to learn and perform. Combined with CGI that would be

added later on, the scenes would look impressive.

After practicing for half an hour, the fight coordinator told Erin to take a break.

Erin planned to go back to Roman’s dressing room to grab some food. Practicing fight scenes was

physically exhausting, and she was


When she arrived at the dressing room, within five minutes, Hank came to find her. He knocked on the

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

door and entered the dressing room. Then, he gently closed the door and approached Erin.

He whispered, “Miss Lane, someone asked me to deliver this note to you. After reading it, you should

destroy it.”

Erin furrowed her brows and asked, “Who gave you the note?”

“One of Mr. Frost’s men,” he replied.

Erin felt a surge of joy and immediately thought of Chandler. She asked again, “Is it from Chandler?”

Hank nodded solemnly and then left.

After he left, Erin immediately walked to the door and locked it.

She quickly opened the note and saw that it was not handwritten but printed from a computer. The

content read: “The captured suspect is not the real culprit. Beware of Percival’s stunt double, Baxter,

and also be careful of Percival himself. They are both suspects.”

After reading it, Erin’s expression immediately turned serious. She had thought that the suspect had

been caught, but it turned out that he wasn’t the real culprit. Why did that extra voluntarily turn himself

in? Why would he take the fall?

Just as Erin was puzzling over this, her phone rang. She walked to the lable in front of the makeup

mirror, picked up her phone, and saw an unfamiliar caller ID. She swiped the screen and pressed the

answer button.

“Hello, is this Ms. Erin Lane?”

When Erin heard that the caller was a woman and her voice sounded young, probably in her thirties at

most, she asked, “I’m Erin. Who is


The caller said, “Hello, Ms. Lane. I’m the wife of the captured male extra. I want to tell you that my

husband didn’t do such a thing! He had his reasons and was threatened by someone who had

evidence against him. That person forced him to take the blarne. He did it for me=”

Erin didn’t immediately come to a judgment. She urged, “Can you be more specific?”

“Okay, I’ll tell you. When I was young. I worked as a hostess. Later, I met my husband, and he treated

me well. We eventually got married. At that time, he was just a temporary extra. I traveled with him

everywhere. Two years ago, he finally managed to sign a contract with the crew and became a regular

extra. His income increased a lot, and our finances became more stable. But after your incident was

reported in the news, my husband received threatening calls from a stranger, saying that if he didn’t

take the blame, they would tell my in–laws about my past as a hostess. They didn’t like me much, and

now I’m three months pregnant. If they found out about my past, they would definitely pressure my

husband to divorce me! In order to protect me, my husband confessed. And the other party gave us

two hundred

thousand as compensation.”

The woman started crying at this point. She continued, “We were indeed in need of money, but ever

since my husband was taken away. I’ve felt guilty every moment. I can’t bear to let him be responsible

for such a horrible crime for my sake. How will he face his relatives and friends after he’s released from

prison? I don’t want our child to be ridiculed in the future! The real criminal is still at large, so be careful.


possible, when the real culprit is caught, could you testify in court to help us?”

Erin was very shocked. She didn’t expect things would turn out this way. It was no wonder Chandler

asked someone to give her the note. He’d known all along that the real culprit was manipulating things

behind the scenes.

“Don’t worry, if I’m needed to testify in court, I’ll help you. Has your husband revealed the truth to the


The woman sobbed. “It’s too late to do that! There are witnesses and physical evidence. Moreover, my

husband confessed voluntarily. and the details he described matched the crime committed. It’s too late

to reopen the case now. The investigators won’t believe him at all

They still think he’s trying to argue his way out and escape legal punishment. I. I really don’t know what

to do!”

Erin thought for a moment and said, “Thank you for telling me the truth. I’ll have my friend look into the

situation and I’ll call you back later.

Is that okay?”

“Yes, yes. Thank you so much, Ms. Lane! This is my number. Feel free to contact me anytime if there’s

any new information!”

“Alright, that’s it for now. Goodbye.” Erin hung up.

This matter was completely beyond her capabilities. The only people she could think of were Roman

and Simon, who had helped her before. But they’d already done her a favor once, and she didn’t want

to burden them with this complicated matter. The only other person

she could think of at the moment was Chandler.

Erin looked at the note in her hand and hesitated no more. She dialed Chandler’s number, but his

phone kept ringing with no one


After ten minutes, Kyle called Erin back using his phone.

“Ms. Lane, this is Kyle. Do you need anything?”

Erin was taken aback. “Mr. Morn, why are you the one answering the call? Where is Chandler? Is

everything ok?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Kyle was currently standing In the corridor outside the intensive care unit of Liberty General Hospital.

He explained softly. “Don’t worry. Mr. Frost is fine. The one in trouble is Mr. Frost’s grandfather. He had

a stroke and is still unconscious. Mr. Frost has been by his side in the hospital room because the

doctor said tonight is a critical period to see if his grandfather can make it through. If he can’t, his

grandfather might, you know-”

The ominous words were left unspoken, but Erin naturally understood. She suddenly felt sorry for

Chandler. At this moment, she truly wished she could be by his side to support him.

However, with Chandler’s grandfather being ill, it was likely that the people from the Frost family would

be present, so she had no right to

appear in such a situation.

Erin said, “It’s ok. I’m fine. Let him accompany his grandfather with peace of mind. I hope his

grandfather will be fine.”

Even saying those words were difficult for her. If something really happened to Chandler’s grandfather,

she wouldn’t know how to comfort


Kyle said. “Ms. Lane, Mr. Frost actually canceled a meeting for your sake before.”

In just two minutes, Kyle told Erin that Chandler had come to Fleuverton but had left in a hurry.

Tears flowed down Erin’s cheeks uncontrollably as she held the phone. She had misunderstood him.

What was more, she didn’t expect that he’d acted so swiftly and come to Fleuverton for her.

“Mr. Morn, thank you. Thank you for telling me all this!”

Kyle could hear her crying on the phone. He went on, “Miss Lane, please forgive me for not being able

to chat with you for long. The chairman has gone downstairs to smoke and will come up soon.”

“Okay, I understand. Mr. Morn, please tell Chandler to stay by his grandfather’s side. I can handle

things on my end. Ask him not to worry about me. Thank you!”

“Alright, I’ll convey that to Mr. Frost. Take care of yourself in Fleuverton, Miss Lane.”

“Thank you, I will. Goodbye.”

Erin wiped away her tears and put away her phone. She felt guilty for blaming Chandler. At the same

time, she worried about Chandler’s grandfather. But she was powerless when it came to his

grandfather’s health condition. All she could do was pray that he would get through the critical period. 1

As for catching the hidden culprit lurking in the shadows, she had to find a way to do it herself!

At that moment, there came a knock on the door.

Erin quickly wiped away her tears, then cleared her throat and asked, “Who is it?”

A pleasant voice came from outside the door; it carried a hint of a smile. “Erin, it’s Percival. I just got

the script of the revised scene from

the screenwriter. Do you want to take a look?”