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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 175
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Chapter 175 Carbon Copies

Right after he gave the instructions, Lamar stood up and walked toward his room.

As soon as Lamar left, Zinka immediately approached lan and whispered, “Mr. Sloan, you’re really

lucky! In the past three days, there have been at least ten men who came to meet Mr. Dempsey, but

you’re the first one he allowed to see Yvette. It seems looks do count. Haha! I’ll go and bring Yvette out


Zinka had just taken a few steps when she hurriedly turned back and advised. “By the way. I must

remind you, if Yvette doesn’t like you. even if you have a mountain of silver, it won’t matter. Mr.

Dempsey dotes on his only daughter the most. So, be prepared. If Yvette doesn’t take a liking to you,

you should leave the house before Mr. Dempsey wakes up from his nap.”

lan remained polite and said, “Thank you for the reminder, Zinka. I understand.”

He respectfully watched Zinka leave. 1

Lamar, who had been peeking from behind the curtain of his room, nodded and then quietly left. Once

he was gone, so did his shadow disappear. A glint of determination flickered in lan’s eyes.

He remembered Darian’s reminder that Lamar valued wealth above everything else. If he ever looked

for a son-in-law, he would definitely choose a wealthy one to prevent the family fortune from

diminishing. Moreover, Yvetle was known for being proud and arrogant, so it wouldn’t be easy to ask for

her hand in marriage.

At that time, lan thought Darian was overthinking it. He never had any intention of marrying Yvette.

Even if Yvette had the same face as Erin, she wasn’t Erin.

lan went there pretending to propose only to find out the truth about the past. He wanted to know if

Yvette and Erin were really twins.

Within ten minutes. Yvette descended from upstairs wearing colorful ethnic clothing. As she walked

through the exquisitely carved corridor, she spotted lan standing in the courtyard downstairs at a


At the same time, he happened to raise his gaze and look at her. When their eyes met, they each felt

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completely different emotions. One was shocked into speechlessness, while the other felt like spring

had come early as thousands of beautiful flowers blossomed gloriously in her wondrous heart. Not

wearing any makeup, Yvette could feel her heart thundering.

lan’s appearance was like a radiant light breaking into her enclosed world, dazzling and captivating.

She stood still in the corridor, her

heart pounding fiercely for lan.

In comparison, after looking at Yvette for more than ten seconds, lan withdrew his gaze. He found it

hard to believe what he’d just seen with his own eyes!

When he saw Yvette for the first time, he almost called her “Erin” in reflex. For a moment, he thought

he’d found Erin, whom everyone had been desperately searching for. That overwhelming joy and

excitement from the depths of his heart lasted for less than a few seconds

before abruptly coming to a halt. He remembered where he currently was and realized that the person

he was seeing now was Yvette, the daughter of Mr. Dempsey, and not Erin.

Of course, he hadn’t forgotten what Darian had said. He’d known that there was a beautiful girl named

Yvette in his village since the age of

three. So, Yvette was definitely another person, despite looking like a carbon copy of Erin.

lan had been with Erin for a full four years, after all. One glance from Yvette was enough to pull him

back from his chaotic internal world.

He knew in his heart she wasn’t Erin.

Three minutes later, Yvette reached the living room.

There was unmistakable joy in her eyes, but when facing lan, she remained aloof and smiled faintly.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Sloan, for keeping you


lan looked at the woman in front of him, who had the same appearance as Erin, and felt that it was too

surreal. He forcefully pushed back. the countless questions in his mind, not wanting to startle Yvette.

He replied in a gentlemanly manner. “Miss Dempsey, there’s no need to worry. Waiting for a beautiful

lady is something every man willingly


These sweet words pleased Yvette to no end despite their lack of sincerity and ty.

“Oh my. You’re so sweet with your words, Mr. Sloan. You’re much better at speaking to a lady than the

other men in my village-“Women

were naturally defenseless against sweet talk, not to mention that Yvette had liked what she saw the

moment she laid eyes on lan.

In this extremely brief encounter, the experienced lan could tell that Yvette was interested in him. Her

eyes were like windows to her soul showing lan how she felt about him. Gaining the affection of a

woman who looked just like his ex-wife. lan couldn’t help but wonder if he was fated to encounter these

sisters one way or another.

Erin had once loved him. What about Yvette, who was standing before him now? He unknowingly

began to anticipate what would come.

Thinking of the last conversation he had with Erin, lan couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of sadness.

She’d wished him happiness in a future that would be devoid of her presence.

“Mr. Sloan?” Yvette looked at lan, who was silent with lowered eyes. She felt anxious as she was afraid

that lan somehow had a negative impression of her.

lan came back to his senses and smiled. “I’m sorry, Miss Dempsey. You reminded me of some sad


Yvette asked with concern, “I wonder what kind of sad memories those are? Why are they related to


“Well it’s a long story.” lan originally wanted to ask some questions, but he caught sight of Zinka nearby,

trying to eavesdrop on their conversation.

He took out a note he’d prepared in advance and politely said, “Miss Dempsey, I really hope to see you

again next time. I suddenly remembered that I have some important matters to attend to, so I won’t

stay any longer. I look forward to the next time I see you.”

He extended his right hand for a handshake to bid her farewell. Yvette shyly reached out her right hand

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and held his tightly. During the handshake, lan pressed the note into her palm, and Yvette immediately

felt a strange sensation spreading from her palm to her heart-a sensation that was both tingling and


Surprise flickered in her eyes, but she didn’t show it. Of course, she’d also noticed Zinka

eavesdropping nearby again.

“Mr. Sloan, I also hope to have the opportunity to see you again.” Yvette smiled, her eyes showing a

trace of reluctance at their imminent parting.

A charming smile appeared on lan’s mouth as he affirmed, “Yes, we’ll definitely meet again.”

After bidding farewell to each other, lan quickly left the living room and soon got into the car parked

nearby to return to the city. As lan’s figure disappeared, Yvette pretended not to see Zinka hiding in the

background. She turned around and returned to her bedroom upstairs.

Half an hour later, Zinka reported the details of lan and Yvette’s first meeting to Lamar.

Meanwhile, Yvette, who was hiding behind the closed doors of her room, had already silently recited

lan’s phone number for the eightieth time. She wanted to engrave it deeply in her mind and never

forget it.

In the note left by lan, not only did he include his phone number, but he also wrote a sentence. “When

you think of me, feel free to call me anytime. I’m ready for your call at any time of the day.”

This sentence caused ripples in Yvette’s heart. After all, she’d never been in love before. Before she

knew it, she’d already started fantasizing about her wedding with lan.

The way she thought about marriage after meeting a man once was something typical from a previous

era or an incredibly backward place. Yvette, who had never experienced hardship and had always lived

a comfortable life, lived in a secluded environment like this.

If it weren’t for lan seeing Yvette’s photo at the photography exhibition by chance, if it weren’t for the

Dempsey family coincidentally looking for a son-in-law, if it weren’t for lan bringing a valuable gift to

show his sincerity, and if it weren’t for lan’s overall appearance catching Lamar’s attention, the two of

them would never have met.

In the following ten years, lan and Yvette would get entangled in a love so destructive it would

ultimately lead them to their demise.

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