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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 98
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Chapter 98 Not Worthy of Him

Erin was kept under observation in the hospital for two days before getting discharged.

Chandler ordered her to rest for the next three days. Otherwise, he threatened to have her transferred

back to being his assistant from the design department.

Erin naturally complied and was happy to enjoy her paid leave.

She didn’t want to tell anyone about being drugged, nor did she want her family and friends to worry.

Moreover, the real culprit behind the incident was still on the loose. Hence, it was better to keep it a


It was 4.30 pm, and Erin was driving a white BMW towards a restaurant.

Quentin, the legendary chairman and father of Chandler, had finally come to see her.

As an employee of the company, she couldn’t refuse to meet Chandler’s father.

Even though she was very nervous, she knew she couldn’t just give up without trying.

Forty minutes later, Erin parked her car and walked into one of the most famous restaurants in the city.

The restaurant was frequented by either prominent figures in the business world or wealthy celebrities.

The restaurant operated on a membership system. Normal tycoons were not qualified to dine here.

As Erin mentioned her name to the staff, she was quickly led to a private room to meet with Quentin.

Before they even met, Quentin had already attempted to intimidate Erin by reminding her of her social


Although she felt a little uncomfortable, Erin mustered her courage and pushed open the door to the

private room.

To her surprise, the room was empty. Not even a waiter was present.

Erin checked her watch and realized she had arrived ten minutes early.

As she surveyed the room, the style and atmosphere of the place made her feel somewhat oppressed.

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It reminded her she was only an ordinary white–collar worker with no power, status, or influence.

Her father had borrowed five million dollars yesterday for his business.

Steven promised to return it within a week.

Upon hearing about her father’s financial crisis, Erin was shocked but didn’t hesitate to lend him the

money. After all, she wasn’t in a hurry to buy a house now.

Although she felt uneasy without that money on hand, she trusted her father and believed he would be

able to turn his business around.

The same issue had happened a few times during the past few years, and Steven had always

managed to turn things around.

As Erin was engrossed in her thoughts, the door to the private room suddenly opened.

She immediately stood up as Quentin walked in with a man of similar age who seemed to be his


“You must be Erin Lane?” Despite being in his fifties, Quentin looked remarkably youthful, with a

handsome and

distinguished appearance that could pass for someone in their forties.

Dressed in a high–end Italian tailored suit, he was 6 feet 2 inches tall and looked very charming.

Erin felt a bit nervous but managed to keep her composure. “Hello, I am Erin Lane.”

Quentin walked over and sat at the grand table, exuding a natural aura of authority and power. “Miss

Lane, please take a seat.”

Erin immediately sat down. She couldn’t help marveling at how charismatic Chandler’s father was.

Though his aura was not as

domineering as Chandler, his stoic face oozed authority.

Even a confident and brave person would still unconsciously bow their head in the face of his noble

and arrogant aura gained from years of mingling with the upper echelons of the business world.

“Miss Lane, are you nervous?” Quentin asked with a hint of disdain in his deep eyes.

Erin replied, “You are the chairman of Frost Corporation, and I am just a small employee. Of course, I

will feel nervous in your presence.”

Quentin remained silent. Sizing Erin up, he cut to the chase. “Miss Lane, forgive me for being blunt, but

you are not worthy of

my son.”

Erin’s face fell when she heard such an uncompromising statement, and she couldn’t help recalling

Caleb’s warning.

Erin spoke calmly, “Mr. Frost…”

“We’re not in the company now. You don’t have to be polite.”

Erin looked at his deep eyes, summoning her courage as she continued, “Mr. Frost, I know I don’t

deserve Chandler with my humble status, so I’ve never intended to marry him. You can rest assured.”

Her words didn’t seem to satisfy Quentin at all, and he sneered. “Miss Lane, since you don’t intend to

marry him, why must you settle for being my son’s mistress? What are you after? If it’s money you

want, I can give it to you. I guarantee you’ll never have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of

your life.”

Upon hearing his words, Erin couldn’t help but laugh. Even Quentin’s tactics were as Caleb had


It seemed that Caleb was right all along.

“Miss Lane, I know you might find my words amusing now. You’re still young. You can confidently say

you’re dating my son because you love him. But your ambitions will grow as time passes, and being an

underground lover will no longer satisfy you. You will begin to crave more, but the Frost family will

never accept a woman like you. Even Chandler will not accept you.”

Erin remained silent, and a trace of bitterness flashed across her eyes. She couldn’t bear to leave

Chandler, which gave Quentin the opportunity to humiliate her.

However, she followed her heart and said, “Since you are so sure that your son won’t accept me, why

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are you rushing to drive me away now?”

Quentin snorted coldly. “Don’t think I’m in a hurry to make you leave because I’m afraid Chandler will

fall for you. I can tell you the truth. Chandler’s engagement ceremony is on the ninth of next month. It

had been decided six months Chandler

ago. is a man who already has a fiancée. If you still have some self–respect, I hope you will resign and

leave Frost Corporation and my son as soon as possible.”

The bombshell Quentin dropped left Erin’s mind completely blank.

Seeing her pale face, Quentin finally smiled. He continued, “It seems my son didn’t tell you about this.

Obviously, you’re just a mistress in his heart. If you’re dating him out of love and not because of money,

I think you know what to do now.”

At this moment, Erin couldn’t bear it anymore. Quentin’s words kept echoing in her ears. Pure love was

the reason she held onto their relationship.

However, hearing about Chandler’s engagement, Erin felt her heart dropped.

Now she didn’t even have the excuse or courage to convince herself.

Perhaps Quentin’s news was too shocking, Erin wanted to leave, but her legs went weak. Rooted to

the ground, she couldn’t even stand up.

Noticing Erin’s reaction, Quentin looked at his secretary.

His secretary got the message and retrieved a bank card from his briefcase.

“Miss Lane, here’s 50 million dollars compensation from the Frost family for your loss. Take the money

and enjoy your life. You’ll eventually realize that love is the most useless thing in the world.”

With that, Quentin placed the bank card on the table and left the private room with his secretary.

Five minutes later, Erin snapped to her senses and looked at the card on the table.

She immediately stood up, took the bank card, and rushed out of the room.

As she turned the corner of the hallway, she collided with a man and fell into his embrace…