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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 123
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Chapter 123

The director covered his face with his hand, and despite panicking, he desperately carried on and plotted. “Blake,

don’t call the cops. You’ve always wanted to be the lead actor in this film, haven’t you? I’ll give you lead actor spot

and promise to include you in every film of mine from now on. Please don’t call the cops!”


However, Blake was not one to be easily bribed. As he saw Elspeth looking worse for wear in front of him, he took

his phone and called the cops without hesitating. “You can save these words for the police later on.”

At that point, the director raged. “I’m warning you right now. If you call the cops on me, no way you’ll be able to

survive in this industry from then on!”

“Whatever. I don’t mind leaving this industry!” Blake’s grip tightened around the phone.

Yet, Elspeth was bothered by his words. “Blake, you’re being ridiculous.”

He turned around and revealed a tender smile at her. “It’s fine. If I no longer get the chance to star in films or

perform, I’ll just go home to inherit the family fortune.”

He said that casually and rather happily, but she noted the flash of pain in his eyes that he tried to mask.

The director was renowned in the entertainment circle, and it would be akin to offending half of the people in this

industry by going up against him.

Despite Callum’s influence, the corporate world was a different one from the entertainment industry, so there was

no way he could assist Blake.

Still, she did not expect Blake to forsake the industry because of her. She was surprised to learn that he would let

his career plunge into ruins.

“Young one, you’re too immature.” The director stood up and revealed a mysterious smile. “None of the policemen

in this area would dare to go up against me. Do you think I’d be afraid of you calling the cops?”

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Elspeth lifted her brow as she did not expect the director to be in cahoots with the police in this area.

Soon enough, the cops arrived and were stunned as they looked at the three in front of them. One was a renowned

director, while the other was the young master of the Winthrop Family, so both individuals were not someone they

could offend.

“Mr. Blake Winthrop, you were the one who lodged a police report, right?” The police officers fawned over Blake

and revealed flattering smiles.

“Mr. Thorn just assaulted my manager. Nol Actually, it should be considered attempted rape. It was fortunate that I

arrived in time to stop him, and that’s how I managed to foil his attempt.” Blake laid out everything clearly, so the

police officers had no way of playing dumb. Ultimately, they had no choice but to shoot a

recioned link at the director by the side

There was no significant change to the director’s expression, for he merely revealed an insincere smile while

asking, “You claim that I attempted to rape her, but do you have any proof?”

Proof? Elspeth shot an icy glare at him. “Are you unaware of what you just did?”

The director shrugged and feigned innocence. “But Miss Lynwood, you don’t have any proof at all. If you can show

me proof of a voice recording or surveillance footage, then surely, I would not be able to speak so brazenly right

now.” 1

He was sure that Elspeth and Blake did not have the proof to nail him, so he showed impudence quite smugly.

At that point, she lifted her brows while displeasure was evident in her voice. “Are you saying I’ve lodged a fake


“I’m not too sure about that. Perhaps you wish to take advantage of me and use my connections to enter the

entertainment industry, so that’s why you tricked me here. Anyway, I wasn’t the one who came over intentionally to

seek you. Everyone in public knows that I’ve always been a noble and prideful man. Your claim of my attempted

rape would be a joke to the public if word went out.” He lifted his chin smugly, and his eyes were full of disdain and


“What do you mean by that? How dare you make false accusations about me!” Elspeth did not expect the man to

accuse her of being the perpetrator when he was at fault. She sneered out of extreme anger. “You’re such a

renowned director, yet you’re spewing such disgusting words. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?”

“Miss Lynwood, from the start, I’ve never said a single derogatory word to you, but I must say that you’ve gone too

far. Sir, the two of them are in cahoots while I’m up against them just by myself. They claim that I’ve attempted

rape, but how can I possibly attempt raping an actor’s manager on my set?”

The director had now managed to gain the upper hand and no longer bothered to even cast eyes on Elspeth or

Blake as he remained focused on refuting their words.

Due to the director’s claim, the police officers were at a loss for what to do, so they could only smile resignedly at

Blake and Elspeth. “We’re sorry, but this is entirely out of our hands, and we can’t conclude on this matter. Why

don’t you lodge a report next time when you have proof…”

With empty words and no evidence on hand, the party that had a glib tongue would be the one with an

advantageous position.

At that moment, Elspeth felt a burst of anger, but she could not come up with any evidence, so she silently shot a

death stare at the director before escorting the officers out of the room.

Once the officers left, the director straightened his clothes and slowly revealed an arrogant sneer. “Miss Lynwood, I

don’t mean to be rude, but you should’ve just let me have my way. Is there any point in causing dispute for both

sides like what’s happening right now?”

After he said that, he turned around and glanced at Blake, who was currently maintaining a stance with his wouldn’t

be able to bring me down.”

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With that, he finished with a final blow to Blake. “That’s enough here. You’re no longer needed on this set. I’ll

replace the second male lead with someone else. As for your career, well… You’ll find yourself worthless soon

enough in this industry.”

Blake kept his head lowered and remained silent, looking as if he was defeated. At that, Elspeth inched closer to

him and clutched his hand. “Are you alright?”

He lifted his head, and there appeared to be a glisten of tears in his eyes. He took a deep breath, and his swollen

red eyes finally subsided slightly. “It’s a good thing that you’re fine.”

“I’m fine, of course! The most important thing is that you shouldn’t take his words to heart. He can’t destroy your

career at all. Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.”

Blake shook his head and realized that she did not seem to understand the complexity of the situation, so he

explained to her patiently, “I’m one of the artists under Joyous Entertainment, and Mr. Thorn’s elder brother is the

CEO. That’s the reason why Mr. Thorn is always so arrogant and full of himself. With this, I’d surely be put under a

permanent job ban. Even if I had generated substantial income for Joyous Entertainment, I’m pretty much out of

job now that I offended Mr. Thorn.”

Joyous Entertainment was indeed renowned in the entertainment industry.

Elspeth looked him squarely in the eyes and asked intently, “Would you consider joining another company?”

“It’s not that easy to do that. I signed a three-year contract with Joyous, and it’s only been two years since then. If I

approach them first to break the contract, I’d have to compensate them by paying billions as a breach of contract

damage.” He heaved a sigh. “Besides, there wouldn’t be any difference even if I joined another company. Joyous

Entertainment is too well-connected, so none of the other companies would take me in.”

As soon as he finished his sentence, a familiar voice rang out from the doorway. “Is everyone okay?”

Callum looked slightly disheveled and must have rushed over after casting his work aside. Despite his look, the regal

air he exuded shone through.

“We’re fine, Callum. It was fortunate that you informed me in time because Elspeth would’ve otherwise been

assaulted by that b’stard.”

At that moment, Blake’s inadvertent words stirred Elspeth as soon as she heard him. Callum was the one who

informed Blake? How did he find out, though?