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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 143
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Chapter 143

Truth be told, Callum only ordered his men to surround the Sullivan Residence because he worried that he couldn’t

find the suspect if Elspeth was in danger. He didn’t expect to get a lucky shot that he could use his men’s help to

prevent the suspect from escaping right now.

“A servant led me to the room just now. I still remember his face.” Elspeth pointed at one of the servants in the

crowd. The man’s legs went weak at her words as if on cue, his body trembled uncontrollably.

“Why worry? I haven’t said anything yet.”

Folding her arms, Elspeth paced back and forth in front of the man as she watched the sweat rolling down his

forehead. Once she thought the time was right, she began, “I have a question for you. Did Alaina ask you to lead

me to the room?”

The man kept Alaina’s words in his mind. As he remembered his innocent child, he gritted his teeth and answered,

“I don’t even know Miss Sullivan at all. I only brought you to the room because you asked me to because you drank

a little too much.”

Elspeth raised her brow. “It seems like you made up your mind.”

She offered the man a chance to speak the truth, yet he refused. Thus, she decided that she had no reason to

sympathize with him.

“I have nothing to do with this. You’re only wronging an innocent man.”

Alaina raised her chin. A proud look was showing on her face. “Did you see that, Elspeth? The heavens see every

act of man. Aren’t you afraid of the consequences your lies will bring?”

Consequences? Come on, it’ll only lead to your damnation. Elspeth thought to herself.

Studying the man’s uniform, she smiled. “You have a daughter, am I right?”

He was taken aback for a moment because he didn’t expect to hear such words from her. However, when he

noticed that Elspeth’s gaze was resting on his collar, he couldn’t help but ask, “How did you know that?”

“Your shirt is ironed, and it doesn’t have any odor. This explains that you are married, and your wife irons your

clothes every day. A moment ago, you involuntarily switched on your phone when you were anxious. I noticed you

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set the picture of an adorable girl as your lock screen. She resembles you a lot. I suppose she’s your daughter.”

The man was in awe of Elspeth’s delicacy. However, remembering his daughter was in danger at the moment, he

insisted on his stance. “How is this related to my daughter?”

“It indeed is related to your daughter. The reason you’re working for Alaina is that she threatened you. She’s using

your daughter as a bargaining chip.”

Elspeth made a thorough analysis while Alaina was starting to get nervous.

“Nonsense! I don’t even know him! How am I supposed to threaten his daughter if I don’t know him?”

Elspeth didn’t reply. Instead, she waved at Yelena. After that, the woman presented someone else’s purse in front of


Alaina’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Hey, that’s mine! Give it back!”

She reached out a hand to snatch it. At the same time, she let go of her hand, which was pulling the blanket tightly

the whole time. It was only when the blanket slipped off her shoulders that she remembered her condition.

Having exposed her naked body in front of the guests twice resulted in Alaina’s shameful expression. She wrapped

the blanket around her body tightly without a word.

Elspeth took out a pink hairpin from the purse. It looked like it belonged to a girl as a bunny adorned it. “Is this

hairpin your daughter’s?”

The man narrowed his eyes at the sight of the hairpin. After going through an intense inner struggle, he eventually

nodded. “It is.”

Alaina shot daggers at him. “Nonsense. I don’t know your daughter.”

Regret emerged on the man’s face. “All right, I’ll speak the truth. Miss Sullivan forced me to put drugs in Miss

Lynwood’s drink. She wanted to frame Miss Lynwood and ruin Miss Lynwood’s reputation. However, I forgot about

the route and took Miss Lynwood somewhere else. At last, Miss Sullivan entered the room herself. You can punish

me however you want, but my daughter has been kidnapped. Please save my daughter!”

Kneeling on the ground, the man begged again and again.

The love of fatherhood moved the crowd. Meanwhile, Alaina was enraged that her face contorted in anger. “I didn’t

kidnap anyone! You’re working together to frame me!”

“Is it really true? Alaina. Stop looking for excuses at this point. You better plead guilty. Maybe you can avoid a

severe sentence.”

Wrapping herself in the blanket, Alaina slightly crouched. As Elspeth was taller than her, when Elspeth was looking

down at her, Alaina felt like she was facing a trial.

“I didn’t hurt anyone! I didn’t.”

Alaina was on the verge of a mental breakdown. Turning to Callum, she lunged at him and pulled at his trousers.

“Callum, you know I like you, don’t you? Are you not going to say something?”

Callum only kicked her away before turning around and putting an arm around Elspeth’s waist. “Don’t touch me.

You disgust me.”

“Disgust you? Callum. That’s not what you said before. You said you feel sorry for me, and you would take care of


Alaina’s statement brought back memories of the said night. The sight of Alaina throwing herself into Callum’s arms

under the tree flashed before Elspeth’s eyes. She remembered he didn’t immediately push Alaina away. Instead, he

even paused before taking a step back.

As she remembered that night, her mood went down in a split second. She tried to struggle out of his arm, but he

held her tighter.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Please stop your attempt in tarnishing my reputation. I never felt sorry

for you or promised to take care of you. You’re imagining things.” After Callum finished the words, he turned to the

reporters, who were overwhelmed by the shocking news, and began, “Sorry for using the public resources. Elspeth

and I are seeing each other. I hope you guys can announce the news, so somebody can give up on their ambition


The ‘somebody’ was none other than Alaina.

Blood drained from Alaina’s face. She watched Callum, who kept calm the whole time but all he could see was

Elspeth alone. Jealousy, envy, pain, and madness surged up in her heart at the same time. Grabbing the fruit knife

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from the table, Alaina lunged at Elspeth.

As Elspeth was trained, Alaina’s attempt to stab her was fruitless. As a result, Elspeth dodged to a side to avoid the

attack while Alaina fell to the ground. The knife slipped off her hand and slid away.

“You better let his daughter go as soon as possible and stop trying to do anything. Otherwise, it won’t be a civil

crime but something more serious, and you’ll be going to jail.”

Alaina scraped her lips from the impact and the pain was too hard for her to endure. She spat out a mouthful of

blood and gave in to reality. “I didn’t kidnap his daughter. All I did was steal her hairpin and suggested to him that

his daughter was in danger. I managed to fool him into thinking that I kidnapped his daughter. If you don’t believe

me, you can check on her yourself. She’s safe in the kindergarten.”

Realization dawned on the father. He immediately made a call to the kindergarten. As expected, his daughter was

still in one piece. He was only reacting out of his love for his daughter, which made him Alaina’s pawn to harm


As the matter came to this point, Alaina had no choice but to give up.

She had a hard time digesting the turn of events. She loved Callum with all her heart, and he was already

reciprocating her feelings. When did everything go wrong? Why did it have to end like this?

She got herself involved in her conspiracy. There was no way she could make her way back to the social ladder.

Alaina had picked up a bad reputation after today. Even if nobody called the police, she would no longer have a

place in Damoria’s social circle once the news spread out.

Elspeth watched Alaina lying on the ground. Alaina seemed to be mentally disorganized, so Elspeth didn’t call the


It was a crime to kidnap. Fortunately, Alaina reserved her sanity.

However, Callum wasn’t as calm as her. He gestured with a wave of his hand for the bodyguards on his side to

manhandle Alaina.

As he remembered Alaina’s plan almost worked, the violent side of him was threatening to break out.

His piercing gaze bored into her. Alaina’s heart was aching at the look he gave her. “I’m not done with you. There is

something we need to settle between us.”