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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 1231
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After leaving the villa, Chen Fei ran all the way to the mountain forest in the suburb of Longjiang city.

Looking at the green forest, Chen Fei took a deep breath and whispered to himself, "Qiuhan, no matter

what happens, I will bring you back."

After that, Chen Fei went to the top of the mountain. Soon, it came to a bush, that is where he

cultivated the nine leaf ice flower before.

"Why is he here? Didn't he leave? " Chen Fei's tone is cold.

Seeing this man, Chen Fei's eyes cooled down, because this guy is not someone else. It was at the

last meeting that Hu Rui, who wanted to force Wei Ling to step down and take the position of chairman

of the board himself, wanted to force Wei Ling to step down.

Just when Chen Fei was puzzled, the door of the elevator was opened. A middle-aged man in his

fifties, wearing gold glasses, came out with a smile.

"It's not that I didn't go to work, it's just, it's just --" the little beauty's front desk hesitated and didn't

seem to know how to speak for a moment.

"No, where have you been? Didn't work today? It's a strange thing for sister Ling Chen Fei said with a


The little beauty glanced at the front desk and then said, "Mr. Chen, Mr. Wei is not upstairs."

"What's the matter, speak slowly!" Chen Feidao.

The little beauty shook her head, blushed, waved her hand and explained, "Mr. Chen, I didn't mean

that. I, I'm just - "

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Chen Fei felt curious when he heard about Yan, and then joked:" why, don't you know me again? Shall

I show you my work card again? "

"Mr. Chen, you are back." Little beauty front desk to see Chen Fei, can not help but be surprised to call

out. Immediately, she saw that Chen Fei was about to enter the elevator, and immediately ran after

him, shouting, "Mr. Chen, you can't go up."

With that, Chen Fei took the initiative to walk toward the direct elevator.

Entering the company, Chen Fei saw that the front desk was still the little beauty she didn't know last

time. She couldn't help laughing and waved: "is Mr. Wei on it?"

Back in the urban area of Longjiang City, Chen Fei runs directly to Qiuqiu group to find Wei Ling.

"I didn't expect to stay so long. It's time to go back. What's more, I'm on Qiuhan's side -- "Chen Fei

looks at the distance, then turns into a shadow and rushes out.

After confirming the name of the trick, Chen Fei gets up and looks at the time. He finds that ten days

have passed since he said goodbye to Wang ma.

After thinking for a while, Chen Fei gave this move a name, "since this move is made by absorbing and

refining nine you ice lotus, it's called ice lotus fire."

"Silent, like ice and fire!" Seeing this, Chen Fei nodded with a smile. "The power of this move is very

good, and the attack effect is hidden. It looks like it's frozen, but it's burning with fire. Whether it's a

surprise attack or a sneak attack in a desperate situation, the effect of this move should be good and

it's impossible to prevent. "

If you look closely, you can find that almost all the viscera in the mouse are covered with a layer of dark

blue, as if they were frozen. But a little touch, these frozen viscera, immediately into a mass of mustard

powder, quickly dispersed by the wind.

A few seconds later, Chen Fei's left hand and fingers chopped in the air, and a stream of Qi gushed

out, splitting the stiff mouse in two, but no blood came out.

The original agile mouse, after being touched by the lotus flame, instantly froze in place, as if frozen in


"Go Chen Fei's eyes gather and his palm pushes forward. The blue lotus flame in his hand flies out in

an instant and freezes a mouse passing in front of him.

Breath surging, gradually condensed into a lotus shape. The lotus twinkles like a flame swaying with

the wind.

Chen Fei spread out his palm, a breath of Zhenyuan gushed out from the palm.

I don't know how long later, when Chen Fei opened his eyes again, he suddenly sent out a chill, frozen

the surrounding plants, and then turned into mustard powder.

"The effect is good. I'm starting to practice!" Chen Fei immediately meditated.

Lotus with a quiet chill, but the entrance is melt, into a cool flow, into Chen Fei's belly, then into a strong

Zhenyuan breath, spread in Chen Fei's body.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei didn't delay his time either. He picked the lotus directly from Jiuyou ice lotus,

put it into his mouth and began to take it.

Looking at the lotus, Chen Fei couldn't help but see the light in his eyes, showing the color of surprise,

"this nine secluded ice lotus is even better than the quality I imagined. After taking and absorbing the

nine you ice lotus, my cultivation will be further away from breaking the sky level peak. "

Close to the lotus, you can even feel the chill on it. It's amazing.

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The lotus is not big, only the size of a fist, but it is very bright and full of vitality. More strange is that the

whole lotus, with a touch of quiet ice blue, like an ice lotus in general.

In the small puddle, a beautiful lotus grows out of it.

With the passage of time, Jiuyou ice lotus grows up and matures day by day, when the seventh day

comes.Of course, Chen Fei, who was shut up in the mountains, did not know all this. At this time, he

devoted himself to the cultivation of Jiuyou ice lotus.

Just as Chen Fei was cultivating the seeds of Jiuyou ice lotus, several figures in matchless uniforms

came out of Longjiang airport, took a taxi and headed for Qiuqiu group.

In this way, under the moistening of youbingquan and Chen feizhenyuan's breath, jiuyoubinglian lotus

seeds sprouted and grew quickly, and grew bigger and bigger.

"You ice spring effect is very good, according to the current speed, a week's time, can cultivate nine

you ice lotus mature." Chen Fei's heart is warm and slightly excited. Then he enters the lotus seed with

a touch of Zhenyuan breath and begins to cultivate Jiuyou ice lotus carefully.

Spring water seeps into soil and lotus seeds and is quickly absorbed. And the lotus seed is also almost

visible to the naked eye speed, began to slowly change up.

Finding a suitable location, Chen Fei dug a small pit on the ground, then buried the seeds of Jiuyou ice

lotus, and then carefully poured the ice spring in the wooden bottle into the pit.

Later, Chen Fei took out the seeds of the ice lotus and the wooden bottle containing the ice spring.

Entering it, Chen Fei immediately arranged a simple array to seal the entrance.

The little beauty at the front desk faltered: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Hu, he's back. Mr. Wei, Mr. Wei has left his

post, so -- "

" what, he left his post. What the hell happened? I'm not here for a few days. How can I be like this? "

Chen Fei is angry and confused.

The little beauty at the front desk was almost frightened when she saw Chen Fei's angry appeara