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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 287
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Chapter 287

Erik Yin’s expression changed. He shook his head and said, "No matter what happens, sister, this is

your fault. Even if Grandmaster Zhou wins, you have to apologize to Brother Fade." "Hmph!" Lara Yin

snorted discontentedly. She said, "If Grandmaster Zhou wins, lets see if that Fade Chen can still be

able to stand up." Thinking of all the things about Fade that he had researched on, Erik could not help

but feel confident in this matter. "Big Brother Chen will not be defeated!"he thought to himself. At this

moment, Grandmaster Zhou walked straight toward Fade. He put his palms together devoutly and

bowed slightly at Fade. Then, he said, "Amitabha, dear benefactor. The sea of bitterness has no

boundaries, so turn your head back toward the shore. Dear benefactor, you’d better repent and don’t

commit the same sins again!" Fade sneered and said, "What do you mean by the phrase ’don’t commit

the same sins again ? What did I do wrong?" The monk smiled and said, "ll-gotten wealth is a sin, and

it’s wrong to refuse to repent. It’s also a mistake to cause harm to others." "Really ?" Fade sneered, "I

am not sure if you are committing a sin, Grandmaster Zhou, when you take the side of the evildoer."

Grandmaster Zhou’s face fell, and then he said with a smile, "Dear benefactor, for your own good, have

given you a chance to redeem yourself and wash yourself of your sins." " I’m afraid my sins are not as

grave as yours!" Fade said coldly Grandmaster Zhou said in a deep voice, "Benefactor, I’m the

guardian of Buddhism, and I can’t tolerate your slander. You should step forward quickly and kneel on

the ground to worship Buddha. I can ask him to forgive your sins." "Forgive my sins!" Fade sneered.",

Fade, don’t need anyone to forgive me, let alone the illusory Buddha." "How dare you question the

Dharma. This is the greatest blasphemy to us Buddhists. If you don’t repent, I’ll have to teach you a

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lesson on behalf of Buddhism,"Grandmaster Zhou said. As he spoke, he picked up the monk’s staff in

his hand and pounded it on the ground. In an instant, the solid marble floor was directly smashed by

the monk’s staff. Cracks that look like spider webs quickly spread out on the wide floor of the private

room. Seeing this, Kristoff Xie smiled gleefully and said, "Grandmaster Zhou, such an unrepentant

person like him doesn’t heed the ways of the Dharma. You’d better overcome him as soon as possible."

Lara was also smiling and she had a gloating expression. "Haha, let’s see how arrogant he can be. In

front of Grandmaster Zhou, he has no right to behave in such a conceited manner,"she said. On the

other hand, Erik looked anxious, but there was nothing he could do about the situation. He could only

silently pray in his heart that Fade would win. Faced with Grandmaster Zhou’s powerful attack, Fade

was not afraid at all. He smiled and said disdainfully, "As a monk, if you want to earn money being a

thug, then that is on you. Don’t use the facade of being a monk and try to lie to others. This is the

biggest slander to Buddhism and the Dharma." "Unrepentant Sinner! How dare you spout such

nonsense!" Grandmaster Zhou shouted angrily. His furious eyes were like the penetrating gaze of

Buddha. He launched the cane in his hand toward Fade with strength. Just as the Grandmaster was

launching his attack, someone knocked on the door of the private room. Then, someone pushed open

the door and came in. The person who came in was a scruffy old man in his fifties or sixties. His

traditional robes were a little faded, and his silver hair was in a mess at this moment, which caused him

to look rather battered and exhausted. "Who is this ?"Everyone thought to themselves. The intruder’s

sudden entry caused everyone’s heart to skip a beat and they all looked toward him. Fade smiled

faintly, and he nodded to the man. He said, "You’re here!" It was none other than Master Xie, or Lucas

Xie, who had came over in a hurry. He looked a little disheveled due to the long and dusty journey.

Lucas noticed the situation in the private room, especially the monk’s attacking posture. He suddenly

felt that something was wrong, so he asked, "Mr. Chen, what is happening here?" Fade pointed to

Grandmaster Zhou and said, "This monk is fanatical and zealous. He said that he wanted to teach me

a lesson." "How dare you!" Lucas snarled, and he glared at Grandmaster Zhou. Grandmaster Zhou

also glared at him angrily and shouted, "It seems to me that you are the companion of this unrepentant

sinner. I will teach you both a lesson on behalf of Buddhism." "Are you joking ? Teach us both a

lesson!" Lucas sneered disdainfully. He looked at Fade and said, "Mr. Chen, you don’t need to take

action against this monk. Leave him to me!" "Can you handle this situation?" Fade asked, and he

looked at Lucas. After all, Lucas’s previous strength was only at the late stage of the Yellow Level.

There was still a long way to go before he reached the peak of the Yellow Level, which was

Grandmaster Zhou’s level. Lucas smiled confidently and he said, "During this period of time, I used the

Sacred Fig that Mr. Chen gave me. Although the effects of the Fig has not been completely transferred

to me, my current strength has improved. I will have no problem dealing with this monk." "It’s good that

you’re confident! Since that’s the case, you can go ahead!" Fade said. He nodded and took a step

back. Lucas stepped forward immediately. He crooked his finger at Grandmaster Zhou, and said with a

sneer, "Bald ass, you want to mess with Mr. Chen? You’re looking for death!" "How dare you!"

Grandmaster Zhou answered. He was enraged by the rude phrase. With a clinking sound, the cane in

his hand began to move. Then, a gold ray shot out ruthlessly toward Lucas in lightning speed. Lucas

stood in the same place, without making any movements to block the ray. He raised his arm slightly,

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and a beam of light flew out from his back and hit the cane of the monk. The flying beam of light was

none other than Lucas’s sword which was made from the wooden branches of the Rudraksha The two

attacked each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense. However, Kristoff and Lara were still

very confident with bright smiles on their faces. "Fade, i was wondering why you are not afraid. Looks

like you have assistants after all. However, how can that scruffy old man be a match for Grandmaster

Zhou ?" "So what if he has assistants. The final result is already predestined. He’ll definitely lose."

"Fade, do you

think that it is helpful for this scruffy old man to delay the battle for you ?" "That old man is as stupid as

Fade. He is courting death by using a wooden sword to fight against the golden cane." While they were

mocking him, Lucas’s wooden sword and Grandmaster Zhou’s cane collided violently. In an instant, a

ferocious surge of air burst out due to the violent collision, and everything in the private room was

blown away. Everyone could could hardly keep their eyes open due to this strong gust of wind. As the

strong wind dissipated slowly, the crowd observed the ongoing scene, and they were suddenly

dumbfounded. The scene of Grandmaster Zhou’s victory in their imagination did not materialize, and

even the fragile-looking wooden sword did not suffer any damage at the moment. On the contrary, the

wooden sword cut directly through Grandmaster Zhou’s solid golden cane, turning it into two halves

Grandmaster Zhou was also shocked at this moment. An angry expression appeared on his face, as he

clenched his fists and launched a fierce blow toward Lucas. At the same time, he shouted angrily,

"You’re looking for death. I’ll kill you." Lucas chuckled and said, "Shouting like that seems to fit your real

personality more. Not like just now, when you were pretending to be a monk and being holier than thou.

That was totally a joke!" Lucas spoke and laughed, but he didn’t stop moving. The wooden sword made

a whistling sound and it drew the shape of an arc in the air. Then, with a ray of light, it cut downward at

Grandmaster Zhou..