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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 371
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Chapter 371

Fade Chen and Quin Lin rested for a night in the hotel. Thenextmorning, they arrived at the place

where they had agreedtomeet Big Brother Gu. Big Brother Gu was there to welcome themwithOld Ma

that they had met the day before. There were alsoafewwell built men in their thirties who were joining

them. Thesepeople were the helpers that Big Brother Gu had arrangedfor FadeAfter greeting each

other, they did not waste any time. Fade, OldMan, and Big Brother Gu's subordinates who were under

theleadership of a warrior named Wade, prepared to leave. After bidding farewell to Quin, they

proceeded toward the westernsideof town of Fuma Mountain. Big Brother Gu had made arrangements

for two female bodyguards to protect Quin. OldMaled the way, and he was followed by Fade and Wade.

SinceOldMan was just an ordinary man and they were hiking up themountain, the pace wasn't too fast.

About an hour and a half later, they arrived at a deserted village. Old Man pointing to the villageand

said, "This is the village where I lived before. It has beendeserted for several years. There may be wild

animals inside, andthe rocks falling from the mountain may be dangerous too. So, becareful everyone!"

Everyone nodded and headed to the villagewithOld Man. Since it was abandoned, the houses in the

villagewerefilled with all kinds of trees and vines, and some of the oldhouses

were half- collapsed as well. Occasionally, small animals wouldbe darting back and forth between

them. Although they weresurethat the room in the photo was from the house near the foot of

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themountain, located right at the edge of the village, they alsochecked thoroughly all the other houses

in the village. Thiswasdone just in case the kidnappers had some other hidden plots. Thevillage was

not very big, but there were a few dozen houses. It took quite a long time to go through all of them. In

the blinkof aneye, it was already afternoon. After replenishing themselveswithfood and water, they

headed toward the last house, whichwasthecottage at the foot of the mountain. The closer they got

tothecottage, the more nervous they became. Fade was leading thewayand he approached the cottage

cautiously The cottage wasatwo-story building. Fade stepped closer to it and used hisinnerenergy to

probe the cottage. However, he did not detect anylivingbeings in the cottage. Fade frowned slightly and

broke inthecottage directly from the front door. Wade and his men thenfollowed him in and they ran

upstairs. They checked the roomsonthe second-floor accordingly. Fade quickly checked the

roomsonthe first floor, but he couldn't find any trace of the kidnappers. Right then, Wade, who was

upstairs, shouted, "Mr. Chen, havefound something here." Fade immediately went upstairs andentered

a room. In one glance, the empty roomwas coveredinblood. There was a chair in front of the window.

On the groundaround the chair, there were a few pieces of ropes scatteredaround, all stained with

blood. Fade sniffed the air gently, andhediscovered that the bloodstains were still fresh. Their

existencewas maybe from half an hour ago. When he realized this, hesaidimmediately, "They haven't

gone far." Wade also pointed out of thewindow and shouted, "Mr. Chen, look, on the mountain!" Fade

looked out and saw two little black spots moving in the forest onFuma Mountain. He could vaguely tell

that one of themwaspulling another person while he was running. "Chase after them!" Fade shouted

and he jumped out of the windowon the secondfloor. He launched himself like a shadow, moving swiftly

ashechased those black dots in the distance. Wade and the otherscame down from the stairs. When

they saw Fade's speed, theirjaws dropped. They quickly picked up their speed and followedhim. Fade

was very quick. The rocks and trees along the waydidnot influence his speed. The two little black dots

were alsorapidlygrowing in God's eyes. He was less than two hundred metersaway from the two

people. Obviously, they had also noticedthat Fade was chasing after them, so they fled madly. Even so,

theirspeed could not be compared with Fade's. In a fewseconds, hehad caught up with them. He

grabbed the shoulder of one of theblack figures and shouted, "Stop." The black figure turnedaroundand

punched Fade. His punch was fierce and he had the strengthof at least the late stage of the Yellow

Level. He was likelytobeahigh-level master. Yet, it was a pity that his opponent wasFade. Before his fist

could reach Fade, Fade had already grabbedhisfistand he twisted it with great force. There was a loud

sound. Theblack figure's arm was twisted in a bizarre angle, and he howledmiserably. His face seemed

to crumple together, and his teethbegan to bleed. Fade didn't stop there. He twisted the man'sleft hand

and broke the other arm. Then, he kicked the mantotheground and shouted, "Who the hell are you?

Why did youkidnapJeremy? Why did you ask Quin to come here?" When JeremyLin'sname was

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mentioned, the black figure couldn't help but glanceatthe other figure behind him, and the expression in

his eyeswasalso a bit strange. Fade immediately looked at Jeremy and

grabbed him. He opened the black robe covering his headandlooked at his face. Fade widened his

eyes because the figureunder the black robe was certainly not Jeremy. He was a completestranger.

"Who the hell are you? Why are you pretending tobeJeremy ?" Fade said. He was even more doubtful.

The personwassilent and he kept his lips tight, unwilling to speak. WhenFadesaw this, anger gushed

out of his eyes. He stepped on hisleft hand and crushed his bones. He followed by saying coldly, "Tell

me, who the hell are you? Why are you doing all this?WhereisJeremy?" ", I don't know!" The two men

were tougher thanFadehad imagined. They were suffering from so much pain that theirfacial

expressions were already distorted, yet they still remainedsilent Fade would not be polite to people like

them. Withanotherkick, he stepped on the wrist of the man's shattered palm, causinganother crackling

sound. The bones of his wrist were completelybroken. The terrible howl became louder. The sound

sent chillsdown the spines of Wade and the rest of the people who werestill running over. Fade said

coldly, "If you don't say anything, I'll crush your left arm section by section. If you still keep quiet, thenI'll

move on to step on your right arm, and then your left andyourright legs. With Fade's fierce and

unflinching expression, theblack figure who was pretending to be Jeremy became frightened. He cried

and begged for mercy,saying "I'll tell you, I'll tell you." "Tell me then!" Fade shouted angrily. The black

figure gulpedinhorror and said, "We, we received an order fromour superior topretend to be Jeremy and

wait for you to come." "What about Jeremy then?" Fade asked..