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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 378
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Chapter 378

Fade Chen patted his head, and he tried to remember this symbol, but he still couldn’t do so. In the

end, he could only shake his head as he placed this symbol at the back of his mind. After that, Fade

reached his hand out and slammed the Skull Leader’s head without a moment of hesitation. He was

killed instantly. Quin Lin had already woken up by the time Fade got back to the hotel. As soon as she

saw him, she bit her lips with tears welling up in her eyes. She threw herself at him and buried herself

in his embrace as she started to cry. Fade was surprised that his wife would take the initiative to hug

him so tightly He was a little dazed, then he wrapped his arms around her and patted her on the back.

He comforted her softly,saying, "Honey, it’s okay. It’s okay now, everything’s fine now. As long as you

have me, everything will be just fine." Quin was still sobbing softly in Fade’s embrace. It wasn’t another

ten minutes before she wiped her tears away and left his arms with bloodshot eyes. Quin didn’t expect

her tears to trickle down her face all the way to her chest, causing her clothes to be wet. Her pajamas

were already somewhat transparent, and the cloth stuck to her skin even more now, exposing her

snow-white skin. Fade’s eyes widened at such a beautiful sight, and he couldn’t get himself to look

elsewhere. Quin caught on to Fade’s expression, and she lowered her head and caught a glimpse of

her clothes. She blushed as she held her hand up to her chest and turned away. Fade said with a grin,"

My dear wife, we’re married now. There’s nothing to be shy of." He might say such words, but Fade

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brought a coat for his wife and help her to put it on gently. Quin calmed herself down, and she sat

beside Fade.She asked him softly, "Then, do you have any news on Jeremy ?" Fade shook his head

lightly and said gently." No news.

According to those people, Jeremy was brought here by another group of people, and they left after

taking pictures. "Who are those people ? What do they want Jeremy for, and why did they ask for me to

come here?" Quin asked. Fade shook his head once again and said, "I’m not really sure yet. Maybe

they wanted to kidnap you and ask for ransom?" Fade didn’t tell her his speculations, that the Skull

Mob could be connected to Quin’s mother, Chrystal Xie. After all, his wife had been through a lot in this

period of time. Fade intended to allow her to relax, instead of continuing to put pressure on her. Quin

stopped asking more questions upon hearing Fades answer. Her gaze landed on Fade as she said

softly, "Fade, thank you!" Fade answered with a grin, "My silly wife, I am your husband. You don’t have

to thank me for doing something for you. You’re too kind." Fade stretched out his hand and caressed

Quin’s pale cheeks gently. Quin only smiled, and she didn’t push Fade’s hand away. He had a beautiful

wife, but Fade couldn’t bring himself to harbor any amorous feelings right now. He wanted his wife to

have a good night’s rest. The couple journeyed back home the next morning. Upon returning to Long

City, Quin buried herself in the company’s affairs almost immediately without giving herself a break

Seeing her in this state, Fade’s heart started to ache. He tried to talk some sense into her, but Quin

wouldn’t listen to him. Fade knew that his wife was using her work to numb herself, as she was feeling

extreme pressure in her heart." I have to find a way to let her relax, so that she can let go of some of

that pressure," Fade pondered on the ways he could help his wife take a break. Right then, the doorbell

rang, Fade went to the door to open it, only to find that there was no one standing on the other side of

the door. "Who is playing a prank on me?" Fade wondered, and he was confused. A figure jumped from

behind the door and darted in Fade’s direction Fade’s nerves tense up, and he was instinctively ready

to attack. However, he discovered that the person was no other than Momo Soo. Fade quickly put his

hands away. Momo suddenly jumped into his arms like a koala hugging a tree." Momo, what are you

doing here in Long City?" Fade asked. Wrinkling her little nose, Momo said," Brother-in-law, you must

be so confused that you’ve even lost track of the time." "Time ? What do you mean ?" Fade was

dumbfounded. Momo knocked Fade a few times on the head and said, "My stupid brother-in-law,

tomorrow is the first of May, Labor’s Day. I’ve come to Long City to see you both because it’s a school

holiday." "Oh, labor’s day, a holiday!" Fade was suddenly enlightened. He looked at Momo who was still

clinging onto him and said, "Momo, can you come down now? It’s not really appropriate for us to be

standing at the door like this."

" Brother-in-law, are you afraid that my sister will be jealous if she sees us ?" Momo said. She wrinkled

her nose, with a cute and playful smile on her face. Fade pinched her lightly on the nose and said,

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"Your sister’s not at home. What should I be afraid of?" Momo thought of something and said, "What

are you trying to insinuate, brother-in-law?" Momo blinked mischievously at Fade as she spoke, even

deliberately pulling on her own shirt collar, exposing her delicate collarbones and smooth shoulders.

She wriggled in Fade’s arms seductively. Fade muttered "Little goblin" to himself, as he quickly pried

Momo off from his body. She didn’t let go of him, but she buried herself in Fade’s arms playfully." My

dear brother-in-law, why are you upset? Are you feeling a little aroused?"she said. Fade quickly shook

his head and retorted, "Nonsense! I am a noble gentleman in every sense of the word." Momo blinked

her eyes as she said with a smile," Is that so ? Then why do I feel..." Fade felt a sudden

embarrassment and retreated. He pushed his derriere slightly backward and coughed awkwardly.

"Don’t talk nonsense. I, I didn’t react, he said. "Brother-in-law, what sort of reaction are you talking

about?" Momo said. She looked at Fade innocently, and pulled out a bunch of keys from his pocket.

Then, she said, "I meant your keys, my dear brother-in-law, they’re so hard. What were you thinking

of?" Fade was rendered speechless, thinking that he will never outdo this little goblin. Therefore, he

quickly changed the topic and said, "Momo, I bet you’ve haven’t had anything to eat since your arrival

in Long City. How about I take you out for a meal ?" Momo replied, "That won’t be necessary. I’ve had

something to eat on the way here. Besides, it’ll be dinner time soon, i’ll just eat later." Speaking of

dinner, Momo couldn’t help but let out a sigh and said, "Ever since both of you moved to Long City, I

haven’t been able to drop by the mansion for meals. I couldn’t taste Housekeeper Wong’s cooking

anymore. My cravings are killing me." " Housekeeper Wong is not the only one who can cook up a

storm, because I can too! I’ll cook dinner for you," Fade said confidently, patting on his chest. "Brother-

in-law, you know how to cook?" Momo asked, and she was surprised.