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Married To My Ex-Husband’s Rival by Jobet GraySon

Chapter 60
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Chapter Sixty Third Person POV.

Amber's eyelids fluttered open, her surroundings hazy as she slowly regained consciousness. As her bleary gaze swept across the room, she realized that she wasn’t in her own bedroom.

Just when she was trying to understand where she was, the sterile scent of the hospital room would hit her, the antiseptic lingering in the air. Confusion washed over her, her mind foggy as she tried.

to piece together what had happened.

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Panic tinged the edges of her thoughts, and she struggled to sit up, her body feeling weak and fatigued. Just as she was about to call for help, the door swung open, revealing a worried-looking Richard.

Relief washed over her as Richard rushed to her side. “Amber, you're awake! How are you feeling? Are you okay? Do you need anything?” His questions bombarded her, leaving her feeling overwhelmed.

“Slow down, Richard, Amber managed to say, her voice fragile. “What happened? How did | end up here?” Her mind raced to recall the events leading up to her awakening, but her memories felt elusive, like trying to grasp onto a fading dream.

Richard let out a sigh, glancing around the room before meeting Amber's gaze. “I found you unconscious in the dining room,” he explained. “I rushed you to the hospital after, and you've been here for a little while now.” Confusion furrowed Amber's brow as she struggled to comprehend the situation. “Unconscious? How What's wrong with me?“” Richard's eyes darted away, evading her questioning gaze. He shifted uncomfortably. ” What's important is how you feel Amber. Do you feel any better now?” he asked. “Are you in pain? Is there anything | can do for you?” Amber's patience wore thin as she insisted on answers. “Richard, please, tellwhat's going on,” she implored. “What's wrong with me? Is it serious?” Richard would think to himself, wondering whether or not to bring it up first or allow the doctor to explain things to her.

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Farm Heros Saga Frist Match 3 & Puzzle Games CLOSI Play Now Up to 50% off Anter a moment or contemplation, ne locked eyes With Amber, NIS GAZE gaze unwavering. Amper, are you taking medications for an anxiety disorder?” he asked, his voice gentle but insistent.

Amber's confusion despened, her mind struggling to process Richard's words. “What? I... | don't understand,” she stammered, her voice laced with bewilderment. “Why would you think I have an anxiety disorder? What are you talking about?” Richard les out a sigh “Amber. | know we agreed to keep our personal lives separate, but | need to know the truth” he explained, his voice steady. “Knowing if you have an anxiety disorder is the only way | can help you.” Amber stared at Richard in disbelief. Anviety disorder? L. I've never mentioned anything like that What gave you that idea?” she asked, her voice filled with confusion.

Richard sighed, his gaze steady on Amber's face as he contemplated how to respond to her questioning. Taking a deep breath, he finally spoke.

“Amber, it’s better if the doctor explains everything to you,” he said gently. “I'm not sure | can explain it as dearly as the doctor can.” Confusion etched deep lines on Amber's forehead as she tried to make sense of Richard's response. She couldn't fathom what could be so serious that the doctor had to explain it instead of Richard. Her questioning eyes locked with Richard's, silently begging for answers.

“Richard, what's going on?” Amber's voice wavered with a mix of fear and curiosity. “Why do you have such a serious look on your face? And why are you askingabout anxiety disorder?” “Amber plesse trust me. The doctor will explain everything. Just try to be patient, okay?” With that Richard pressed the emergency button beside the hospital bed, summoning the attention o the medical staff.

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Almost a minute later, the hospital room door swung open, and a doctor entered. his lab coat crisp and his demeanor calm. He greeted Amber with a curt bow. “I'm glad to see that you're awake, Mrs. Romero” he said.

“My nis Dr. Lawrence. I'll be overseeing your care for the tbeing” Amber's eyes darted between Richard and the doctor, a mixture of apprehension and impatience evident on her face. She was done with waiting. Her voice trembled slightly as she interrupted the doctor, her need for answers overpowering her politeness. “Dr. Lawrence, please tellwhat's wrong with me. Why am | in the hospital?” Farm Heros Saga Play Now 14:35 Fri, 1 Mar Du.

@45%0 Clopter Sixy Up to 50% off The doctor nodded understandingly, his gaze gentle. “Of course, Mrs. Romero. But before | explain everything, I'd like to ask you squestions.” He glanced briefly at Richard, then back at Amber, “Would you prefer to answer these questions in front of your husband, or would you like to speak with privately?” Amber's brow furrowed, her confusion deepening. She couldn’t fathom why the doctor's questions necessitated privacy, and her instinct was to have Richard stay by her side. She shook her head. “I don’t mind answering with Richard here. He’s my husband.” Dr. Lawrence nodded, acknowledging Amber's decision. “Very well, then. Mrs. Romero, have you ever been diagnosed with any mental issues or disorders?” Amber's eyes widened, taken aback by the doctor's question. She glanced at Richard, a flicker of uncertainty in her gaze, before regaining her composure. “About a year ago, | suffered a miscarriage, and after seeing a therapist, | was told | had depression,”-she admitted softly.

Richard's surprise was evident, but he remained quiet, allowing Amber to explain her situation without interruption.

The doctor continued his line of inquiry, his tone empathetic yet methodical. “And have you ever been diagnosed with having an anxiety disorder?” Amber's confidence returned as she shook her head. “No, | haven't. My therapist never mentioned anything like that” Dr. Lawrence nodded, his expression contemplative. “And are you currently taking any prescribed medications?” Amber hesitated for a moment. “Yes, | am,” she replied firmly. “But they're antidepressants, not medication for anxiety.” “Mrs. Romero, | understand what I'm about to say may be difficult to process, but the tests we ran on you showed that you have been consistently taking anxiolytics and a smaller dosage of antipsychotics,” Dr. Lawrence explained gently, his voice laced with empathy.

Amber's heart raced, panic flooding over her as she struggled to comprehend the implications of the doctor's words. “But | don’t have an anxiety disorder or any other serious mental illness; why would | take those?” she stammered.

The doctor nodded, his expression sympathetic. “I understand your confusion. Mrs. Romero. But to 3/4 CLOS 14:36 Fri, 1 Mar Du.

Chopter Sixty Up to 50 50% off explain, anxiolytics are typically prescribed to individuals with anxiety disorders, while antipsychotics are primary given to patients with conditions such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, and unfortunately, you've been taking both of these medications at the stime.” Amber felt her head spinning, the room closing in on her as she tried to process this bewildering revelation. How could this be happening? Why was she taking medications that weren't meant for her How did this end up happening? Desperation laced her voice as she turned to Dr. Lawrence, pleading for answers. “But how? | don’t understand any of this.” Dr. Lawrence's gaze softened even further. “Mrs. Romero, the reason you fainted and ended up in the hospital is likely due to the fact that you have been taking medication that was not meant for your condition. Prolonged usage, combined with malnutrition, has weakened your body's ability to tolerate the side effects of these medications. Thankfully, you haven't been consistent enough to the point of addiction, which could have caused a serious mental breakdown.” Amber's confusion deepened, her mind racing as she struggled to connect the dots. “But my therapist, who is actually a psychiatrist, prescribed these medications to me, and they were labeled as antidepressants.” Richard would sigh before deciding to chin. “Actually, Amber, | went back hto check for the medications you were taking and brought them in to be checked. It has been confirmed that those pills were not antidepressants. Someone purposely switched the content of your medication and made you believe you were taking antidepressants instead.” Comments for this chapter Continue Reading Skip ads for 18 or