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Marry Me Quick

Chapter 614
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Chapter 614 My Wife’s Sole Responsibility

With head bowed, Xiyi remained silent for a long while before speaking. "She's fine now."

Never had he imagined the meek little girl who suffered through so much would grow into such a beautiful and

elegant young woman. Fate certainly did not have her back. But she seized it anyway to build a path for herself. An

ascended path that led to her glory.

Ziyue parted her lips slightly to speak but stopped herself before she could.

Who said Xiyi was ignorant about the ways of the world? He was indifferent at best. But he knew exactly what Ke

was thinking. And judging by his tone, she could tell he didn't hate Ke. Being a woman that Xiyi doesn't hate... She

must've held a special place in his heart. The fact alone was enough to render Ziyue speechless.

"I'll head back first. I have a trip to pack for, and there are still things that need to be taken off." Xiyi stood up and

inclined his head. His expression was impassive as usual, and he moved with a gait that was polished but not

conceited. Just like the first time they met.

Ziyue rose to her feet as she watched Xiyi's figure disappear through the exit of the coffee shop. Her mind reeled

back to what Xiyi had said about Muchen. Is his situation really not as bad as they thought? Something about it felt

off, but she couldn't place it past Xiyi's cool demeanor.

Though, she would rather believe him.

Sure enough, Ziyue returned to LK Group to find that Muchen was not in his office. She rushed to his secretary's


"Reception room? To meet who?" If she remembered correctly, Muchen didn't have any appointments scheduled

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for the day.

Wary glances were exchanged across the room, but no one dared to speak. Finally, a man started slowly. His voice

was low and cautious. "Miss Bessalyn."

Miss Bessalyn... Had no one else brought up the name, it would've been permanently erased from Ziyue's memory.


A brief look of disdain flashed across Ziyue's face. That woman's interest in Muchen was plain to see. But God forbid

she'd ever let them end up together.

"Did she come alone?" Ziyue's tone was as stiff as the rest of her body.

"She brought an assistant," the man replied. "We were just about to send these coffees over."

"Let me handle that." She picked up the tray of cups from one of the secretaries and waved at them dismissively.

"Feel free to go back to whatever you were doing."

With a tray in one hand and knuckles hovering over the door to the reception room, Ziyue was ready to knock like

the courteous woman she was. However, it quickly flew out the window as soon as a woman's laugh sounded from

behind the door. And she barged in without a moment's hesitation.

Her sudden appearance seemed to have startled Bessalyn because she gaped at Ziyue in shock. Meanwhile,

Muchen only spared her a light glance before looking away.

What they were talking about before she came in, Ziyue didn't know. But Bessalyn's shocked expression soon

turned into a puzzled frown, which Ziyue casually ignored.

"Miss Bessalyn, I have brought you coffee." Ziyue gently placed the two cups of coffee before them.

"Mrs. Qin, long time no see." Bessalyn nodded, taking a small sip from the cup. "The coffee is good, thank you."

"Of course. We serve the best quality of coffee beans only to our distinguished guests." Ziyue offered a pursed

smile and sat comfortably next to Muchen, to which he responded by slinging his arm around the back of the couch

behind her, looking more relaxed.

"When I came earlier, I saw you and a man chatting in the car. I was afraid I might intrude, so I didn't say hello. My

apologies for that." Bessalyn returned Ziyue's smile with a sickly sweet one of her own.

So sweet that it made her want to barf. More importantly, Bessalyn saw that?!

Ziyue's face stiffened as she subconsciously turned to look at Muchen. Her little rendezvous with Xiyi wasn't

anything of a secret, but she wasn't sure how Muchen would react.

Until she felt a strong, firm squeeze on her thigh.

Lightly clearing her throat, she started, "Oh, what a timely coincidence! I was just asking the doctor about my

situation. Who would've thought you'd bump into me then?" She let out a sheepish laugh that was meant more for

the man beside her.

"You're right." Bessalyn pursed her lips and shifted her gaze to Muchen, only to find that he was staring directly at


Because of the couple's height difference and the angle of his downcast eyes, Bessalyn couldn't gauge his

emotions, but it was enough to indicate the intensity of them all.

"Seeing as you both get along so well, I'll leave my wife full responsibility for this matter. She is now my personal

secretary." His fiery eyes finally shifted away from Ziyue, now directed at Bessalyn. "You may contact her should

you need further assistance. Do carry on. If you'll excuse me, I have other business to attend to."

Stunned, both women could only watch as he rose from his seat. His expression was unreadable as he gave Ziyue a

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light pat on her shoulder before taking his leave.

Bessalyn bit back a scowl, and her hands balled tightly into fists on her thighs.

Do they get along well? What ludicrousness. She scoffed mentally. Thanks to Ziyue, she couldn't even have Muchen

to herself for more than ten minutes.

Drowning her rage, she turned to the woman across her with feigned surprise. "I didn't expect Mrs. Qin to be here

at work today! I thought you'd much prefer to be a full-time housewife."

Ziyue heaved a sigh of relief when her husband was completely out of sight. She shot Bessalyn a subtle glare. "Oh, I

love work. But my husband hates seeing me tired."

The laugh that came out of Bessalyn was full of disdain. The audacity of a mere housewife holding herself in such

high regard despite knowing absolutely nothing amused her. More than that, how the simple words of someone like

Ziyue could prick her like a thorn.

Still, Bessalyn kept her composure. "You and Mr. Qin have a good relationship."

A blatant lie. But a necessary one if it meant maintaining the peace of her father's partnership with the LK Group.

Partnership... If it could even be called that. Years of working with Muchen had not made her father fear him any

less. And she'd be damned if she jeopardized what little foundation her father had spent years building.

Pride aside, she was not an idiot. She knew how to keep her private affairs aside. If looks weren't enough to get

Muchen looking her way, then her ability to work would.

Across her, Ziyue sat with unease as if reading all of Bessalyn's thoughts in real-time. She held her hand up to her

chest as if to guard herself. Something told her that Bessalyn would not be an easy foe to deal with.