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Master Odell’s Secret Ex-Wife

Chapter 409
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Chapter 409

Sylvia knitted her eyebrows into a frown. "What about the surveillance footage? Did you see her?”

"I checked but it just so happened that many surveillance cameras in the resort were being repaired at

the time. I couldn't find any angles near the hillside where Madam Carter fell. I also checked the

surveillance cameras positioned on the roads and by the gates but I couldn’t see any signs of Tara


Sherry asked, “Sylvia, do you have any other ideas?"

Sylvia answered bluntly, "No."

Her mind was blank.

Her intuition told her that Tara had something to do with what happened with Grandma, but the fact was

that she was not present at the resort on that day.

If she was not even present, how could she possibly be the one that pushed Grandma?

Sherry said, “Don’t stress yourself trying to find another solution. I’ve already contacted all the people I

know and we’ve been at this for some time already so it’s time to wrap it up. Find an opportune time

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and I’ll bust you out of there.”

"Not yet.” Sylvia thought for a while and insisted. “By the way, how’s Edmund doing?”

Sherry sighed. "He's in custody. I went to see him yesterday and he said he's fine and that there’s no

need to worry about him."

Sylvia frowned weakly and muttered, "Okay."

She promptly hung up after that.

As usual, she erased the record and shoved the phone back in Odell's pocket. Then, she went back to

the bed and lay next to Odell.

She stared at his sleeping face that somehow retained the same dashing look as when he was awake.

She had to hold back the urge to punch him in the face, then she settled with turning to face the other

way and get some shuteye.

Meanwhile, Tara had been stewing at home for two days and was still feeling incredibly restless.

Sylvia must have discovered something. That was the only explanation for her suspicions.

She could not let Sylvia continue to pry deeper into the matter.

She had to figure out something to keep her away from Odell.

The sun had only just risen and she was already headed to Odell’s place.

Her plan was to instigate another argument and get Sylvia to attack her again. Only this time she would

get Sylvia to hit her harder to a point where even Odell would be angered by her actions.

The car was only one turn away from reaching Odells’ house when she suddenly spotted something.

"Stop!” She immediately prompted.

The driver pulled the car to the side of the road.

Tara squinted and looked across the road.

There was a park across the road and at the entrance of the park was none other than Sherry. She was

standing on a very large boulder and she was facing

Odell’s house with a pair of binoculars in her hands.

Her behavior was highly suspicious.

Tara immediately took out her phone and snuck several pictures in.

After a while, she turned to the driver and ordered with a note of satisfaction in her voice, "Turn around

and go back."

No need to recycle her old tricks this time around.

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The driver heeded and turned the car around.

Tara then sent Odell the pictures of Sherry standing on the boulder with binoculars in hand, facing

toward his house.

This was the message she attached to the picture. “ Odell, I was just visiting Grandma when I

happened to spot Sherry here. I know that she’s very close with Sylvia so why is she acting so

suspicious in this picture? Surely she’s not up to anything, right?”

The Carter Tower.

Odell was reviewing documents in his office.

When his phone vibrated, he picked it up and peeked at the message.

After he read the messages he received from Tara, his face instantly turned cold.

He was sure he had seen the woman in the picture Tara had sent her at one point.

She had come to him not just once but twice. It was a while ago and both times she came looking for

Sylvia but was chased away empty-handed.

Now she was seen standing at the park near his house with binoculars in hand. What else could she be

up to other than scheming to save Sylvia?

The question was, how did she know that Sylvia was locked up in his house to begin with?

Did she somehow gather the information herself?

Or did someone tell her?

Odell's eyes became black as night. He immediately called the bodyguards stationed at his house.