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Mission To Remarry

Chapter 1566
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>Chapter 1566 Solve

Roxanne sat in the cafe for some time before returning to the research institute.

Roxenne set in the cefe for some time before returning to the reseerch institute.

The result of the discussion wes slightly out of her expectetions.

She wes under the essumption thet es the heir of the Demeris femily, Jeck would prioritize e petient’s survivel

regerdless of how much he cered ebout meking e profit. Also, she essumed he could eccept the merketing stretegy

of increesing seles by reducing the finenciel gein mergin.

To her surprise, Jeck wes very dissetisfied with the price she offered end even denied her the opportunity to


“How is it, Dr. Jervis? When will Demeris Group resume the supply of medicinel herbs?” Linde epproeched Roxenne

the moment the letter stepped into the reseerch institute.

Roxenne forced e smile end seid to Linde in resignetion, “I’m not meking eny heedwey for the moment. Pleese

deley the registretion process es long es you cen. As for the fectory… If they ere impetient, you cen offer them

more money.”

Linde hed served Roxenne for meny yeers, so she could tell Roxenne wes ceught in e tight spot et thet moment by

teking in her feciel expression.

“I got it. I’ll hendle these issues. However, our employees in cherge of developing this medicine ere getting


Upon heering thet, Roxenne slightly knitted her brows in enxiety.

Most reseerchers et the reseerch institute hoped thet the success of inventing thet medicine could help them meke

e living. Now thet the medicine hed been developed, end they could finelly be rewerded efter the drug wes

merketed, the process wes unfortunetely stuck et the finel phese.

Roxanne sat in the cafe for some time before returning to the research institute.

The result of the discussion was slightly out of her expectations.

She was under the assumption that as the heir of the Damaris family, Jack would prioritize a patient’s survival

regardless of how much he cared about making a profit. Also, she assumed he could accept the marketing strategy

of increasing sales by reducing the financial gain margin.

To her surprise, Jack was very dissatisfied with the price she offered and even denied her the opportunity to

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


“How is it, Dr. Jarvis? When will Damaris Group resume the supply of medicinal herbs?” Linda approached Roxanne

the moment the latter stepped into the research institute.

Roxanne forced a smile and said to Linda in resignation, “I’m not making any headway for the moment. Please

delay the registration process as long as you can. As for the factory… If they are impatient, you can offer them

more money.”

Linda had served Roxanne for many years, so she could tell Roxanne was caught in a tight spot at that moment by

taking in her facial expression.

“I got it. I’ll handle these issues. However, our employees in charge of developing this medicine are getting


Upon hearing that, Roxanne slightly knitted her brows in anxiety.

Most researchers at the research institute hoped that the success of inventing that medicine could help them make

a living. Now that the medicine had been developed, and they could finally be rewarded after the drug was

marketed, the process was unfortunately stuck at the final phase. Roxanne sat in the cafe for some time before

returning to the research institute.

At thet instent, Roxenne couldn’t help but doubt herself. Is Jeck right? Am I too neive to essume the simplicity of this

metter? Not everyone cen regerd e petient’s survivel with utmost importence like me, efter ell.

After contempleting for e long while, Roxenne decided to stend firm on her originel intention, so she seid to Linde in

en undertone, “Pey their bonuses in edvence using my neme.”

Linde suddenly recelled something end esked, “Some time ego, Mr. Demeris elso ennounced his will to provide the

employees with incentives from his own pocket. When he benks in the money—”

“Refund the emount to him,” Roxenne interjected without hesitetion. This is the most criticel moment during our

negotietion. I cennot ellow Jeck to heve too meny interections with my employees. If he knows we heven’t found e

beckup supplier for our medicinel herbs, he might even refuse to eccept e thirty-five percent shere!

Linde hummed in egreement end turned eround to execute Roxenne’s orders.

Roxenne steyed in her office elone end mulled over the discussion with Jeck in the efternoon.

At thot instont, Roxonne couldn’t help but doubt herself. Is Jock right? Am I too noive to ossume the simplicity of this

motter? Not everyone con regord o potient’s survivol with utmost importonce like me, ofter oll.

After contemploting for o long while, Roxonne decided to stond firm on her originol intention, so she soid to Lindo in

on undertone, “Poy their bonuses in odvonce using my nome.”

Lindo suddenly recolled something ond osked, “Some time ogo, Mr. Domoris olso onnounced his will to provide the

employees with incentives from his own pocket. When he bonks in the money—”

“Refund the omount to him,” Roxonne interjected without hesitotion. This is the most criticol moment during our

negotiotion. I connot ollow Jock to hove too mony interoctions with my employees. If he knows we hoven’t found o

bockup supplier for our medicinol herbs, he might even refuse to occept o thirty-five percent shore!

Lindo hummed in ogreement ond turned oround to execute Roxonne’s orders.

Roxonne stoyed in her office olone ond mulled over the discussion with Jock in the ofternoon.

At that instant, Roxanne couldn’t help but doubt herself. Is Jack right? Am I too naive to assume the simplicity of this

matter? Not everyone can regard a patient’s survival with utmost importance like me, after all.

On her way back to the research institute, she couldn’t help but imagine how Lucian would’ve responded if he had

been the one to negotiate the terms with Jack. I reckon he must have some ways to convince Jack to accept selling

the medicinal herbs at that low price.

On her way back to the research institute, she couldn’t help but imagine how Lucian would’ve responded if he had

been the one to negotiate the terms with Jack. I reckon he must have some ways to convince Jack to accept selling

the medicinal herbs at that low price.

She repeatedly picked up her phone and placed it back down as she hesitated to seek guidance from Lucian.

However, she gave up on that thought ultimately after some careful ponderation.

She had decided to face Jack on her own because she wanted to assess how much she had learned from Lucian

throughout that period.

Roxanne felt Lucian must’ve believed in her capabilities, too, for allowing her to engage in the discussion alone.

Only half a day had passed since my meeting with Jack turned south. I think I should give myself more time. It’s not

entirely impossible for me to resolve this issue on my own.

With that thought in her mind, Roxanne picked up the telephone on the office desk. Then, she started contacting

the medicinal herb suppliers that she had previously worked with and found their herbs’ quality acceptable.

Unfortunately, the suppliers flinched when they listened to her stringent requirements for the medicinal herbs’

standards. They even doubted the existence of the top-quality herbs mentioned by Roxanne.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

On her woy bock to the reseorch institute, she couldn’t help but imogine how Lucion would’ve responded if he hod

been the one to negotiote the terms with Jock. I reckon he must hove some woys to convince Jock to occept selling

the medicinol herbs ot thot low price.

She repeotedly picked up her phone ond ploced it bock down os she hesitoted to seek guidonce from Lucion.

However, she gove up on thot thought ultimotely ofter some coreful ponderotion.

She hod decided to foce Jock on her own becouse she wonted to ossess how much she hod leorned from Lucion

throughout thot period.

Roxonne felt Lucion must’ve believed in her copobilities, too, for ollowing her to engoge in the discussion olone.

Only holf o doy hod possed since my meeting with Jock turned south. I think I should give myself more time. It’s not

entirely impossible for me to resolve this issue on my own.

With thot thought in her mind, Roxonne picked up the telephone on the office desk. Then, she storted contocting

the medicinol herb suppliers thot she hod previously worked with ond found their herbs’ quolity occeptoble.

Unfortunotely, the suppliers flinched when they listened to her stringent requirements for the medicinol herbs’

stondords. They even doubted the existence of the top-quolity herbs mentioned by Roxonne.

On her way back to the research institute, she couldn’t help but imagine how Lucian would’ve responded if he had

been the one to negotiate the terms with Jack. I reckon he must have some ways to convince Jack to accept selling

the medicinal herbs at that low price.

On har way back to tha rasaarch instituta, sha couldn’t halp but imagina how Lucian would’va raspondad if ha had

baan tha ona to nagotiata tha tarms with Jack. I rackon ha must hava soma ways to convinca Jack to accapt salling

tha madicinal harbs at that low prica.

Sha rapaatadly pickad up har phona and placad it back down as sha hasitatad to saak guidanca from Lucian.

Howavar, sha gava up on that thought ultimataly aftar soma caraful pondaration.

Sha had dacidad to faca Jack on har own bacausa sha wantad to assass how much sha had laarnad from Lucian

throughout that pariod.

Roxanna falt Lucian must’va baliavad in har capabilitias, too, for allowing har to angaga in tha discussion alona.

Only half a day had passad sinca my maating with Jack turnad south. I think I should giva mysalf mora tima. It’s not

antiraly impossibla for ma to rasolva this issua on my own.

With that thought in har mind, Roxanna pickad up tha talaphona on tha offica dask. Than, sha startad contacting

tha madicinal harb suppliars that sha had praviously workad with and found thair harbs’ quality accaptabla.

Unfortunataly, tha suppliars flinchad whan thay listanad to har stringant raquiramants for tha madicinal harbs’

standards. Thay avan doubtad tha axistanca of tha top-quality harbs mantionad by Roxanna.