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Mr. Ford is Jealous

Chapter 1161
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Chapter 1161 

Everyone began to take their seat at the table. 

Daisy wanted to sit by Weston’s side, of course, but  Nicole obviously wanted to grab that seat. The two women

glared at each other, both seething with hostility for the other in each other’s eyes. 

Weston had no intention of choosing either, so he walked  across to the opposite side of the table and took a seat 

across from the two women. 

Seeing this, Daisy and Nicole finally let go of the chair  and gloomily sat themselves down. 

Xavier couldn’t help himself from sniggering when he  saw how Daisy was walking on eggshells around Weston. 

He and Daisy broke up not long after Stella died, and  shortly before that, he had warned Daisy that if she still 

showed interest in Weston, he would immediately end  things. 

Once Stella died, Daisy instantly became restless and  antsy. She couldn‘t stop asking about Weston, not to mention

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that she didn‘t bother hiding it from Xavier  anymore. 

Xavier had no lingering feelings for a woman like that, of course. He had wanted to dump her, but to his surprise,

Daisy was the one to strike first, dumping him before he had the chance to do it. 

In all his life, no woman had ever treated him that way before. Except, of course, for that silly girl named Zeta. 

As he thought of Zeta, he became inexplicably irritable again, so for the rest of the meal, he spoke very little. He

basically spent all his time eating in silence. 

Daisy and Nicole had prepared a lot of food, all neatly filling the table to the brim. 

Henry had initially come just to see all the commotion, but he was interested in seeing how Weston was doing too. It

had been three years, after all, and he was curious if Weston had forgotten Stella Sealey. 

Unfortunately, Weston was not very welcoming to him at all. The relationship between the two former best friends 

had been strained for a long time now, all because of Guinevere Cohen. 

The main reason Henry was here was actually Angelina Thompson 

Angelina had been pestering him day in and day out, asking him to come so he could keep an eye on Daisy and

Nicole to see if they had any ulterior motives. 

Although Stella had died a few years ago, all her friends still missed her very much. 

As soon as they got wind of Weston‘s slightest movements, Angelina would never fail to come to Henry  to find out

all about it, as if she was being jealous and resentful on Stella‘s behalf. 

“What right does he have to surround himself with beautiful women after Stella lost her life?! You have to go there

and keep an eye on him...” 

Henry had no idea why he had to do what Angelina said. She clearly wasn‘t the woman in his memories anyway. 

Everyone at the table was lost in their own thoughts. 

The two sisters kept giving each other meaningful looks. 

Full of competitiveness and jealousy, they wouldn’t stop  squabbling, and neither would give way to the other. 

Neither of them would let the other win. 

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Nicole clearly hadn’t learned anything from Belle’s stark  warning in the past. 

She knew Weston was only tricking them into  exonerating Stella Sealey, though all of his plans came to  naught

when Stella ended up dying in prison. 

Yet it was then that Nicole felt herself falling into a deep  rabbit hole where she became hopelessly obsessed with 


She couldn’t help but wonder how much he must have  loved that woman to make such intricate plans to save  her

life. If a man who would do such a thing for her did  exist, Nicole would never throw her life away so  carelessly the

way Stella Sealey did. 

Sometimes she couldn’t help but feel disdain for that  woman. She just couldn‘t understand why Stella wouldn‘t

cherish and treasure what she had. If it had been Nicole, she would‘ve never been willing to leave a great man who

was so in love with her for anything in the world! 

On the other side of the restaurant, Stella, carrying her two kids, had finally settled down at a table when she was

interrupted by a waitress rushing over. 

“We apologize for the long wait, Madam, but someone has reserved the whole space downstairs, so we have no

choice but to move you upstairs. We‘ve arranged a table for you by the window. Is that okay with you?”