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Mr. Remus Your Billionaire Wife Wants a Divorce

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85


Ada forced a smile as she walked up to Silvia and said, “I’m great at making poached

eggs. Let me help you.” 1


The two of them took some eggs and entered the kitchen. After the door was closed, Ada’s

smile became menacing.

“Silvia Pond, I won’t spare you if you tell him the truth!”

Silvia cocked her eyebrow in amusement and smiled. She cracked the eggs and slowly

said, “Why should I cover for you? If Neil finds out that I was the one who stayed outside

his ward for three whole days, he won’t think that highly of you, will he?”

Ada gritted her teeth and spoke with contempt, “If you hadn’t chased me out, I would

have stayed outside his ward!”

Silvia looked askance at her. “I asked you to leave, and you actually left. It looks like your

feelings for Neil aren’t that strong.”

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“How dare you!”

Ada glared at her as she asked, “What would it take for you to keep quiet?”

“You shouldn’t ask me that. Instead, you should carefully think about the things you can

offer to make a deal with me.”

Silvia added water to the pot and prepared the eggs skillfully. She only looked at Ada after

she placed the eggs into the boiling water. She smiled and said, “If you can make me a

satisfactory offer before the poached eggs are done, I’ll pretend to know nothing.”

Ada’s face turned red with rage. She should not have come today. Now, she was giving

Silvia something to hold her over!

Two minutes later, Silvia looked at the steaming pot with a smile and said, “You have one

more minute.”

Ada glared at her. “Weren’t you jealous when Mom and Dad held a birthday party for me

every year in the past? I’ll beg them to organize one for you this year. How about that?”

To Ada, Silvia had always competed against her for Idris and Mindy’s love, so she would

not turn down this offer!

Unexpectedly, Silvia just chuckled. “Did you come up with this idea after so long?”

“Don’t you crave Dad and Mom’s recognition the most?”

When Silvia first rejoined the family, she would mimic Ada so that Idris and Mindy would

compliment her. However, this eventually made Mindy hate her even more.

Silvia had grown increasingly quiet ever since.

Meanwhile, Ada tried her best to play the role of a gentle and kind younger sister. She

would care about Silvia in front of Idris and Mindy from time to time. Therefore, they

ended up loving her and hating Silvia.

Silvia shook her head. “You’re overthinking it. Their recognition is meaningless to me


Ada’s eyes shone with disbelief. She gritted her teeth and said, “You’re just trying to trick

me! How can you not want their recognition?”

Silvia chuckled. “It’s fine if you don’t believe me. Since you can’t come up with an

attractive offer, I’ll have to expose you to Neil.”

When Ada saw her smile, she subconsciously clenched her fists. She could not wait to

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strangle Silvia to death.

This b*tch was playing games. She just wanted her to make a fool of herself!

As Silvia was about to leave with the poached eggs, a ruthless glint shone in Ada’s eyes.

She suddenly reached out to fl*p the plate of poached eggs!

She fl*pped it in Silvia’s direction, so if the hot poached eggs landed on her, they would

leave a scar. If they landed on her face,

her face would definitely be ruined!

Silvia instantly moved to the side. The poached eggs fell to the floor, and the plate broke

into pieces too.

Although Silvia managed to dodge quickly enough, her arm still came into contact with a

portion of the poached eggs. That

part of her skin quickly turned red, and a few blisters instantly formed.

When Ada saw how she avoided the attack, she was filled with gloominess.

“Silvia, I didn’t do it on purpose-”

Before she could finish her sentence, Silvia slapped her in the face!