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Mr. Sallow's Sinful Wife by Maisie Chasey

Chapter 166
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Chapter 166 Sorry, And I Want To Kiss You

Putting his phone away, Nicholas glanced out the window. “It seems like the rain has lightened up. It don’t need an

umbrella. I won’t get too wet if I run a little faster.”

Suddenly, Nancy remembered the time when she went searching for Linda in heavy rain. She was completely

soaked and shivering, which was an unbearable feeling, especially when the cold wind blew towards her. It was as

painful as being cut by a knife.

Seeing Nancy’s silence, Nicholas felt his heart sink. “Rest early. I’m leaving now,” he said, turning to leave.

It was then that Nancy heard two coughs. “Did you catch a cold?” she couldn’t help but ask.

“A little bit,” he nodded, explaining, “It’s just a mild cold, nothing serious.”

Then, Nancy remembered a time when he caught a cold. It started off mild with a runny nose and a few coughs.

But it quickly got worse, and he ended up coughing for a long time before recovering.

He’s usually healthy and doesn’t get sick often, but when he does, it’s severe, Nancy thought, growing even more

worried. Just as he was about to disappear, she finally blurted out, “Nicholas, you-

He turned to her. “What is it?”

“Well…” She softened her voice and gently said, “It’s pouring outside, and the road visibility is poor, making driving

dangerous. If you don’t mind, would you like to stay a little longer and leave once the rain stops?”

“What if it doesn’t stop?”

She paused for a moment, as she hadn’t considered this possibility. After some thought, she replied, “I have a small

couch in the living room. If you don’t find it too cramped, you can stay here for the night. It’s better than catching a


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“Okay,” he nodded.

As it turned out, the rain continued to pour until past 11 PM, and it showed no signs of stopping. In fact, it only


Since Nancy had work the next day, she went to take a shower, but not before he reminded her. “Make sure you

don’t get your injury wet”

After her shower, she changed into cotton pajamas-long sleeves with long trousers, which were

sidered normal and appropriate.

Afterwards she grabbed a set of clothes from her bedroom for Nicholas Take a shower and use the red towel as the


ng arther blur pajamas to her hands he said in surprise Thay set of papsticas


Her face turned bright red when he pointed it out, as if her little trick had been discovered. She pursed her lips and

mumbled, “Yes, it’s yours. I accidentally packed it with me.”

“Why didn’t you return it to me?”

“You have so many pajamas at home, so I thought you wouldn’t need this one, and I didn’t return it,” she replied.

“I see.”

Only when he entered the bathroom did she finally breathe a sigh of relief, leaning back on the couch. In truth, she

hadn’t packed those pajamas by mistake, but rather on purpose.

At that time, she was packing her own pajamas from the closet and saw their matching couple pajamas placed next

to each other. She had bought them, and although he rarely wore them, she often did because it was the only

matching outfit they had.

When she was leaving, she subconsciously packed that set of pajamas with her. Little did she expect that it would

come in handy today.

About fifteen minutes later, Nicholas emerged from the bathroom with wet hair because he had washed it. Tiny

droplets of water rolled down his cheekbones and jawline, softly progressing to his Adam’s apple. He left two top

buttons open, casually revealing the strong lines around his neck.


Approaching her, he turned to her with his handsome face. “Where’s the hairdryer? I couldn’t find it in the


“It’s in my room. I’ll get it for you,” she said, standing up to retrieve it.

However, she moved too quickly and accidentally tripped, almost falling to the floor. Nicholas quickly saw what was

about to happen and extended his arm to catch her waist.

Despite his efforts, the space between the couch and the coffee table was cramped, and with his height, he lost his

balance as well, toppling forward because he couldn’t extend his long legs properly. In the end, both of them fell

onto the couch at the same time. Unexpectedly, their lips met in that moment.

The air stood still, and only their breaths could be heard. Both of them were breathing heavily, and their lips were

locked together, just like their hearts, burning with passion.

Nancy’s mind went blank, and she blinked as her heart raced. With less than an inch between them, he was so

close that she could see his face clearly, She noticed his thick brows and even his lashes.

Yet, it was in that moment that she realized a horrifying truth-she hadn’t forgotten him and still missed him deeply.

In the past, someone had said that even if a person buried their love in their hearts, it would reveal itself through

their eyes. Now, she believed that missing someone was like poison or medicine, seeping through every cell and

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In the past few days, she thought she was slowly forgetting him and tried to convince herself to start anew But now

she realized that she had been fooling herself, and her heart felt bitter and uneasy with tas realization


Very gently, she moved her lips, and when she tried to pull away, she felt a strong force holding her head from

behind. The next second, Nicholas kissed her deeply and passionately. His hand wrapped. around her waist, and

they sank deeper into the couch, with no chance for her to escape.

The kiss was intense, and she could barely handle it. Because he had just showered, the light scent of shower gel

lingered on him, and she found the smell particularly sweet.

What’s happening to me? I should be angry that he kissed me without my permission, but now I feel like a fish out

of water, desperately missing the water that is him.

“Nancy…” he kept calling her name, gently and patiently, as if she were his most precious treasure.

She found herself unable to resist him, and there was no way for her to escape. Quite literally, she had become

infatuated with his tenderness and kissing skills to such an extent that she couldn’t bring herself to stop, until she

screamed at herself in her mind at the last moment, “Nancy Cohen, wake up and regain your composure!”

Pushing him away, she extended her hands. Disregarding the injury on her foot, she hastily gathered her clothes

and hurriedly fled, before rushing back into her room and locking the door.

A minute later, her phone beeped. It was Nicholas who had sent her a text. “Nancy, I won’t apologize because I

genuinely wanted to kiss you, and it wasn’t just a spontaneous act. It is my sincere intention.”
