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My Bestfriend Slipped Inside Me (An Alpha’s Secret) by Demiah13

Chapter 101
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Xade's pov When I said I would burn the entire world for her. I meant every single word. I meant that I would burn the entire world within it.

There are many things I would do for that beautiful blonde in my arms. Including facing death with open eyes and arms, just so I can see that she was happy and alive.

I gripped her harder, and as she looked atwith wide confused and startled eyes, I couldn't help but think I have been the luckiest bastard alive to have known her and been with her even for that short time. This girl, she was everything.

My everything.

"Xade I- I cupped her cheeks, making her breath hit hitch and I love the way the sun glint and shine in her eyes, revealing all the emotions she felt forat once. My heart hurt but also beat with joy.

I engraved every memory of her face, the feel of her body in my mind. The way her eyes lit up when they look at me.

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"One day I hope you get to build that exact shouse in the snow globe," I whispered knowing damn well she didn't know what the hell I was referring to.

Which makes it even cuter when her nose does that little twitch and her brows furrow adorably. God. She had been all mine once. And she still is.

My beast slammed harder, scratching scrapping. My bones groaned in pain.

"What?" She voiced her confusion.

I swallowed and stared into her eyes deeply, and removed the veil. When she let out a small gasp I know she saw it, she saw the love I have for her, the yearning, the need. She saw all.

And I revealed more.

I dipped my head lower so she could really see. The beast inside me. The reason I had to stay far away. The reason for our doom. The reason why we both can't make it and one has to die.

And I did the choosing. I chose myself and I'd do it again. I'd do it all over again.

She's tongue tied, her breath staggering on my lips as I reveal my true nature, the color of my beast, the ranking. I only reveal it to her. She had the right to see him before he was no more.

"Xade- Her voice trembled and I can no longer stay here so close to her and be unaffected. It was always a losing battle. I cupped her cheeks and plant my lips on hers, slow and gentle. Making sure I pour every emotion I felt into the kiss, imprinting my taste on her tongue, my memory. She'll remember this one. She'll remember me.

She gasped and I snaked my tongue into her mouth, taking her own taste into my own so it will be the last thing I taste. The last taste of her.

She gripped my shirt and I hold her steady, knowing her knees had weakened. Her taste branding on my tongue, my taste branding on hers.

When I was sure I had branded myself on her enough, I pulled away to allow her to breathe, my eyes closed as I rest my forehead on hers. I sucked in her scent, letting it wash over me.

I listened to her heart beat, letting it soothe me. It will continue beating. When I am gone, at least hers, the one that matters tomost will continue to beat.

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"I love you," I marked my words with truth. She needed to know those words to. She needed to hear them. She needed to know I loved her and I still love her.

"Never forget that." I whispered, my thumb brushing across her cheekbone. She gasped and I Omy eyes, and hers fluttered opened.

We stare into each other's eyes and for a moment I am weak. For a moment I am weak enough to want more twith her. To engrave my mark on her. To live with her.

But the scent of her human flesh makesperish before my thoughts can givehope. "I would burn the world for you, Avery, within it," I whispered, fully pulling back.

Her wild confused eyes drop to my nose and she looks worried, gasping. "Your nose Xade, you're bleeding." She reaches for my face, not even worried that a guy she thought she barely knew had confessed his undying love for her.

I pull back, reaching for my nose and sure enough I can feel the warmth of my blood. "Wait Xage, she calls out forwhen I turn around to leave, not wanting the last memory of us to bewith a fucking bloody nose.

The warmth of her touch as she touched my arm to stopnearly broke me. I quickened my. pace, ver m almost inhuman speed as I reach the car before she could, and with one last look that I couldn't resist, I drove off.