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My Bestfriend Slipped Inside Me (An Alpha’s Secret) by Demiah13

Chapter 109
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Avery's pov It feels like an eternity until the doctor and the nurse returns. Both had a blank mask on that madegrow stiff.

I sag up into a sitting position quickly, my heart speeding as they neared. Melissa had gotten up to look out the window and only turned around when they had returned. She too move to ccloser.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"We've run the tests," the doctor said firmly but his eyes betrayed his unease as it swim in his eyes.

"And the results are consistent with the ones we got earlier," his eyes flick to Melissa and back to me. "There is wolf DNA present in your blood.” I feel as though the blood had completely drained from my face once more, my lips feeling cold as my body freeze. "But," I whispered in a croak. "How?" How is this even possible? He spared a glance at the nurse and with a sigh he returns his attention back to me. “We don't know yet, which is why you need to stay here so we can run further tests." My heart rate speeds. I didn't want to be a lab rat so they could run tests on me. Especially knowing that something unnatural was happening, something I had a feeling Xade knew about.

A quick flash of his eyes, the last tI saw him today before his nose bled. Those blue storms had swirled with red, they looked so feral, like a beast.

I gripped the sheets. Something was going on and I had every intention of finding out before it was too late.

As the doctor yapped on, my mind run a mile a minute, trying to figure out how I can get to Xade as soon as possible. Would he answer my calls? Does he even still have the snumber? If he wantedto forget and stay away from him, then he'd definitely not keep the snumber right? I needed to see him in person.

"We will keep you overnight to keep a close eye on you." Doctor Bernard said, motioning for the nurse to do one last checkup onbefore the two leave.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Well I guess I need to go pack sclothes for you to stay- "No need." I said as I harshly pull out the IV without a care. Melissa lips part into a gape of disbelief. "What the hell are you doing?" I swing my legs over the bed and stand up. "Getting out of here and going to Xade." She reaches for me, stoppingin my tracks. I tug my arm out of her hold. "Avery you heard doctor Bernard, they're concerned about you. Concern about whatever," her eyes drop to my stomach. "This is. Don't forget you're pregnant. Xade can wait." I grab my clothes, ignoring her as I rush to the bathroom. She follows after me. "He really can't." I say over my shoulder.

"Avery!" She hissed. "I'll call him back here if you try to leave- I whip around, glaring. "Be a good friend for once Melissa. I need to get out of here okay!" Tears blurred my vision as I let all of my frustrations cto the surface. All the events of today just crumblein one go.

She flinched. "I am being a good friend Avery. I stayed by your side all throughout all of this. I know sometimes I can be a bitch but I really do care about you." Her voice cracked and my eyes soften.

I sighed, looking away from her. "I need answers Melissa. I can't just stay here and let the doctors poke and run their stupid tests on me. I don't want to be a lab rat. Not when I know who has all the answers." I look back at her. "I need to go to him Melissa. I don't know why, but I need to go to him tonight and not a day after."

She searched my gaze and then after what felt like a minute she let out a breath that sounded like a deep sigh. "Do you need taxi money?" I smiled, feeling the weight on my shoulders lessen. “Kind of, kinda a broke bitch right now."

She snorted and nudged her head to the bathroom door. "Then you better om hurry, they could cback any minute how since the nurse did say she'd cto check up on you in a few."

Fifteen minutes later and I am in a taxi, heading straight to Xade's penthouse. I may not know whyllost our memories, or why he tried to keepaway from him, but I do know one thing. He still loves me. I saw it in his gaze. And dammit, I still love him too. I place my hand on my belly, looking down and smiled. “Let's go give your daddy hell."