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My Bestfriend Slipped Inside Me (An Alpha’s Secret) by Demiah13

Chapter 47
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Avery's pov There's something about the way Xade runs his fingers through my hair while my head is on his broad warm chest that sent shivers down my spine.

After we got done in the gym, he broughtto his apartment right. away where of course we had a second round of tangled limbs and pleasure. So much pleasure.

Now stand ach. He all the girls, including Melissa boasted about ach. He really knew what he was doing and why does it feel as if he was made for me? the way he The thought hasjealous that he had shared himself so much with others. I pushed off his chest, resting my forearm where I could feel the soft thumping of his heart. The rhythm is soothing.

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I frowned as I looked at him and he must've sensed the shift in my emotions because his eyes fix on mine and his brows furrowed. " Uh oh, I know that look. Did I do something to upset you?" A wicked. teasing look flashed across his eyes. "I can make up for it." I let out a breath that cout like a sigh and noticing the pitch, he got serious. “What's wrong baby?" I cast my eyes down to his chest, my fingers now drawing weird shapes on his sweaty skin. "I just- The words die on my tongue, unsure if to voice my jealousy or not. Was it too early in the relationship to? Even though I had been with Kyan, what Kyan and I had is nothing compared to what Xade and I have now. Which was crazy to think considering Xade and I just made it official.

"Those girls you were with," my words rolled off my lips before I can even rethink them. "Were they more experienced?" I cringe inwardly. Did that cout st*pid? Afraid to look up into his eyes I pretend that his soft skin was more fascinating to look at. Though I will admit, his skin is enticing.....

Especially with that bite mark I left there.

"V," his voice is thick, so stained with regret that my belly twisted in an odd uncomfortable way, I looked up quickly, my checks taking on the color of a beet I am sure as I flushed in embarrassment.

hurt out, da d away "You don't have to answer that if you don't want to!" 1 reddening even more when his gaze soften more. Il pouting. Hating that I had ruined such a calm moment between us.

"Baby," he sighed, his fingers touching my chin and pulling my head back to face him. I shyly snake my eyes up. "They never mattered and I never cared. If you're asking this because you have doubts, I will remind you that you're the only one who can bringto my knees with just a look." My heart flips and so did my stomach. He trace his fingers on my jawbone, up to my ear and then move sof my wild hair out of the way. He looked atwith such deep intensity, I shivered.

"You're perfect. You're my drug, my very undoing. With you, no one else matters, the past doesn't matter," his eyes searched mine. “You have no idea the kind of grip you have over me. You can tellto jump off a cliff and I'd do it in a heartbeat." My stomach churn and I gasped, worriedly looking at him. "Xade! You can't say that! You can't loveto such great lengths." A smile curved on his lips. one that made the butterflies in my belly to flap their wings so close to my ribcage. "Ah but I love you more than my own life Avery," he thread his fingers through my hair, tugging the strands teasingly. "I love you." I worried my lip between my teeth, stomach tightening with nerves. That's what every girl wants to hear, but with me, I'd rather not hear he lovesmore than himself. I didn't think I deserved it.

I wasn't that special or someone to die for. I was just me, Avery. Clumsy, madly in love with my best friend now turned boyfriend and someone who was a neat freak. I was normal, boring and just not good. enough for someone like him to give up his own life for.

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He teasingly tugged at my hair again and used his other hand to rub the lines between my eyebrows. "Stop turning those gears in your head my love. Cback to earth, cback to me." "But-

I started but the words die on my tongue when he got up and place at chaste kiss on Son my lips love you more than my life V. You're the air I need to breathe, the thirst I can never quench. When in doubt, remember these words okay." I nodded, resting my forehead on his and with a sigh I breathed out in his lips. “I love you too Xade. With everything in me."

I felt it. The quick thrump under my palm as his heart skipped from hearing my words. I saw the way this eyes glazed over in disbelief and awe. He had not expectedto say it, not when just earlier it was difficult to push past my lips despite already feeling it. "Christ V," he breathed out, his eyes staring atfondly. "Say it again," he whispered.

I shyly look at him under my lashes, biting my lip. "I love you." 58.787 He rolled us over,now under him and I squealed and let out a happy laugh. "Say it again," he insisted, eyes still staring atin awe.

I smiled and cupped his check. "I love you Xade."

He closed his eyes, dropping his forehead on mine softly. "I can now die a very happy man.

ben de chuckled, peeling his eyes open to stare atwith a passion that hadsquirming under him. A grin spread on his lips as he lift and tilt his head.

"Say it again." He teased.