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My Ex-Wife and Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball

Chapter 1983
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Chapter 1983 I Will Haunt You After I Die

Byron was quick to react as he immediately pulled Rosalie behind him. He reached out and clenched Kelly's throat.

His arms were long and slender, Kelly could only scratch the thin air as curses continually sounded from her throat

and she was unable to move an inch forward.

With a light push, Kelly stumbled onto the ground like a kite with a short string.

However, she roared with pitiful anguish, "I hate you, Byron Lawrence! How can you treat me this way? Do you still

have a conscience?"

Mary was shocked. She never expected Kelly to become so hysterical in such a short time. She was even acting like

she had lost her mind.

"Are you crazy, Kelly Paxton?" Mary shouted.

"Hahaha, I am crazy... I'm crazy... I love you, Byron Lawrence! I would have dug my heart out of my chest for you if

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you wanted it! But I'm dirty now... How could you be so heartless? This is the end of the Fuller family..."

"You’re just an ex-wife, Rosalie Jacobs. Who do you think you are to take my man from me? I'm Byron Lawrence's

fiancee. I swear, I will haunt you after I die!"

Kelly screamed shrilly and it was clear that she was going mad. She looked miserable one second and became

furiously agitated the next.

She was not even looking at Byron and Rosalie any longer, but at the walls and the ceiling as she kept twirling about

in a circle.

Next, she began pulling at her hair and rubbing her cheeks continuously with her hands. Suddenly, she began

banging her head against the wall.

The loud banging shocked Mary so much, her eyes twitched.

"What is wrong with her? Is she crazy?" Mary was clearly frightened by Kelly's unusual behaviour.

There was a dark look in Rosalie's eye as she said gently, " She can't deal with the shock, and her conscious still

trying to avoid the truth. She's developed hallucinations because of this. She's going through hysteria right now!"

As she was explaining this, Kelly continued banging her head against the wall. She hit herself harder each time and

her head was now bleeding.

Mary watched with fear and did not know what to do.

Rosalie had not expected things to take such a strange turn. She said softly, "Mary, get the tranquilizer and jab her

with it! Otherwise, she might end up doing something even crazier!"

Rosalie actually did not really care to help Kelly in any way.

Kelly’s death had nothing to do with her.

However, this was Rosalie's hospital and no one could tell what trouble it would bring if something happened to


Byron seemed to know what Rosalie was thinking. He walked toward the window quietly and closed it.

He was worried Kelly's hysteria might cause her to jump out of the window. This would be a huge hit to the

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hospital's reputation.

Mary left the office and came back very quickly. There was a syringe in her hand and she immediately jabbed it into

Kelly's arm.

"Call the police, Byron! We'll let them handle this. She won't be able to get away from what happened with Chloe

Lincoln," Rosalie sounded calm.

Byron nodded and took out his phone to call the police.

The police arrived after ten minutes and they took Kelly, who was unconscious, away with them. The police had a

specialized hospital to treat and watch over suspects.

Master Loewe arrived after with the medicine.

"I'll test the medicine first, Mary. If there isn't any problem after half an hour, you can distribute it to all the doctors

and nurses." It was already a norm for Rosalie to test any medication on herself.

Byron frowned immediately and snatched the medicine away from her. He threw the pills into his mouth. ‘TH do it.

Don't forget you’re not alone now!"

With that, he placed his right hand gently on his wife’s abdomen.

Master Loewe was taken aback and immediately began congratulating Byron. "What great fortune, President

Lawrence! Hahaha! I usually am quite accurate and I'm predicting this to be twins, a boy and a girl!"