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My Ex-wife's Hidden Personalities

Chapter 120
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Chapter 120 Danna is Expelled from Caltun

They stood side by side. Freya was the first to speak. “How is Madam Rosic?”

Radley smiled faintly. “She’s much better now.”

She nodded. “You should be more careful from now on. Check the medicine before Madam Rosie takes


She realized that she had gone too far and stopped talking.

Pursing her lips, she didn’t say anything.

Radley stood beside her. His eyes fell on Isabella’s parents not far away. He had a polite smile on his face, but his

words were directed at Freya.

“I have sent Danna out of Caltun, so you don’t have to worry about her anymore.”

Freya looked at him in surprise.

He was willing to send Danna away? Wasn’t she everything to him?

Perhaps because her gaze was too intense, he suddenly turned his head to look at her. “I have already told. my

mother about Danna. She is very grateful to you and would like to invite you to dinner to thank you when you have


Freya thought about Rosie’s arrogant attitude. “No, thanks. I appreciate the gesture, but it’s just a small favor.

Madam Rosie doesn’t have to worry about it.”

Even if Madam Rosie wants to express her gratitude, her attitude to me might still be the same. Freya thought to


When the banquet was over, Freya and Brisa drove home. Freya looked in the rearview mirror. The black

commercial vehicle was no longer following her.

However, Radley’s car was openly trailing behind her car.

When she arrived at the Kaufmann Residence, Radley’s car was parked far away. Freya and Brisa pretended not to

see it and went straight home.

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In the following days, Freya was busy with work. Even if she had free time from time to time, she was still keeping

an eye on the situation in West Geft.

The problem with the tenon-mortise structure of the pavilion in the West Geft was still a difficult issue. The

authorities had recently issued a notice that the pavilion could not be demolished or rebuilt. It could only be


However, the tenon-mortise master contacted by Radley had not been reached. If this continued, the project would

have to be suspended, and the losses would be significant.

During this period, rumors were spreading around Caltun.

After all, Freya’s pregnancy was hard to hide. The rumors were said that her private life was messy, and some even

speculated that she didn’t know who the father of her child was. The rumors were dirty and disgusting.

Danna is Expelled from Caltun

On the weekend, Freya received a call from Matthew.

“Frey, have you heard any rumors lately?”

Freya raised her eyebrows slightly. “Yes. What’s wrong?”

Matthew’s mood was irritable. He was even angrier than Freya. “These people have too much time on their hands.

I’ll find out who started the rumors and shut them up.”

Freya laughed lightly at the thought of that scene. “Don’t bother with those people.”

“Frey, why don’t you consider me again? If you say the father of the child is me, we can have a wedding and put an

end to these rumors.”

Matthew’s words were interrupted by Freya.

“That would only make things more complicated.”

She was sure that Radley had some feelings for her with a tinge of regret.

She knew that these regrets would eventually fade away, so she forced herself not to take Radley’s words to


After finishing the call with Matthew, Freya continued to work.

At 5 pm.. her phone on the desk rang. She had just finished organizing Jamie’s surgical information in preparation

for his surgery next month.

It was Radley who called her. On the other end, he said in a calm voice, “Freya, I found that tenon-mortise


The master was from the Lane family. He used to live with the Vincent family and had a close relationship. with


Freya made a sound of acknowledgment and asked if there were any problems.

“I found out that Mr. Lane is currently in the Vincent family. I have visited the Vincent family. Soli said that Mr. Lane

is currently at the Vincent Castle in Lagresh. Soli has already conveyed the matter of renovation on our behalf, but

Mr. Lane refused to take it up.”

Freya believed that a master like Mr. Lane was one of the treasures of the country and that they should. extend an

invitation to him regardless of his temperament.

“There were few people in the country who could repair the tenon-mortise pavilion.”

Radley agreed.

Freya lifted her gaze and looked at the surgical information on the table. Jamie’s surgery was scheduled for next

month and she had nothing to do in the meantime.

This redevelopment of West Geft was important to both the Kaufmann Group and the Monaghan Group When it

was done well, both groups would go up a level together. Caltun’s GDP might even be pulled up quite a bat, so they

couldn’t stop work just because of the tenon-mortise pavilion.

Freya rubbed between her eyebrows. “The Vincent Castle in Lagresh, right? Since he didn’t accept the offer. I’ll talk

to him in person. I’ll go to Lagresh and request him to take the offer.

Radley’s voice lowered a few notches. “You’re five months pregnant now. Lagresh is a very cold country. It’s right

next to the polar continent.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Freya smiled indifferently. “I’m fine.”

She had a prenatal care checkup a while ago and both she and the baby were healthy.

Besides, it was not like she was going to have to wait for the invited party on a snowy day.

After discussing with Radley, she immediately made arrangements to go to Lagresh.

Freya’s family had a private plane, but there were too many procedures to fly to Lagresh, so she decided to take a

commercial flight the next day.

The tickets Brisa booked for her were for tomorrow at noon. Freya packed up her belongings casually.

She had been the one in charge of the West Geft matters. When Braxton came home from work in the evening.

Freya talked to him about her plans.

Braxton’s face was icy cold as he immediately objected, “No way!”

Freya frowned. “Why?”

“I go if it’s really necessary. Braxton was adamant. “You’re in a dangerous situation. How could you even consider

going abroad? And you’re pregnant now!”

Freya stroked her belly. I’m fine. The baby is no longer bothering me now. The doctor even told me to exercise in

moderation when I went for a pregnancy checkup a while ago.”

Braxton was so angry that he gritted his teeth. The doctor told you to do moderate exercise, not to go abroad to a

cold place!”

Freya had persuaded her brother for ten minutes but to little avail. She sneered and changed her tactics. She

coaxed and even threatened him, and it was only in the evening that she finally got Braxton to agree..

If it were ordinary times, she wouldn’t have minded her brother going, but he hadn’t recovered from his leg injury

and she didn’t want him to strain himself.

Freya stayed up all night and looked up some information about this tenon-mortise master on the Internet.

Mr. Lane, whose full name was Brandon Lane, was an inheritor of traditional tenon-mortise techniques.

She had made sufficient preparations this time and was determined to bring the master back to the country!