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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 141
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 144

82 New Ceremony

A Week Later

Serina POV

A knock sounds on my bedroom door and when I open it, I’m shocked to see everyone is here. Gabby

leads everyone inside and they each hug me. Jo, Brooke, Adrian, my mother, and my Aunt Tracey all

have trays with breakfast on them. “We thought that we would have breakfast before we get you

dressed for your big day”, Gabby says. She looks so beautiful with her big belly. She and Lake have

decided to wait until the pups are born to find out what they are going to have. I’m so excited about

being an aunt again. We all take a seat in my room, placing the plates on our laps. We eat in

comfortable silence. I thought I would be nervous about our ceremony and mating with Nicholas, but

honestly, Ruby and I are excited. Excited to be one with Nicholas and to have a beautiful ceremony

even though I already feel like an Alpha. All the horrid people that tried to hurt my family have been

dealt with and this peace might not last forever, but we are strong enough to deal with anything.

I look at Jo and Brooke. I am so happy that she accepted John and James. They really do love her. I

knew the minute that we realized Jo was their mate that they would accept my niece and nephew

without hesitation. They learned from my father what makes family and it has nothing to do with blood. I

was right about the men they have become. They are going to be amazing fathers to Wesley and

Brooklyn. The goddess led me to Jo to protect her until she found my brothers. I will still protect her, but

my brothers will move heaven and earth to keep her and their pups safe. “Serina, what are you thinking

about,” my mother asks, and I smile. “Our amazing family” I say. She looks between me and Gabby. “I

can’t even begin to explain how proud I am of the women you both have become. The strength and

love that you have for those around you let me know that your father and I did our jobs. This pack is

lucky to have you two as it’s Alphas along with your mates.” I can feel the tear run down my cheek at

my mother’s words.

I get up and go over wrapping my mother in arms. “Thank you for being an amazing mother and

believing in me.” She kisses my cheek before she ushers me into the bathroom to get showered. Once

I’m done, I dry and head out into my room in my robe. The most beautiful blue dress is hanging in my

closet. “I hope you like it. I picked it out for you since I couldn’t kick vampire a**” Gabby says. I laugh

before I wrap her in a hug. “It’s perfect sissy. I love you.” “I love you too.” They help me into my dress

and once it’s on I stand in front of the full-length mirror. I have always been comfortable in my own skin,

but in this dress I look amazing. It is a form-fitting mermaid style dress with beading on the bodice. I

feel an arm wrap around me and my aunt is standing next to me. “Can I have a minute with Serina” she

says to the others in the room. Once everyone is gone, I turn to face her.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Serina, I have watched you grow into the most beautiful, strong young woman. You are like my own

daughter. I could not ask for a better mate for my son. I want you to know that I love you. Not just

because you were chosen by the goddess for my son, but because you are an amazing person. I was

blessed to have the opportunity to watch all of you grow and be a part of your lives.” She reaches into a

pocket I didn’t even know she had on her dress. She pulls a hair comb that has blue stones and pearls

on it. “This was Levi’s mother’s hair comb and I wore it for my ceremony. I’m giving it to you, so one

day when you and Nicholas have your own pups you can pass it to them.” I smile and she places the

comb in my hair. I turn to look in the mirror. “Now you look perfect” she says. A knock sounds on the

door and after a few seconds it opens on my dad smiling at me. “I’ll see you downstairs”, my aunt says,

and she kisses my cheek one more time.

Archer POV

I look up the stairs and my gorgeous mate is making her way toward me. She gets more beautiful every

day we spend together. When she reaches me, I pull her into my arms. “How is she, my love?” “She is

ready to make it official. Tracey is with her right now.” I bend pressing my lips to hers and she sweeps

her tongue across my lips. Brutus growls in my mind and when she pulls back, she winks at me. “That’s

a dangerous game, love.” “I can handle you, Alpha.” She pulls away and slips out the door before I can

say anymore. “She likes to tease us,” Brutus says. “We love every minute of it.” I head for the stairs

and when I reach the room it’s quiet. I knock and after a few seconds I open the door slowly. My heart

clenches in my chest when I see my baby girl who isn’t a baby anymore. She looks so much like her

mother. Tracy leaves and I go to stand in front of her. “You look beautiful and Nicholas is very lucky.” I

can see she is about to correct me and I chuckle. “You are very lucky to have him too. The goddess

never makes mistakes and no matter what happens, you two need to face it together. Life will not be

perfect, but it’s not supposed to be. Enjoy the moments of peace and love so that when you have to

face something bad you can do it together.” I bend down and kiss her cheek. I pull her into a hug. I pull

back “I think we had better get downstairs before your mate walks a hole in the floor.” She chuckles

and for a moment I see that little girl who needed my help to do everything. “I will always need you dad”

she says and winks at me. She is just like her mother.

Nicholas POV

Ezra and I went on a run first thing this morning. I am so excited I needed to burn off some of the

energy that was flowing through me. John, James, Jayden, and my father are all dressed for the

ceremony. We head for the foyer and Archer is waiting. “Are you ready to become Alpha, Nicholas” he

asks as he hugs me. “I’m ready to be Serina’s mate completely.” “That’s a good answer but you are

going to be an amazing Alpha.” I pull back and I’m shocked to see Fern and River. She rushes over

and wraps me in a hug. “Congratulations Nicky, my granddaughter is very lucky and so are you.” I

chuckle “yes I am Mama Fern.” Fern and River have been essentially like grandparents to me too.

“Serina is going to be excited you made it back.” “We wouldn’t miss this besides it’s time to stay home

for a while. We miss our pup and our family”, Fern says. They head for the door that leads to the

garden and Archer heads up stairs.

I can see that John and James are excited too. “Alright guys, it’s time for us to take our places outside.”

We head for the stage where Gabby and Lake are waiting for us. We hug each of them as we stand

and wait for the girls to come out with their dads. This ceremony for our kind is like a wedding. The

doors open and Jocelyn comes out with her father first. I’m so happy that she accepted the boys. They

really are going to be good mates and fathers. She walks up the stairs and comes to stand between

her mates. They each take her hand and I smile. I look back at the door and I know what they mean

when they say it took my breath away. Ezra is growling in my mind and I couldn’t agree more. Archer

leads her to the stairs and I walk over to meet her. I take her hand and I can’t stop myself from leaning

in and placing a kiss on her perfect lips.

We come to stand next to Gabby and Lake. I look out at our family and our pack. I couldn’t be more

grateful for all we have. Tabby and Johnathon are sitting in the front row with our parents holding their

beautiful pup. Fern, River, Harris, Willow, and the pups are sitting in the second row smiling from ear to

ear. Adrian, Andrew, Brooke, and Jayden are in the third row with the pups. My father was right. He

always told me that blood doesn’t make us family, love does. Gabby speaking brings me out of my

thoughts. “We are here today to present the pack with their new Alphas and Betas. We will do the

Betas first.” The boys and Jocelyn step forward. After they make their vows to the pack, it’s our turn. I

haven’t let go of Serina’s hand and I have no intention to. Serina pricks her finger again and Lake slices

his hand, both bleeding into the chalice. She walks to Serina first. “Serina Lyons, make your vow to the

pack”, Gabby says.

“I, Serina Ella Lyons, vow to put the needs of the pack before my own. I vow to lead the pack with

kindness and fairness. I vow to lead with the ranked members of this pack and know that my feelings

are not the only ones that are important in making the best decision for all.” Gabby smiles and hands

Serina the chalice. Lake comes to stand in front of me and takes the chalice from Serina. “Nicholas

Crown, make your vow to the pack.” “I, Nicholas Levi Crown, vow to put the needs of the pack before

my own. I vow to lead the pack with kindness and fairness. I vow to lead with the ranked members of

this pack and know that my feelings are not the only ones that are important in making the best

decisions for all.” I drink from the chalice and immediately I’m overwhelmed by the connection to the

pack. Serina takes my hand. “Focus on my voice”. Serina links me. I’m able to block out everything

else but her.

Gabby steps forward. “Scarlett Rose welcome your new Alphas, Serina and Nicholas Crown.” I love

that she has my last name. Lake steps forward. “Scarlett Rose welcome your new Betas, John, James,

and Jocelyn Lyons.” “We would like all pack members that are of shifting age to join them in a pack

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

run.” We head down the stairs and undress before we both shift. This is my first pack run and I can’t

believe the connection we have with the whole pack. Ezra is in his glory as we run next to Ruby.

Serina POV

After we finish up dinner, Nicholas leads me to the new pack house. “Are you nervous, Serina,” Ruby

asks. “I’m not nervous about being with Nicholas. I just don’t want to screw up.” “Serina, you cannot

mess this up. He loves us and, besides, he is as inexperienced as you are.” Her words do make me

feel a little better. I can’t believe we have our own floor. When we reach the bedroom, he closes the

door behind us. He comes to stand in front of me. “Serina, I want you to be ready and not feel

pressured to complete the bond today.” I smile, I’m so lucky to have him as my mate. I reach up,

wrapping my arms around his neck and pull his lips to mine. He wraps his arms around my waist and

deepens the kiss. I can feel the kiss all the way down to my core. He pulls back when we are both

breathless. He walks around me kissing my bare shoulder and it sends a shiver down my spine. I feel

the tingles everywhere his lips touch.

He comes to stand behind me and I feel him grip the zipper of my dress. He leans forward so his lips

are near my ear. “You look so beautiful in this dress.” I hear the zipper as he moves it down my back. I

feel his lips move down my spine until the dress is completely unzipped. I can feel my core starting to

drip. I hear him growl and I know he can smell my arousal. He lets go of the dress and it pools at my

feet. I’m standing there in black lace panties. He comes around and removes his own shirt as he stares

at my body. Just the way he is looking at me makes me feel hot all over. Once he is down to his boxer

briefs, he lifts me and lays me gently on the bed. He starts to worship my body. Kissing his way down

until his face is at my core. He kisses me on top of my panties before he threads his fingers into the

sides and pulls them down my body. I thought I would feel strange lying naked in front of him but all I

can think about is him touching me. Him taking a long lick of my core pushes all thoughts from my


Nicholas POV

Oh my goddess, she is amazing. I swirl my tongue around her cl*t and she bucks off the bed. I grab her

thighs to hold her in place and I continue to swirl my tongue around her cl*t. She starts to moan and I

know she is getting close. When I feel her tug my hair, I bite down lightly, sending her over the edge.

She screams my name and I will never tire of hearing my name on her lips. I crawl up her body and

place myself at her entrance. She makes eye contact with me and she smiles. “Make me yours

Nicholas” she says. I start to push forward. She feels amazing as she squeezes my c**k. Once I’m

completely seated and she seems to have adjusted to my c**k I start to rock into her. I start slow but

her moans make me increase my speed. I feel her canines pierce my skin and I see stars. The orgasm

rips through my body. I waste no time making her mine and marking her. She screams and the minute I

lick the mark I just made, I feel complete. Our souls are finally one. I look down into the eyes of this

woman that is mine and I am hers. I will never live another day without her. Once we both come down

from our high, I roll off and pull her to me. “I love you, Serina Crown.” “I love you Nicholas and I always

have.” I fall into the most peaceful sleep with my mate in my arms.