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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 142
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 145

83 Epilogue

Gabriella POV

It’s been two weeks since the ceremony. It’s hard to believe everything that has happened since I found

Lake. We are both so excited to have our pups. I feel as big as a house and I am ready to meet them. I

am scheduled for a C-section in a week. It’s still so crazy that we are going to have three pups at once.

Thank the goddess that we have a big family because I’m sure we are going to need the help. I

manage to get myself out of bed, which these days is hard to do. Normally, Lake would be here but he

had training early this morning. I waddle my way to the shower. Once I’m dressed, I walk over to the

nursery that they finished a few days ago. I love that Lake and I picked out everything together. We

picked a jungle theme with colors that were gender neutral since we don’t know what we are having

yet. I take a seat in the comfy rocking chair and place my hands on my big belly. “Mommy loves you

little ones.” I close my eyes and rock as I rub my belly. The door opens and I don’t even have to open

my eyes to know who it is. I feel his lips press to mine and it feels amazing, as it does every time he

kisses me.

He pulls back and I open my eyes. He is freshly showered and sexy as always. He smiles, I’m sure he

is listening to my thoughts. I shoot him a glare and he chuckles. He kneels down, placing his head

against my belly. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” “Right now I’m the biggest

woman you have ever seen.” He looks up at me and I can tell what I said upsets him. “Gabriella, you

carrying my pups makes you even more beautiful. Don’t talk about yourself like that.” I smile and place

my hand on his face. “I love you, Lake.” “I love you” he says and places his head back on my belly.

“Hello my sweet pups. I hope the three of you are being kind to your mother.” I chuckle “if kind means

playing soccer with my bladder than absolutely.” We sit for a while just enjoying being together. I’m just

about to suggest we go get something to eat when I get a pain in my stomach. Lake picks his head up

and looks at me with concern on his face.

Lake POV

When I walk in, she looks so perfect rocking in the chair she picked out. It is still hard to believe we are

going to be parents very soon. I meant what I said about her being beautiful. Her belly round with my

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pups makes Razor and I happier than she could ever imagine. As I lay my head against her belly I think

about the future. The future where my pups will always know they are loved. I feel her stomach tighten

and Razor growls. When I look into her eyes I can see pain. “Gabriella, what’s wrong?” “I think it’s just

Braxton hicks.” I stand up “maybe we should take you to the hospital just to be safe.” She looks at me

like I’m crazy. “I am not going to the hospital because I had one pain.” “Please, just to put my mind at

ease. If it’s nothing, then so be it, but I will worry all day if you don’t get checked.” Her face softens and

she nods. “Alright, I’ll get checked so you don’t drive me crazy.” I roll my eyes before I go over and help

her get up. As we walk toward the door she stops walking and grips her stomach.

“Tabby I need you”, I link her and in seconds she is standing in front of us. She doesn’t even wait for an

explanation. She wraps her arms around Gabriella and I step back, heading for the door. As soon as I

reach the hospital, the nurse leads me to a room. Gabriella is getting into bed and Tabby turns to me. “I

will let the others know.” She kisses Gabriella’s forehead before she hugs me and heads out the door. I

rush over to the side of Gabriella’s bed and I can see she is having another pain. She squeezes my

hand and I’m glad she isn’t mad that I linked Tabby. The doctor rushes in, followed by three nurses.

“Alphas” he says, as he puts gloves on. “I’m going to check you first and if you are in labor we need to

take the pups today. As we discussed, it isn’t safe with this many pups for you to give birth naturally,

Alpha.” I can feel her fear through our bond. I’m afraid to but I need to stay strong because I know she

can do this. If my father only knew how wrong he was about her. She is stronger than he ever was. I

bend down so she can focus on my face. “You are stronger than any other woman I know. You can do


Gabriella POV

At first, I’m irritated with Lake for linking to Tabby, but it’s quickly replaced with fear. I never expected

this to be happening today. I’m happy we might meet our pups today, but I’m still afraid. I say a prayer

to the goddess to protect my pups. When the doctor checks me, he looks up with a smile. “It looks like

today is the perfect day to have your pups.” I have so many emotions swirling around in my mind. I try

to focus on Lake. “We are going to take you back, Alpha Gabriella. Alpha Lake you need to stay here

and the nurse will come to get you when we are ready.” “What do you mean? I want him to come with

me.” “I know Alpha but we need to get you situated and then we will bring him to you. I promise it will

only be a few minutes.” Lake bends down and presses a kiss to my lips. “I won’t be long.” They push

me into a room that is blue and sterile. Once my epidural is in and I’m lying on the table, the door

opens. Lake comes in dressed in blue scrubs and I chuckle. They are tight on his big body. Even

though he has a mask on I can see his smile in his eyes. He takes a seat near my head and kisses my


A few minutes later, the doctor is at my bedside getting ready to start. “Alright, Alpha, you’re going to

feel tugging and pressure.” I nod and I turn my head so I can focus on Lake’s face. After a few minutes

I feel exactly what the doctor was talking about. I have no time to think about it because my pup’s cries

fill the room. I can feel tears rolling down my cheek. Lake stands looking over the blue blanket. “It’s a

girl. We have a daughter”, Lake says. He sits back down until we hear the cries again. “It’s another girl.

We have two beautiful daughters.” He leans down, kissing my forehead again. We wait and it seems

like it’s taking longer than it did with the girls. “What’s wrong, Lake” I ask, my voice trembling. He

stands once again looking over the blue blanket. I see concern on his face. “Tell me what the f**k is

happening.” “Alpha, he just needs some help. We are helping him.” I have a son and something is

wrong with him. “Lake, go check on him please.” I can see he is torn but he does as I ask.

Lake POV

I can’t believe we have two daughters. I feel like I’m winning the lottery with each pup. After a few

minutes, I get a pit in my stomach. It’s taking too long. “What is happening to our pup” Razor growls in

my mind. I stand and immediately I know something isn’t right. The doctor makes eye contact with me

as he hands my son to the nurses. When Gabriella wants me to leave her, I hate the thought, but I want

to see what’s happening with my son. I head over and the nurses are working on him. “Tell me what is

happening now.” “Alpha, let them do what they need to do to help your son. He is having some trouble

breathing but they will help him. You need to let them work”, the doctor says. If this was any other

situation I would take his tone as disrespect, but he is the pack doctor and in these walls he is in

charge. My heart is in my throat as I step back and watch them work on my son. After the longest few

minutes of my life, his cries fill the room. I fall to my knees and say a prayer of thanks to the goddess

before I rush back to Gabriella.

She is crying and I place my head against hers. “He is fine. Our son is fine.” Tears are flowing down my

cheeks. A few minutes later, the nurse pushes the pups over so we can see them. Our son is in a blue

blanket between his sisters who are wrapped in pink blankets on each side of him. “They are so

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beautiful” Gabriella says. “Yes they are. They look just like their mother.” I kiss her and then each of my

pups. “We are going to take them for a few minutes and we will bring them to your room when we are

done, Alphas,” the nurse says to us. I hate the thought of them being out of our sight, but I know it’s

necessary. Once the doctor has finished tending to Gabriella, they wheel her into a recovery room. I

help her into bed and a few minutes later the door opens. The nurse pushes in a large bassinet with

our pups in it. “They all did well. We have all their measurements for you.” She hands me a card with

the information before she leaves the room.

Gabriella POV

I feel a sense of peace the minute the nurse brings the pups into my room. I have never been so

scared in all my life as when my son wasn’t breathing. I will thank the goddess every day for giving me

healthy pups. I manage to scoot up even though I’m getting feeling back. They are worth all the pain

I’m sure I will have. Lake takes our son out of the bassinet and hands him to me. I’m sure he knows I

need to see with my own eyes that he is alright. I just hold him to me without saying a word. I finally

cradle him in my arms, looking at his perfect face. He has Lake’s nose and hair color. I run my hand

over his head, feeling his soft hair. I look up at Lake and he has tears running down his cheek. I put out

my hand and he sits down on the bed next to me. “Are you sure about the name Lake?” “I am positive.

He has been more of a father to me than mine ever was.” “Welcome to the world my son, Archer

Atticus Solace.” I kiss the top of his head before Lake lays him back down between his sisters.

He brings me both our daughters, putting them in each of my arms. They are a perfect blend of both of

us. “I think the names we picked suit them.” “Yes they do love.” “Welcome to the world, Ruby Serina

Solace and Jade Sabrina Solace.” We just enjoy time with our pups. Lake smiles and chuckles. “I think

we had better let our family in before they lose their minds.” A few minutes later, the room fills with

everyone I love. My brothers, Jo, my mother, my father, Tabby, Jonathon, Serina, and Nicholas. My

mother steps toward me. “Your aunts and uncles, along with your grandparents, will be in next. We

didn’t want to overwhelm you.” Lake hands my son to my father. My mother and Serina take the girls. “I

can see we will never be short on help” I chuckle. “Gabby, what are their names” my mother asks. I

smile “he is Archer Atticus”, I say as I point to my son. My father can’t contain his emotions and I love

that about him. I point to my daughter in Serina’s arms. “She is Ruby Serina and she is Jade Sabrina.”

My sister leans in first to hug me. “Thank you, Ruby and I are honored.” She steps back and my mother

leans in to hug me. “I’m so proud of you. Your father and my pups are the best thing that ever

happened to me and now it’s your turn to know that joy. Thank you for making me a grandmother.”