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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 167
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 170

23 I’m Not Diplomatic

Jade POV

A growl that shakes the room sounds from behind me. Luna doesn’t even open her eyes. I turn and

place my hand on Luca’s forearm. “Take Luna”, I say and he does it without question. I didn’t even

realize I used my Alpha command, but it wouldn’t make Luca listen anyway. We cannot use it on our

mates since we are equals. I turn back to a woman lying naked on the bed we I am supposed to share

with Luca. She makes no move to cover herself, which succeeds in pissing me off further. I walk over to

the side of the bed and she smiles at me. “Rip that b**ch apart” Zelda growls. I agree with her but I also

know that I can’t just kill her without Luca’s father using it against me. “Who are you and why are you in

this room?” “My name is Monica, I’m the future Queen of the dragon kingdom and Luca’s future mate.”

Luca growls low and she looks toward him before she looks back at me. I laugh and I see her smirk

falter when I growl loudly. “Well, Monica, a more diplomatic Alpha would probably warn you about how

unacceptable this behavior is, but I’m not that Alpha.” I reach out grabbing her by the hair and toss her

onto the floor. “That man and little girl belong to me. He is my mate and you are about to be very sorry”

I say pointing toward Luca. I pull back and punch her in the face. I hear her nose crunch under my fist

and I’m sure it’s broken. Blood pours down her mouth and chin. “Don’t you ever go near Luca again or

next time I won’t be so nice.” She scurries back from me and looks toward Luca, who is smiling. “Luca,

how could you stand there while this mutt hurts one of your own kind.”

He comes to stand next to me and wraps his free arm around my waist. “I am King Luca to you. If you

ever disrespect my mate and the future Queen of the Dragon Kingdom again, you will be thrown into

the dungeon for the rest of your miserable life.” She turns on the waterworks and ugly cries. I roll my

eyes before I walk over, grabbing her by the arm. I lead her to the door, but Luca stops me. “Wait” he

says and I see hope flash in her eyes. “How the f**k did you get into my room?” The hope on her face

fades and she chews on her lip. I squeeze her arm “answer your king when he asks you a question.”

“Your father wants you to take me as a chosen mate.” I growl and Luca takes my hand. “So, he let you

in my wing without my permission.” It’s not a question and Luca’s anger is palpable. He hands Luna to

me before he grabs Monica by the arm. “Jade come with me”, he says. I follow close behind him and

we reach a large wooden door. He throws it open without knocking and I’m shocked to see that his

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father isn’t alone. The man that is sitting in the chair looks horrified when he sees Monica.

Luca POV

Jade is amazing. I had every intention of dealing with that b**ch when I saw her lying on the bed, but

Jade had other ideas. She has every right as my future Queen to punish her, so I make no move to

stop Jade when she punches Monica in the face. I’m glad to see the blood pouring out of her nose. It

won’t last because we heal quickly, but hopefully, now she will understand that she has no chance. She

never had a chance, even if I didn’t meet Jade. The more time I spend with Jade, the more I realize

that I want her to be mine. As Jade leads her to the door, the realization hits me that there is no way

she could be here in my wing unless someone let her in. When she says my father helped her, I see

red. As I walk toward my father’s office, Monica pleads for me to release her. I throw my father’s office

door open and I’m glad to see Monica’s father sitting in front of my father’s desk. His eyes get big when

he sees that Monica is naked with blood running down her chin. “What the f**k is the meaning of this”,

Timothy says. I release her and she rushes over to Timothy, who covers her with his coat.

“Your daughter went into my private wing and decided it was a good idea to wait for me naked. My

mate and I didn’t take very kindly to that.” “You have no mate, you bear no mark” my father says. I wrap

my arm around Jade and hold her to my side. “I’m going to make this perfectly clear to you, father.

Jade is my mate and she will rule the kingdom by my side. I am the king, not you.” “The council will

never allow a wolf to become our Queen”, Timothy says. I release my hold on Jade and step into his

space. I tower over him and I can see the fear in his eyes. He drops his gaze as I push my aura

forward. “Luca” my father yells my name. I don’t move but Timothy does. “Timothy please take Monica

to the infirmary while I speak to my son.” He leads Monica out of the office closing the door behind him.

“Luca, I would like to speak to you in private now.” I laugh “no, my mate is not going anywhere.” “This is

dragon business and this woman is not a dragon.” I cross my arms over my chest. “Fine, you want to

do this in front of her then so be it. You will reject her and take a proper dragon mate.” “Like hell I will.

Jade is my goddess given mate and this is not up for discussion.” “You will lose your title if you take her

as a mate” he says, pointing at Jade. She growls and I chuckle. “You dare growl at me mutt in my

kingdom.” As soon as the words leave his mouth, Sebastian pushes forward. I slam him against the

wall and he struggles to free himself. “You will not speak to my mate that way. You are my father, but

make no mistake, I will choose my mate and you will lose.”

“Release me Luca now.” I stare into his eyes and he drops his gaze. I step back but this is far from

over. A knocking on the door interrupts us and I expect it to be Timothy or other council members.

When a guard steps inside with Esme hand cuffed, I growl. “What is the meaning of this?” “Esme has

been accused of taking part in the abduction of Luna” my father says coldly. “I would never hurt Luca or

Luna. Uncle William, how could you believe that I would do something like that?” “There are two

witnesses. You will be taken to the dungeon until your execution for attempting to harm the king’s

daughter.” She cries and Jade steps forward. “You can’t really believe that Esme had anything to do

with Luna being taken. Who are these witnesses?” My father ignores Jade and motions for the guard to

take Esme away. “Stop now” I say and the guard freezes in place. “Release her and leave us.” The

guard immediately begins to remove the cuffs and rushes out of the office. “Luca you cannot just take

her at her word when there are witnesses. I don’t want to believe that our own flesh and blood would do

something like this either.” “I would never betray my family or hurt that innocent little girl” Esme

screams at my father. “I want the witnesses in my office in half an hour. Until then, Esme will be staying

in my wing. If I find out that she is being falsely accused, all those involved will be executed.” I turn

leading Esme and Jade back to our wing. I don’t know what game this is, but whoever is trying to frame

my cousin is going to be very sorry.

Ruby POV

After Jade and Brooklyn leave, we head up to the office to have our meeting. Archer wanted to see

Jade before she left, so we decided to meet here. Once we all have a seat, we turn to Danica and

Archer. “I really think that Aunt Serina and Uncle Nicholas need to be here for this meeting.” “Archer,

you know that they will be made aware of everything as Alphas of this pack. They are spending some

time with their pups today” my father says. “I know that dad, but what we need to discuss is a threat to

Ella.” Growls are heard throughout the office, including mine. No one will hurt our family. My father links

and Maverick wraps his arm around me. His touch and scent help to calm me and Gemma. His phone

rings and he reaches into his pocket, pulling it out. “It’s the officer from the other night.” We go into the

hallway to take the call while we are waiting for my aunt and uncle to arrive.

He puts the phone on speaker. “Mr. Solace, it’s officer Brown.” I smile at the use of my surname, but

Maverick doesn’t correct him. “Yes I’m here with my wife.” “I’m not sure how to say this to you sir, but

Ms. Martin is claiming that she was not involved in your wife’s accident.” “Of course, she is”, Maverick

says. “I expected her to deny wrong doing as most suspects do but that’s not why I’m calling you. The

more disturbing part, sir, is who she is claiming was involved. She claims that your father hit your wife’s

car.” Maverick starts to squeeze the phone to the point that I worry he will break it. I place my hand on

his arm. “I want to speak with her.” “That is against protocol sir. The only person that she can speak

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with is her lawyer.” “Then you can offer her my services, I am a lawyer” I say and Maverick looks like he

is going to lose it. “Are you sure about that, Ms. Solace?” “Yes, I will meet with her.” “I will let her know

about your offer and call you back” the officer says. The call disconnects and I know Maverick isn’t

happy, but what choice did we have? We need to find out if his father is truly involved. “There is no way

you are going anywhere near that woman Ruby.” Goddess, he looks hot when he is trying to give me

orders. “We will both be there. I have no intention of going alone.” He pulls me into his arms and I love

his protectiveness.

We head back inside the office and a few minutes later my aunt and uncle arrive. Archer begins to tell

us about the prophecy and my aunt is on the verge of shifting. “No one will hurt our daughter.” “The

pack will protect her Aunt Serina. I want three warriors outside your cottage at all times until this is dealt

with.” My father smiles and nods at me. I take my aunt’s hand. “We will find the vampire and witch and

end them before they have a chance to make it to Ella.” She smiles and pulls me into a hug. My aunt is

a bada** but I know she is worried about her pup. She and Nicholas will protect their pup, but they will

need our help. “Archer, I assume, now that you are mated and marked, you will be taking your place in

the coven by your beloved’s side. An alliance will be made between the Scarlett Rose and the coven if

you agree Danica and Archer.” They both nod at me with a smile. “I want you and Danica to contact the

surrounding vampire and witch covens, in case Milo tries to recruit help or seek refuge.” They both nod

and I turn back to my parents who are both smiling. “Maverick and I have to deal with the woman that

was accused of hitting me, but if anything happens I want to be linked immediately.” “Ruby before you

and Maverick leave, we would like to speak to you alone.” We say our goodbyes to Archer, Danica,

Wesley, and Constance before taking our seats in front of my parents.

“Ruby and Maverick, I think it is time that you both take your place as the Alphas of the pack” my

mother says. I look at Maverick and I’m glad that I don’t see fear on his face. “When do you want to

have the ceremony?” “We would like to have the formal ceremony in two weeks if you both agree.” “As

long as Maverick is alright with that time frame it’s fine with me.” I look at Maverick. “As long as I’m with

you love I’m ready.” “That’s sweet Maverick” my mother says and my father rolls his eyes. “Maverick

have you ever done any type of training or fighting” my father asks. “I work out every day but I have

never done any fighting.” “As Alpha I would like to see you train and I will gladly be your personal

trainer.” This time I roll my eyes. “I accept, I want to be able to defend the pack.” “Maverick, I’m glad

that you want to train but just remember as a human Alpha we have limitations. That doesn’t mean that

we aren’t essential parts of the pack, but putting ourselves at risk helps no one”, my mother says.

Maverick nods but something flashes in his eyes. I don’t ask him about it now, but I will when we are
