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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 89
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 92

Tabitha POV

I rush over to Johnathon and he pulls me into his arms. “What’s wrong Tabby,” he says, sounding

concerned. I hate making him worry, but I don’t keep secrets from him. This isn’t the time so I’ll explain

everything to him later. “I don’t want to talk about it now.” “Let’s just celebrate Lake and Gabby

becoming Alphas.” “We can talk about it later.” He looks like he wants to protest but he honors my

request. We head inside and sit down at our table. River, Fern, Willow, and Harris are already seated.

Willow leans in “where were you guys?” I chuckle because nobody misses anything around here. “Let’s

just say that Belinda and her b**ch of an aunt will no longer be a problem.” She smiles and nods at me.

As we start to eat, my mind goes back to Megan. I never thought I would see her again and I wish I

hadn’t. I had hoped that part of my life would stay in the past. I think about the last day I spent in the

coven with my parents.


I got back from the wolf pack an hour ago and I stayed with Megan because I hate to have to tell my

parents what happened with Derrick. “I can’t believe you were mated to a wolf.” “They are not good

enough to be mated to our kind, so I’m glad he rejected you”, Megan says, and I hide my hurt at her

words. I may have accepted his rejection, but it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt me. I wanted my fated

mate and I don’t care that he was wolf. “Tabby, now maybe you can take a warlock for a chosen mate”

she says, winking at me like she has a secret. I don’t even entertain it because it will never happen.

“I’m hoping the goddess will grant me a second chance.” “Tabby you’re not seriously going to wait

around for some beloved, that might turn out to be another mutt.” I love Megan she is my best friend

but her ideas are as warped as her father about our kind being superior to other super naturals. “I’m not

ready to have a mate right now so there is no reason to really discuss it.” I can tell she isn’t happy with

my response but honestly, it’s none of her business if I decide to accept a wolf mate. “I have to head

back to see my parents.” “I’m sure my mother will want to know what happened.”

I reach our cottage and my mother is the only one home. She calls me over to sit on the couch and I

can tell something is bothering her before she even speaks. “Tabby, I think it’s time for us to leave the

coven”, my mother says. At first, I think she is kidding, but then I realize she isn’t. “Mom how can we

leave?” “Where will we go?” “What is wrong that you want to leave?” She takes my hand and pulls me

into the bedroom of our cottage. “Tabby that wolf was never worthy of you and I’m glad he rejected

you.” I can’t believe what I’m hearing. How does she already know? The rejection still fresh in my mind.

I’m hurt by her words, especially after my conversation with Megan. My face must reflect my hurt. She

takes my face in hers. “Tabby, if he couldn’t see what an amazing woman and, witch you are then he

wasn’t worthy of you.” “You deserve a fated mate that sees all of that not your differences.” I realize she

isn’t talking about him being a wolf. She just means because he was stupid for rejecting me. “That still

doesn’t explain why we need to leave the coven.” “Some people think that we only belong with our kind

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and want power that don’t belong to them.” “I have spoken with your father and he agrees that it’s best

we leave tonight.” “Tabby do not say anything to Megan about us leaving.” I hate the thought of leaving

without at least saying goodbye to Megan but I know my mother wouldn’t tell me not to unless it was


A few hours later, my father returns and I can tell he is pissed. “Patrick, what happened” my mother

asks my father. “He insists that Tabby take Terrance as a chosen mate despite my refusal.” “What the

hell, who insists?” I ask before I can stop the words. My father wh!ps his head in my direction. “Tabby

no one is going to force you to do anything as long as I’m alive.” “We made choices the moment you

were born to be better people and nothing is going to change that.” “I’m so confused what the hell is

happening?” “Brice was furious that the goddess paired you with the wolf.” “You know how he feels

about us being with other super naturals.” My father takes my hand “Tabby you are very powerful and

your magic is light despite being born to us.” “If you take Terrance as a beloved your children will have

mixed magic and will be even more powerful.” “He will try to use you and your children like a weapon.”

“I will never take a chosen mate or allow someone to use my children.” “I know sweetheart that is why

we need to leave.” “We are powerful but we will not be able to face the warriors of the coven with just

the three of us.” “Janice get whatever you must and we need to leave.” My mother drags me to the

room and we grab just a few things before we head back to the living room.

I feel sick to my stomach when we walk in and I see Brice and Terrance sitting on the couch. My father

is lying on the floor not moving. “What have you done,” I say with all the anger I feel in this moment. My

mother is gripping my arm as I try to go to my father. “Now Tabitha, why does it look like you and your

family are planning to leave the coven”, Brice asks. I don’t even answer his question. “Why are you

here and what did you do to my father?” “Be careful how you talk, little girl.” “He isn’t dead yet, but it’s

up to you if it stays that way.” I can feel the anger flowing through my body. I’m sure there are warriors

outside because he is too much of a coward to come here alone. He stands “now I’m sure your father

told you that you will be Terrance’s chosen mate.” My eyes shift to his son and he grins like he won a

prize. “Now say your goodbyes to your parents, you will be coming back to the mansion with us until

you have completed the bond with Terrance. My father finally moves and he manages to get to his feet.

He stumbles toward us and I wrap my arm around him.

I look at both my parents and they nod at me. I conjure all the energy I can in my body and I cast

toward both these ba**ards. They both fly across the room and we try to teleport out but we are being

blocked by some type of magical spell. I turn and Brice is laughing as he gets to his feet. “Did you really

think it would be that easy?” “F**k you” I say before I start to pull my energy through my body again. I

smell something and I realize that smoke is coming from the back of the cottage. “What have you

done?” “All of this could have been avoided if you were a good girl and listened like a woman should.” I

raise my hand to cast again but this time warriors break through the door protecting these two a**hats.

Before I can stop it the warriors cast toward the three of us. The force of the six warriors is more than I

can stop. We are all sent flying and I can hear Brice screaming. “You better pray she is still alive or all

of you will die today.” “She was trying to kill you sir.” I see a flash and assume that the warrior that just

spoke perished.

I hear my mother’s voice. “Pretend you’re dead Tabitha, and know we love you.” “Do not stay here and

fight them, leave, promise me.” “I promise but we will leave together once they are gone” I say. I

assume my parents are going to pretend the same, so I cast a spell to appear like I was killed by the

blast. I feel them hovering over me to check if I’m alive. Familiar arms wrap around me. “You killed her,

you weren’t supposed to kill her, just them.” I hear the warriors pleading for their lives before there is

silence.” I’m laid back down by Megan before I hear Brice speak again “let the cottage burn to the

ground and we will blame the wolf pack for the attack and death of our beloved coven members.” Once

they have all left I crawl to my mother feeling the flames moving toward the living room. I shake her ”

Mom, they are gone, please wake up.” She never budges and I place my head on her chest, but there

is no beating. I wave my hand casting a healing spell, but it’s too late. She is gone and I feel like I can’t

breathe. I do the same and my father is gone too. How can I have lost them both? I feel an anger in my

belly and my hands start to glow. My mother’s words replaying in my ears. How can I not try to kill

these ba**ards? I take a moment before I teleport myself out of the coven. I turn back for one last look,

wishing I could make them suffer the way I am right now. I won’t disregard my mother’s dying wish. I

will live and remember my parents always.

Flashback Over

I met Harris not long after and the rest is history. I found a coven that was neither light nor dark. It was

more of the misfits of our kind. I stayed there until I came to our pack. This time they will all pay for

what they did to my parents. “Tabby, you’re worrying me” Johnathon says through our link, bringing out

my thoughts. “I promise you love I’m going to be fine, we all are.”

Lake POV

“Atticus, Elder Bradford will be coming to the Silver Moon tomorrow to perform your Alpha and Luna

ceremony.” “Thank you, Elder Bradford.” “I hope your planning to attend” he says to the entire table. “Of

course, we wouldn’t miss it.” “You will need to think about who you’re going to pick as your Beta

because I believe Bernard is ready for retirement.” We all laugh and he thinks for a moment. “I think it’s

between Conrad and Nathan.” “They are the best trackers and are equal in their abilities as warriors.” “I

agree, I believe that Nathan would make a better Beta.” He looks at me confused. “I agree that Conrad

is a great tracker and a good warrior.” “Conrad and Jason were very similar in the way they carried

themselves.” “Alphas and Betas should not feel like they are better than the pack members they lead.”

He nods and we continue to finish our dinner. When we are almost done eating, I link Tabitha and

Johnathon to meet myself and Gabriella in our office to discuss what happened earlier. We say our

goodbyes to our guests before we head up to the office.

Lake POV

“Atticus, Elder Bradford will be coming to the Silver Moon tomorrow to perform your Alpha and Luna

ceremony.” “Thank you, Elder Bradford.” “I hope your planning to attend” he says to the entire table. “Of

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course, we wouldn’t miss it.” “You will need to think about who you’re going to pick as your Beta

because I believe Bernard is ready for retirement.” We all laugh and he thinks for a moment. “I think it’s

between Conrad and Nathan.” “They are the best trackers and are equal in their abilities as warriors.” “I

agree, I believe that Nathan would make a better Beta.” He looks at me confused. “I agree that Conrad

is a great tracker and a good warrior.” “Conrad and Jason were very similar in the way they carried

themselves.” “Alphas and Betas should not feel like they are better than the pack members they lead.”

He nods and we continue to finish our dinner. When we are almost done eating, I link Tabitha and

Johnathon to meet myself and Gabriella in our office to discuss what happened earlier. We say our

goodbyes to our guests before we head up to the office.

About twenty minutes later, there is a knock on the door and Tabitha walks in with Johnathon on her

heels. I see a sadness on her face I’ve not seen since I met her. Johnathon looks worried for his mate. I

have a feeling that Gabriella and I are not going to like what we are about to hear. They both take a

seat in front of our desk. Tabitha takes a deep breath before she starts. “I know the witch that was

helping those two b**ches.” Johnathon takes her hand and she begins to tell us about the past. I can

feel my anger grow for this woman who has done nothing but help Gabriella and I. She is kind and

strong. Gabriella takes my hand. “Well, it seems we will have more than just the rogues to deal with”

Gabriella says with a smile. “Your right love, Tabitha, the pack is here and we will fight with you should

they be stupid enough to come here.” She smiles and nods. “I’m not that young girl I was then and my

powers are even stronger now.” “They will not walk away this time.” “I appreciate your help but I need

you to promise me that you will not put yourselves and the pack at risk to save me.” Johnathon growls.

“I will make no such promise.” “Your parents protected you because that is what parents do.” “Packs

protect their own and we will do the same.” She nods and hugs us before they head back to their room.

We wait on the roadside waiting for the car to approach. Kenneth has brought ten men with us just in

case. I knew he would attend that ba**ards ceremony. As soon as I see the car, we ready ourselves for

the attack. Three men jump out in wolf form and the car screeches to a halt. Brian steps out and shifts.

Four more wolves jump out and he is having trouble holding his own with this many wolves fighting

against him. I follow Kenneth out onto the road until we are standing near the car. Leslie and the two

girls are screaming as they watch Brian being overtaken by the wolves. I reach in and pull one of the

girls out of Leslie’s grasp. She looks to be about ten. Kenneth grabs the other girl who looks a little

older. I can see Leslie is thinking about shifting. I place my claw against the little girl’s neck “I wouldn’t,

Leslie.” She settles back down at my words, but if looks could kill, I would be dead. Good thing they

can’t. “Enough”, I yell and the wolves stop fighting Brian. They start backing away from Brian lying on

the road. He is barely conscious, but I know better than to get close. I turn to Leslie, “when my brother

is ready to discuss how to get your girls back, he can call this number.” “I would hate for anything to

happen to your pups, so don’t do anything stupid.” She clasps the paper in her hand before we head

into the forest with the girls. I look back to see her rush to my brother and her sobs get softer as we

head farther away.