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My Hockey Alpha by Eve Above Story PDF

Chapter 516
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Chapter 0516 Nina "Nina! Enzo!" My brother's voice carried across the garden, breaking Enzo and I out of our reverie. We both lifted our heads and turned around to see Tyler standing in the doorway, waving excitedly with a grin on his face.

"What is it, Ty?" I called out, charmed by his enthusiasm.

"They're starting the group dance!" he called back. "You have to get in here. We're waiting for you!" Exchanging wary glances, Enzo and I stood and headed back to the ballroom. Enzo's hand lingered on the small of my back, filling my body with an electric tingle and filling my mind with fantasies about what would happen in our bedroom later. But for now, it was tto dance.

"There you are!" my mother said as we returned. "It's tto dance. And cut cake!* "Cake?" I said, glancing behind her, where a few servants were wheeling out a cart with a large, multi-tiered cake on it. "Geez, mom. Why didn't you tell me?" My mother grinned. "I wanted it to be a surprise. It's vanilla, your favorite." Her words madesmile, and Enzo, too.

We shared a look, both amused and resigned after a long evening. "It sounds delicious," I said, even though I was still full from snacking on hors d'oeuvres all evening. "Dance first, then cake." The band resumed, striking up a waltz. The room felt alive with a cacophony of sounds: string instruments, clinking glasses, excited laughter and chatter. I felt like we were at our wedding all over again, which wasn't a bad feeling in the slightest.

Enzo offeredhis hand, a wordless question lingering in his eyes. "Ready to waltz your heart out?" he asked, smirking playfully.

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"Ready as I'll ever be." I answered, placing my hand into his. The world around us seemed to fade away as the music swelled, carrying us along with its sweet tune.

We began to dance, twirling effortlessly around the room. The weight of my gown tugged at me, but I felt light as air in Enzo's arms. He ledthrough the intricate steps, my shoes gliding over the marble floor.

"You look like you're enjoying yourself," he observed, pullingcloser.

"It's hard not to," I said, leaning into him as we spun around. "The music, the atmosphere-it's all so enchanting." Just as I was getting lost in the rhythm, a change in the melody signaled a shift in the dance-a partner switch. Enzo's eyes met mine, as if asking for permission.

"Go on, I'll be fine," I encouraged him. He smiled, kissed my cheek, and releasedinto the arms of another. My first new partner was my father's half brother: Uncle Victor, robust and cheerful, his eyes twinkling like stars. Nina, my dear, you look ravishing tonight!" "Thank you, Uncle," I replied, following his lead. "You're not too shabby yourself!" He let out a hearty laugh, twirlingaround before handingoff to my next partner.

Next, I found myself in Angie's arms, her grip firm yet gentle. "You're quite the dancer, Nina. They should probably just clear the floor for you." "Flatterer," I chided, even as I felt a smile creep across my face. "But don't think I didn't see you holding your own quite well." The music swelled again, and I was pulled away to the next partner. As I turned to see who it was, my heart froze.

The entity standing beforewas unlike anything human or werewolf. A visage of inky darkness, its form barely perceptible and entirely devoid of features. Yet, an oppressive weight emanated from it, a cold nothingness that seemed to consthe light around us.

The shadow entity-it was unmistakable. I knew that void for a face better than anything, better than my own reflection.

My breath caught in my throat, ragged and choked. The sight of it paralyzed me. Its entire existence was a blatant contradiction to everything the evening represented. My heart pounded wildly in my chest as its form seemed to swirl, as though mocking my disbelief.

How could it be here, amidst the celebration, surrounded by loved ones and the security of my father's home? The contrast between its clark, malevolent form and the vibrant, joyous atmosphere was stark and chilling. The entity seemed to absorb the light around it, casting no shadow on the polished marble floor.

A scream ripped through my throat before I could stop it, shattering the scene like a knife through glass. My legs gave way beneath me, and I stumbled backward, my heels slipping on the smooth surface. I crashed to the ground, my dress pooling around me.

The room went still, the music cutting off abruptly. All eyes turned toward me, faces filled with confusion and concern, but I barely noticed. My gaze was locked on the space where the shadow entity stood, towering over me, my mind racing even as I lay sprawled on the floor.

Within a moment, Enzo and my family had rushed to my side. Their faces were a blur of concern and confusion. "Nina, what happened? Are you okay?" Enzo's voice was tinged with panic.

"Do you see him?" My voice was barely above a whisper, my eyes still locked onto where the entity was standing. grinning down at me.

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Tyler, hearing my words, followed my gaze-but his expression betrayed nothing. "See what, Nina?" "The shadow entity. It's right there, can't you see it?" Enzo and Tyler exchanged a glance, their expressions a mixture of concern and bewilderment. "Nina, there's no one here but us," Tyler whispered, his voice nearly lost amongst the ripples of murmurs making their way across the room.

I blinked, rubbed my eyes and looked up, my eyes searching desperately.

And then I saw him-a man, just an ordinary man, looking as confused and concerned as everyone else. No shadow entity. No faceless monster. Just a man.

My cheeks burned with embarrassment and shame. Had I imagined it all? Was it just in my head? "Maybe you're just tired," Enzo suggested cautious. His voice seemed almost lighthearted, but I knew that he knew that it was more than that. He was the only one who was privy to these strange hallucinations of mine. The feelings that churned insidewere a sickening mix-humiliation, confusion, and an exhaustion that settled itself into my bones.

I felt my mom's eyes on me, her gaze filled with a kind of maternal worry that I knew all too well. It was the slook she gavewhenever she thought was overexerting myself, or not eating enough, or not sleeping enough. It was the 'I told you so' look that only mothers seemed to have perfected. If only she really knew. "Nina, honey, are you sure you're alright?" she asked, her voice gentle but laced with tension. "I just... I need to lie down," I finally muttered, pushing myself to my feet. "I'm sorry, I just... need a moment." Without another word, I picked up my skirts and rushed away before anyone could stop me.

Their eyes followedas I hurried away, my heels clicking against the marble floor, echoing loudly in the dead silent room.

I didn't look back. I couldn't. My face was hot, my heart pounding in my chest as I all but ran from the m ballroom, fleeing from the eyes that I felt boring into my back, retreating from a reality that I was no longer certain I understood.