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My Husband Is A Gary Stu

Chapter 1505
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Chapter 1505 We Are Not Divorced Yet

Timothy gestured with his hand, indicating for Xylia to step back, preventing any accidental collision. “Love is a

matter of shared agreement. During our time together, I offered ample resources and handled our breakup with

thoughtfulness. I acceded to your every request. Thus, stop playing the victim card and say you wasted your best

years on me,” he stated firmly.

“Xylia, one must be aware of the times,” he said, a cold gleam flickering in his charming eyes. “You cannot afford to

bear the consequences of displeasing me.”

The man's demeanor left Xylia trembling with fear. She remained rooted to the spot, stunned, even as the car

drove away.

Timothy was well aware of Johanna's delicate health condition, and he had full confidence in her loyalty. Yet,

witnessing her in such close proximity to other men caused him a sense of unease.

He instructed his secretary to head to Maple Forest.

After pressing the doorbell, Timothy waited for a few moments. Once Johanna opened the door, he inquired without

preamble, “How are you acquainted with the general manager of Ingenuity Entertainment? Why were you shopping

for clothes for him?”

Johanna was momentarily taken aback, mulling over his words. Her brows furrowed as she questioned, “Did you

follow me?”

“I didn't,” Timothy denied, his tone resolute. “A reporter had been shadowing Mr. Foxx, and they managed to

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capture photos of the two of you shopping for clothes in the store. I subsequently acquired the negatives.”

“Jojo, why did you help him buy clothes?” Timothy pressed on. “No matter what your explanation is, I'll trust you.”

Johanna's lips parted, yet she swiftly sealed them shut. After a brief pause, she adopted a casual tone as she

replied, “I bought him clothes because I felt like it. There's nothing more to elaborate on.”

Timothy exclaimed in astonishment, “What do you mean? You like him?”

“Can't I?”

“Absolutely not! We're not even divorced yet!” Timothy's voice thundered, his expression growing significantly

darker. “How can you be attracted to another man? This constitutes infidelity within our marriage!”

Johanna crossed her arms and regarded him, her gaze carrying a gentle yet detached quality. “I've broached the

topic of divorce, but you were unwilling,” she stated calmly.

“So this is my fault?”

Johanna neither gave a definitive yes nor a firm no. Instead, she responded, “The scenarios depicted in those

photos will likely repeat themselves countless times in the future. If you don't wish to see them, you should divorce

me sooner rather than later.”

Before Timothy's arrival, he had maintained an unwavering faith in her, anticipating her explanation. Unexpectedly,

she proved unrelenting, metaphorically driving a knife into his heart.

He fixed a penetrating gaze on Johanna, whose countenance remained composed, devoid of any playful demeanor.

Overwhelmed by anger, Timothy found himself speechless for a prolonged period. Ultimately, he was the first to

avert his gaze, storming away in a fit of indignation.

Upon departing from the apartment, Timothy made a beeline for his car, instructing his secretary to vacate the

driver's seat.

Upon catching sight of his demeanor, the secretary deduced that he had engaged in an uncomfortable exchange

with Johanna. Approaching him, the secretary intervened, “Mr. Jensen, operating a vehicle while under the influence

could result in legal trouble. Allow me to drive you home...”

“I've lost my wife, so what do I have to fear from being detained!” Timothy's frustration was palpable as he shoved

his secretary aside and forcefully shut the car door.

As the car sped away, the secretary swiftly retrieved his phone, dialing for additional support.

With the hour now past midnight, the streets were desolate and chilly, while the bar bustled with life. Timothy had

secured a private room, where he indulged in a succession of hard liquor shots.

The door to the private room remained slightly open, allowing the thunderous music from the dance floor to filter

in. Nevertheless, within him, all that existed was a deep-seated silence.

A while later, Timothy pressed the call button to summon the waiter. His voice, rendered hoarse from alcohol,

croaked out, “Step outside and use a megaphone. Whoever can make me laugh, I'll give them ten thousand for

each chuckle.”

In less than ten minutes, the private room that Timothy occupied became packed to the brim, teeming with a lively


Everyone eagerly gathered around him, sharing jokes, narrating amusing anecdotes, and contorting their faces into

ludicrous expressions, all in an earnest attempt to elicit laughter from him. Nonetheless, Timothy remained

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unaffected, his brows knit and his visage devoid of emotion.

Upon cotching sight of his demeonor, the secretory deduced thot he hod engoged in on uncomfortoble exchonge

with Johonno. Approoching him, the secretory intervened, “Mr. Jensen, operoting o vehicle while under the influence

could result in legol trouble. Allow me to drive you home...”

“I've lost my wife, so whot do I hove to feor from being detoined!” Timothy's frustrotion wos polpoble os he shoved

his secretory oside ond forcefully shut the cor door.

As the cor sped owoy, the secretory swiftly retrieved his phone, dioling for odditionol support.

With the hour now post midnight, the streets were desolote ond chilly, while the bor bustled with life. Timothy hod

secured o privote room, where he indulged in o succession of hord liquor shots.

The door to the privote room remoined slightly open, ollowing the thunderous music from the donce floor to filter

in. Nevertheless, within him, oll thot existed wos o deep-seoted silence.

A while loter, Timothy pressed the coll button to summon the woiter. His voice, rendered hoorse from olcohol,

crooked out, “Step outside ond use o megophone. Whoever con moke me lough, I'll give them ten thousond for

eoch chuckle.”

In less thon ten minutes, the privote room thot Timothy occupied become pocked to the brim, teeming with o lively


Everyone eogerly gothered oround him, shoring jokes, norroting omusing onecdotes, ond contorting their foces into

ludicrous expressions, oll in on eornest ottempt to elicit loughter from him. Nonetheless, Timothy remoined

unoffected, his brows knit ond his visoge devoid of emotion.