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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 494
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Chapter 494

Bryxton was sunny today—No, Bryxton had recently been sunny these days, but May's heart was now icy cold. She

simply couldn't accept that the gentleman whom she opened up to was the real murderer of her first love!

She recalled the period when she first entered Adams Corporation. She tried her best to dig up information,

including witnesses and material evidence, while Rudy tried his best to assist her. Eventually, they discovered that

the murderers were Alba's father and grandfather. It was the Adams Family who abandoned him and put him to

death due to his identity as an illegitimate child!

However, a mother wouldn't kill her own. Even though they hated Alba, he still shared their family blood. They had

no reason to kill him!

After careful thought, she finally found out the reason!

It was Alfred who had been manipulating them behind the scenes all along.

Alfred Larson, the richest man in the world, the direct heir to the Larson Family.

Adams Corporation had always been stuck in a stagnant position in Bryxton. Forger Corporation, which used to lag

far behind them, became on par with Felix Corporation under the leadership of Nicholas Forger. The development

of Adams Corporation in those years had reached a bottleneck period, so they urgently needed to open a new path

and think out of the box. However, to think out of the box, they had to have both money and power. The only

capable person who could do that back then was Rudy Adams, who had just returned to Bryxton.

However, the Adams Family abandoned Rudy when he was a child. Instead of leaving, perhaps eradicating was a

more fitting description. This was all because Rudy's mother was a lowly prostitute. She conceived him through

unscrupulous means and gave birth to him secretly without the Adams Family knowing.

Few men from wealthy families, like theirs, could devote their entire lives to one woman. They were born with

power and influence; thus, they could easily meet countless charming and sexy women. Ordinary men could rarely

resist temptation. At first, they would restrain themselves because they had wives at home, but as time passed,

they also desired to be unrestrained and indulgent in this world. It was a norm for them to play with women, and

accidentally making women pregnant was also a usual occurrence. Hence, there were many illegitimate children

from wealthy families out there.

Rudy was one, and Alba was another!

The first wife usually allowed their husbands to have fun with other women, but some oblivious women would

secretly give birth to sons in an attempt to compete for the assets of the family. In that case, the first wives are

unlikely to hold back and would cause a commotion in the family. Due to that, many men in wealthy families shared

an unspoken rule; under the premise of having a son, they would usually abandon their illegitimate sons; and if they

encountered oblivious illegitimate sons, they would send them far away. Rudy was unlucky to meet a jealous first

wife, who was also Alba's grandmother. She dumped him overseas and hired killers to kill him, but Rudy managed

to escape death eventually.

Later, Rudy returned to Bryxton with money and power. Guilty of what they had done, the Adams Family intended

to hand over Adams Corporation to Rudy so that he could heighten the power of the company. However, Rudy

refused without hesitation. Rudy didn't need the insignificant Adams Corporation at all. To him, Adams Corporation

was nothing but a mere bean. Despite him doing nothing in Bryxton at that time, his unattainable presence was

already considered a mockery to the Adams Family. He belonged to their family, yet they ruthlessly pushed him

away, so it was far too late for them to welcome him back.

While the Adams Family was in a dilemma, Abigail made an offer to them. She promised them that as long as they

killed Alba, the Larson Family would invest in Adams Corporation and make them the top corporation in Bryxton.

Back then, Alba's father couldn't comprehend why the Larson Family cared so much about his illegitimate son that

they were willing to pay such a huge bounty for his life.

To the Adams Family, Alba was nothing but trash, trash with broken legs. Alba had been begging to return to the

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Adams Family, but the Adams Family had always declined his request. After the Larson Family reached out to them,

Alba's father agreed to bring him back to the family under the condition of the fulfillment of some unattainable


For example, Alba's father gave him the task to snatch Yates Corporation from Felix Corporation's Renee. Naturally,

he didn't manage to accomplish the task, which was an outcome the Adams Family had predicted!

Alba's father originally planned to let Alba stay in the Adams Family for a while longer before doing anything, so that

there would be fewer people suspicious of the Adams Family, but the Larson Family's offer sounded extremely


Hence, he gritted his teeth and planned to push him into a lake.

Alba was crippled, so there was no doubt he would lose his life once he plunged into the lake. This could arouse the

least suspicion. Hence, he pushed Alba to the lake himself on that day. To be frank, Alba was also quite puzzled and

nervous that day about his father showing him his mild side, which was rare!

He was so gentle that Alba couldn't help wondering if he was plotting against him.

Alba couldn't be blamed for thinking that way since the man behind his wheelchair was only his father by name.

Moreover, his father made an exception for him to return to the family. Hence, Alba had no idea what was going on

in his father's mind.

Suppressing the anxiety in his heart, he called out to him, "Father."

He meant to make it sound sarcastic since he rejected the idea of calling him from the bottom of his heart, but if he

wanted to stay by May's side, he couldn't stay useless as he was now. He had to be a man worthy of her!

Even though he had long felt unworthy of her because of his disability, he still carried hope in his heart.

He was carefully guarding his relationship with May because he had been hiding from her for years and had missed

many opportunities to be with her. Now that he finally summoned the courage to step up and be with her, he

wanted to protect their relationship. He desired to protect the little girl who had been waiting for him all these


Alba had nothing in his heart but May, so much so that he wasn't even aware that he was just a sacrifice in his

father's eyes. While he was fantasizing about his future with May, he was as dead as a dodo to his father.

"Al, how have I treated you all these years?"

He suddenly called him Al!

Alba was not a fool. He realized something in an instant.

He then replied in a soft voice, "Do you want to hear the truth, Father?"

Save your breath if you're going to tell me the truth.

Thinking so but not answering his son, he looked up at the sky and muttered, "I have never cared about you these

years, just like how my father never cared about my illegitimate brother, Rudy. Both of you are illegitimate children

who were abandoned by our family, and I take it as I merely donated a sperm! But now, one of you is standing on

top of the world, while the other has become a cripple. In any case, my father's illegitimate son sounds more


A sperm…

A cripple…

That was his father's definition of him.

Alba assumed he had experienced human apathy a long time ago, but when he heard what his biological father

said, he felt a little sad. It reminded him of his mother, who had killed herself.

His mother used to be optimistic, but the man who took advantage of her was ruthless. After leaving her, he

vanished without a trace. His mother was still unaware of his identity at the time. It wasn't until she gave birth to

Alba that she realized it was too late. After being tortured by Alba's father, she went insane.

Eventually, she chose to end her life.

It would be a lie for Alba to say that he didn't resent his father, but was he qualified to?

Alba was a cripple, a useless cripple at that. Compared to the other illegitimate son of the Adams Family, he was

nothing but trash.

Moreover, Alba merely met Rudy twice.

Once, he met him when he was in high school.

Rudy was the one who came to him and told him, "I'm your uncle, and we share the same fate, but I believe that

people are not bound by fate. If you want to avenge your mother, you have to work extra hard, reach your peak,

and change what the Adams Family thought about you."

Only then did he know that they were all illegitimate children of the Adams Family; only then did he know that his

mother was tortured by that man.

Alba was young at that time. He was a young man who was enthusiastic and energetic. After hearing those words,

he wanted to seek revenge on the Adams Family right away!

However, Rudy advised him in a low voice, "You are not young and naive anymore, so you should know that the

world is a place where the strong are respected. You can desire to take revenge on the Adams Family, but you don't

have the ability for now, so before that, you must know how to hide, enrich yourself, perfect yourself, and wait for

your skills to accumulate and grow."

"What if I can't do so?"

"Then, you'll be useless."

Sure enough, he became useless, but he didn't have the slightest regret, because he saved his beloved woman!

May might not have survived if he hadn't been desperate to save her. Losing his own legs was nothing compared to

her life! It didn't matter if he sacrificed himself as long as she was saved.

He loved her without hesitation. He wanted her to live a better life than him.

When he became a cripple, he withdrew from her world bearing all the pain and suffering, but she still found him

after many years.

Back then, he truly thought he was unworthy of her. He was too embarrassed and felt undeserving to accept her


Moreover, he confronted May after years when she was at her peak. Her beauty and her elegance exuded from

her actions, as well as her figure, were way out of his league. How could a crippled man dressed in an outdated

down jacket with patches all over be worthy of her? He pretended not to recognize her subconsciously and

concealed the wave of emotions in his heart.

Tears were already welling up in his heart.

The second time he saw Rudy was on the day before he came to the lake. Rudy was now a high-ranking man with

whom the Adams Family wished to curry favor. He relied on his strength to impress and scare the Adams Family!

Alba called him, "Rud."

Rudy looked at him contemptuously. "You lost."

Alba shook his head. "I didn't lose. I just made a different choice, and that choice is more important than impressing

the Adams Family. If I had to choose again, I would still do the same."

"Are you sure?" Rudy questioned indifferently.

After saying that, Rudy left.

He didn't seem willing to play along with a useless illegitimate son like him.

Despite that, Alba was grateful for Rudy because the latter was the only family member who encouraged him to

work hard instead of resenting him.

Thinking of the past, Alba felt bitter. He looked at the man in front of him and muttered, "I am useless."

As the breeze blew across the lake, Alba mused silently in his heart, I'm useless. I'm just a waste, but I have a

beautiful woman who loves me and never despises me. That is more than enough.

"Al, will you sacrifice yourself for our family?"

Alba was startled as he sat in his wheelchair. Staring at his father in astonishment, he asked, "What do you mean,

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Father? Why are you saying that all of a sudden?"

"Someone wants you dead!"

The middle-aged man pushed him to the lake, causing Alba to beg for mercy, "Father, don't do this. I beg you.

Please don't. I will leave the Adams Family immediately! Father, please! Please, spare me, will you?"

Alba feared nothing but death! He feared leaving May just like that!

As soon as the thought of leaving May popped up in his mind, tears immediately fell from his eyes as he looked at

his father in fear. When his father looked at him, he reprimanded again, "You worthless thing!"

The wheelchair gradually slipped into the lake, but Alba was still struggling. "Father, I just want to be by her side.

That's all! That's my only insignificant wish!"

Alba's whole body had fallen into the lake. Since he couldn't feel his legs, he suddenly felt hopeless, and he

remembered the scene when he first met May.

Back then, he was just a punk who often skipped classes and mingled with other hooligans in the streets.

He had no one to discipline him. His grandmother whom he grew up with never bothered about him!

He met May on a sunny and humid day. She was wearing a white dress, and the hems of her dress swayed with the

wind. From afar, she asked him, "Excuse me, are you, Alba Adams?"

"Yeah, why?" he replied in a ruffled way.

"Nothing. People say you are a bad student, but I don't think so. You are handsome, kind, and youthful."

Alba was surprised as it was his first time hearing such comments about him.

When the cold lake water submerged his whole body, Alba mused silently in his heart, "May, we have come this far

in this lifetime. I might be terrified of death, but now... I hope you can meet someone like me, who loves you over

his life. I want you to be happy and not sad because of my departure..."

He sighed one last time in his heart, I can't bear to leave you, May… I really can't…

Alba's death was a fatal blow to May's mental health. Following the news of his death, she was depressed for a long

time until she met Rudy.

She wasn't a fickle woman, and it wasn't that she had forgotten about Alba, but she craved warmth.

She had been living in an icy cold world, but Rudy's emergence gave her a space to breathe!

In the past, she was able to wait for Alba for many years and even rejected Alfred's advances because she was

sure that Alba was still alive in this world!

There was nothing wrong with her accepting Rudy since she had a chance to choose happiness again, but she

never forgot to bring justice to Alba.

She never forgot about him. He was a part of her past that she couldn't remove! Perhaps, she didn't want to forget

about him, and besides, everyone's past was worthy of respect.

Just when she thought the truth was as she imagined, she heard a shocking secret—the Larson Family was the true

murderers behind Alba's death, and now, Alfred had frankly admitted it himself!

What should she do now?

Kill Alfred to avenge Alba?

She wasn't a killer!

All of a sudden, emotions took over her. She felt suffocated. She bawled her heart out at the man on the other end

of the line. "I hate you so, so much, Alfred Larson!"

Alfred, who was badly injured, felt his heart turning cold and unbearably painful.

She was crying. She was crying in such a heartbreaking way.

She even said she hated him over the phone.

He already predicted the outcome because he knew Alba was her bottom line, and the Larson Family crossed that


"I'm sorry, May."

An apology wasn't enough to make things right.

"You're worse than a beast, Alfred Larson!"