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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates by Miss L

Chapter 138
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No, they don't, but you can choose to tell them or not.

It's not a secret you have to keep, but can if you want.

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They clearly know something is going on with you.

I look up at all of them. This is exciting news for me. Something I have wanted for myself for so long, I don't remember a tnot dreaming of this day. I am so excited I don't want to keep it from them. I finally have people to share things like this with, accomplishments that have been in the works for years. I beam at the Alpha then each of my friends. The Alpha King, Warrior Nickolas and Warrior Osiston wantto train to be an Elite Warrior." I basically squeal. Kota stiffens under me. Cam grips the edge of his fathers desk, knuckles going instantly wthite and Oliver's face drops and he sinks to his knees, breathing heavily.

"Bitty, I thought we talked about this. He breathes in deep like it's difficult. "You can't leave. We need you, can't you see that?" Why is he pleading witt me? This is good news.

I move to get up, but Kota's iron grip won't letmove an inch. I try again, pushing with my hands this time. He's not looking at me, but at his father, with a glare that would bring a lesser man crumbling down. I reach out to Oliver, wanting to ease his obvious pain. He doesn't move, just stares atin disbelief.

'[I'm not leaving now and it's not forever." I try and reason with them, “It's just training. You guys all know I want to train to be an elite warrior, this shouldn't be a shock They won't even letstart for another year at the earliest, but I didn't want to keep it from you. This is exciting news!" I try to sound cheerful, but their reactions are not what I expected and it's tough to keep up my enthusiasm. "Besides, you are all leaving in a few weeks, SEARCH the Findwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

even Sierra, you can't be upset that I want to go train to be my best self too.” When none of them relax and their sad and angry expressions stay the sslump against Kota's chest, feeling angry as my own revelation sinks in They are all leaving and leavingbehind. And they are totally okay with that. What hypocrites, they are all going to leavehere alone while they go off and learn how to do a job that the moon goddess designed for them, but they want to keephere under lock and key like a fragile flower anc go off to have fun and adventures. They are no better than my dad with his baby factory thoughts. 2 I can feel the tears burning the back of my eyes and normally I would blink them away or run and hide so they won't see them, but the more I think about the injustice of their motives the more the angry tears build and I eventually just let them fall. I don't sob, Pm not wracked with heartbreak, I'm furious. Angry tears just fall at the revelation that they wantstuck here too, with no ambitions of my own, only what they allow. Just continue on the well worn path that they are comfortable with, caged like a pretty bird only for display, never allowed to spread her wings and see what she is capable of. I am the trophy to show off as a party trick when other high ranking wolves cto visit. The freakshowthat they can use to make the pack look better.

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I stare at the window, letting my dark thoughts spiral, a strong longing to be in the forest outside hitting me, feeling the walls closing in onsuddenly. My body starts to shake with the anger coursing through me, boiling in my veins. I push at Kota's arms again, the steel embrace keepingfirmly in place.

"Move your arms Dakota and letup before I break them." I say it as calmly as possible, but the anger is definitely there.

He hesitates for just a moment before he snaps out of whatever trance he 's locked in with his father and slowly loosens his arms. "We need to talk about this Smalls, you can't just leave us to go off on your own, it's not safe.”

"No!" I stood up, breaking his hold onwith more force than was m probably necessary kind of hope I leave a mark for at least a little while. Alphas tend to heal quickly. I backed toward the door like a caged animal ready to strike. "You all can talk about this. Talk about how to wrap your tiny minds around this. I point at the three of them. [When the Alpha King calls forI will go. Until then keep your distance, all of you. No more nicknames, no more slumber parties and hanging out. I am not your play-toy or your property. I am a warrior of this pack and will be treated as such. My nis

Skylar and you will use only that. You are all leaving for training, leavingbehind, it's bullsh*t to think that I can't do the same. You are no friends of

mine if you can't see what I truly want for my life and be supportive. You are a bunch of hypocrites. I don't a raise my voice or yell at them, just state the facts.